rune hunter

Chapter 194

Chapter 194
Due to the special geological structure, the wind and sand in the sky of brown soil hills never stops. However, in the late summer of the year, with the alternation of hot and cold air, the rainfall continues to decrease, and the wind force also weakens. Rarely sunny weather.For the Aboriginal people of the land, this time is also known as the Festival of Fire.

In the days of the Fire Festival, the residents of the Brown Earth Hills will tacitly put down their butcher knives and go out to enjoy the scorching sunshine. At the same time, they will take out the goods that they have robbed and cannot use, and exchange information with their good neighbors who have just met. .This period of time was the tacit peace period of all races and forces, which gradually evolved into unwritten rules.

Every ten years, the water level of the Thorn River across the brown earth hills will skyrocket, bringing rare vitality to this land.And this time happened to coincide with the Fire Festival of that year, thus forming a more grand festival - the Sahara Fire Festival.

The purpose of the Flame Festival is different from the usual one.The once-in-a-decade Sahara Flame Conference is a stage for many forces in the Brown Earth Hills to show their strength.In this land of no man, there are scenes of grievances and hatreds being staged every moment. Ten years is enough for the major forces to undergo earth-shaking changes.The new leaders need such an opportunity to come together to redefine the spheres of influence.How much cake can be distributed, naturally each has to speak according to its own strength.

However, since the Fire Festival is a rare truce, it would be embarrassing for everyone to get together and fight, so the way to show their strength later became more elegant, and it looked more like a performance for the festival.For example, the few bigwigs who are engaged in the robber industry, the way they show their strength is naturally - to compare who robs the goods that are more valuable at this time.

Three hundred kilometers away from the commercial road that the exiles traveled, in a sheltered valley in the middle of the Brown Earth Hills, there is an underground branch of the Thorn River hidden.Because the terrain here is easy to attack and difficult to defend, no force has been able to occupy this water source for a long time in the past few hundred years.Over time, this place has become a default neutral area for all parties.

The stronghold in the valley has developed into a settlement of hundreds of people. No matter what the environment is, as long as there are human social relations, there will never be a shortage of the two oldest professions - thieves and prostitutes. Combined with the owner's business, it becomes the basic element of the tavern.

Roger never trusted unfamiliar taverns, because when he was young, he had the tragic experience of being drunk and dragged into a small dark room by the tavern owner to have sex.It's just that he had a face that was prettier than a woman's, which made those rough guys who haven't seen a woman for many years completely unable to control it.

Although this kind of experience was only this time, when he cut off the boss's penis and eggs and hung them at the door, and then slashed his own face, no one troubled him again...but he still Keep this in mind and use it as a warning.

Pushing open the door of the tavern, a pungent smell mixed with low-quality alcohol and strenuous exercise of men and women rushed to the face. Roger frowned, held his breath, and at the same time secretly thanked himself for wearing a face scarf early.Although it was not the first time he had come to this tavern to do business, he would never be able to bear the filth and filth here.

A lot of malicious eyes glanced over, but they quickly dispersed after seeing the scimitar on his waist.There are masked men wrapping themselves into rice dumplings everywhere in the Brown Earth Hills, but there is only one masked man with the golden machete——Roger "Ghost Wolf", the leader of the Ghost Wolf Thieves.His previous nickname was Beauty, but then all the people who called him that called him died, so the nickname naturally changed accordingly.

The tavern maid with big breasts and fat buttocks brushed away the customer's salty pig's hand, came to Roger, bowed her head respectfully and said, "My lord, your guest has arrived, and he is still at the old place..."

"Understood, I'll go by myself." Roger waved his hand impatiently, signaling the maid not to disturb him.He quickly crossed the bar, kicked open the secret door hidden on the wall, and walked into the secret passage inside.

However, in all such dirty taverns, some additional secret passages and secret rooms have always been built, which can be used for smuggling goods, harboring suspects, secret negotiations, and various other shady activities.

Roger walked into the secret room and saw that most of the guests he had invited had already arrived.An old man with a black beard was hanging out with another coquettish lady, flirting with each other and talking nasty words of love.An ogre with a height of two meters and a waist of two meters was sitting in the corner, holding a giant leg bone that didn't know what it was, and kept gnawing.The only middle-aged businessman sitting at the table looked well-dressed and polite, but since he could sit here, he wouldn't be a kind person.

"Wow, little Roger, you're finally here! I'm so distracted by waiting." The lady who was tired of being around the old man was the first to notice Roger's footsteps, raised her eyebrows and let out a coquettish moan. laughter.

