rune hunter

Chapter 195 Rune - Love

Chapter 195 Rune - Love
The Istaron warriors declared their toughness to the land in the most brutal way, but the effect was not obvious.The irrational hyena still lingered near the team, while the more cunning beasts curled up their claws and silently waited for the opportunity.

There is nothing wrong with the way El chooses, the problem is that he hasn't killed enough.The bandits living on the brown earth hills are as stubborn as the wind and sand here. In the face of the temptation of huge interests, even if they know the danger, they will desperately try their own methods.

In the thinking logic of the bandits, even though there were as many as 500 warriors, mercenaries and guards in Istaron, compared to the huge and bloated team of exiles, it was somewhat powerless.Although they can't beat the regular army, as long as they find a gap and rush into the team, even if they only take away a woman, it can be regarded as a big profit.

In the brown earth hilly area where the living environment is harsh, female slaves are very valuable, and the majority of the exiles are women, which is like a moving golden mountain in the eyes of robbers.In the face of such considerable benefits, it is not unacceptable even if there is a loss of manpower in his team.

Regarding the lucky thoughts of the robbers, all El can do is massacre, merciless massacre. Only when these robbers are completely killed to the point of fear, and they realize that the reward is completely out of proportion, they will put away tusks.

It was the end of another day of travel, and the uniform hilly terrain made it difficult for the refugees to judge how far they had traveled, so they looked extraordinarily tired.El led the cavalry back from the mountain pass in front, his body covered with the blood of the enemy as always.During the battles these days, Pallanti put on the military uniform again, and put a mask on his face, obviously hating the smell of blood on his body.

A girl who has been self-disciplined as a soldier, no matter how unbearable she is, she will not waste precious water.However, human wisdom often produces inspiration only in despair, and the girl quickly found a substitute—wiping the blood stains on the armor with hay fed to the horses. Although the effect was not satisfactory, it was still a solution.

The legendary ghost wolf thieves group has never shown up. Instead, those scattered small forces gathered around like flies and refused to give up. The mental state of the robbers is the same, waiting for others to attract the attention of the army, and then Take advantage of yourself by copying the back road.

But they obviously didn't expect that they would face a silver-ranked sharpshooter.No matter what kind of ambush plan they devise, they can't escape El's true sight.And when their plan was revealed and they wanted to escape, they couldn't escape the blow of the bow and arrow.El replaced some of the knights with Ahmed's mountain hunters. They knew the mountain environment like the back of their hands, and they almost never failed to deal with these low-level thieves.

So far, the deterrent effect of the Istaron warriors on the bandits is continuing to ferment. El believes that it will not take long before those truly threatening opponents will be drawn out. As long as they are defeated again, the rest of the journey will be much easier .

Now the biggest problem that the exile team has to face comes from inside.Since two days ago, there have been abnormal downsizing in the team.The wind and sand pervading the brown earth hills pose a great threat to the children's fragile respiratory system.Although the adults did their best to ensure their safety, the physical fitness of the children themselves was not optimistic.

As of yesterday, hundreds of children had cough symptoms of varying degrees, and three of them were young children with persistent high fevers. Even with the diagnosis and treatment of the sacrificial priests, they still did not survive in the end.

But relatively speaking, there are also some children who quickly adapted to the current environment and showed tenacious resilience at the same time.When El returned to the camp, he saw the Kobold Apache leading a group of bear children digging pits to look for earthworms.

The ground of the brown earth hills is as hard as a rock, and almost no grass grows, but because of this, the earthworms living here are fat and can grow to the thickness of a child's arm.According to a professional gourmet, the digging muscles of this kind of earthworm are very strong, and the taste is extraordinary.

Under the command of the kobolds, the children regarded the work of digging earthworms as a game and had a great time digging.The vibrant smiles on their faces put their respective mothers at ease and made the returning soldiers turn blue.

With El's acquiescence, Wesley and Apache announced that they could exchange the earthworms for military rations, which made the children who could never have enough to eat full of enthusiasm.But in contrast, the soldiers will silently swallow their tears