"Isn't it just right to be upset?" The black-bearded old man wiped his saliva and smiled maliciously: "Poison widow, why don't we go upstairs to do some business first, and then listen to this kid's nonsense when we come back? Dad let you know What is old but strong!"

"Hey, Dad, your skin is getting thicker and thicker." The poisonous widow spat lightly, ignoring Blackbeard's teasing, and looked at Roger with watery green eyes, standing up intentionally or unintentionally He straightened his rough white and tender chest.

"Young people don't like you now, poisonous widow." The middle-aged businessman sitting on the side sneered, "If you want to seduce Brother Roger, you have to give up your precious daughter. "

"If you want to say that in this valley with a radius of hundreds of miles, the only one who is worthy of my daughter is little Roger. As long as he nods, what's wrong?" The poisonous widow rolled her eyes at the middle-aged businessman , Jiaochen said: "It's you, a black-hearted profiteer, why should you sell my daughter?"

The ogre raised his head and looked at everyone, his throat bulged, he didn't speak, and continued to gnaw his own bones with his head down.

Roger watched the cynicism among several people with cold eyes, and was unmoved by the poisonous widow's flattery.The few people sitting here now, although they don't seem to be very important, are actually the big bosses who hold the right to speak in this land.These old fellows are getting older and more cunning one by one, every word that comes out of their mouths is full of venom, whoever is foolish enough to believe it will be eaten immediately without any bones left.

"Why haven't Hawkeye and the shepherd come yet?" Roger glanced around and found that everyone hadn't arrived yet, so he asked.

"The idiot Hawkeye has taken refuge below, and the shepherd seems to have gone mad again." The poisonous widow put away her charming smile, stretched out her finger and pointed to the ground, and at the same time showed a puzzled expression on her face: "An idiot, a Crazy, it doesn't matter if you come or not. Little Roger, with me, Daddy Blackbeard, Golden Hand and Groom here, I can already speak for the southern forces. You put so much effort into connecting everyone, Don't treat us like beggars~"

"They're not here, I'm afraid we won't be able to eat." Roger sneered and shook his head.

"That's a bit too much to say." The black bearded father put down the wine glass in his hand, looked at Roger coldly, and said with a disdainful smile on his face: "Boy, your qualifications are still young, you must respect your seniors. It would be a little too arrogant if you judge others by your own small playing team."

"Blackbeard, your anger is still so rough." The businessman nicknamed Golden Hand shook his head and said, "Why don't you think about the good side? Regardless of whether Brother Roger's judgment is wrong or not, at least it shows that there are indeed big fat sheep what."

"This sheep is indeed fat enough, but it is also hard enough. Whether you can chew it off... You can judge for yourself." Roger took out a roll of parchment from his sleeve and put it on the table.The poisonous widow smiled at Blackbeard and Golden Hand, first picked up the parchment, cleared her throat and read.

"The total number of exiled refugees in Istaren is more than 6000, most of them are women and children. There are more than 500 soldiers and mercenaries, and there are countless carriages and goods..."

Although it was only rough information, everyone's expressions couldn't help but change when they read out these numbers.As Roger said, this is a fat sheep that is beyond imagination, enough to support people to death.

"The Sahara Flame Conference is coming soon, and the situation in our south this year is not very optimistic..." Roger carefully observed everyone's reactions, and said slowly: "If we can eat this fat sheep, those bastards His face will definitely be very exciting."

"This is really a golden opportunity." The excitement on Dian Jinshou's face couldn't be concealed, he knocked on the table, and said in a low voice: "Since there are so many soldiers escorting it, there must be a lot of oil and water in it." .”

"I didn't say anything, what a fucking vote!" Blackbeard slapped the table and shouted.Even the ogre, who was sitting in the corner with his head down and gnawed on his bones, snorted.

"This is really a surprise, little Roger." The poisonous widow put down the parchment, stared into Roger's eyes and smiled: "But... I don't think it's that simple, right?"

Although her voice was not loud, it instantly calmed down the excited Black Beard and Golden Hand.Although the poisonous widow is a female stream, she also has the most delicate mind, and she often thinks more about problems than others.

"If I can eat alone, why should I contact everyone." Roger put away the parchment and sneered: "You only saw those women and goods, didn't you notice the first word on it? They are Istarenians! Fifteen hundred fully armed Istaronian warriors!"

"People from Istaren...Damn it." Blackbeard rolled his eyes, silently picked up his cup, and said nothing.

"Not only are they from Istaren, but they are also ruthless." Roger sighed and smiled wryly: "Do you still remember Scar Willie's group? The people from Istaren only took less than 10 minutes Just kill them all, cut up the corpses and feed them to the dogs, pile up their heads and set them on fire...their commander must be a deranged lunatic."

(End of this chapter)

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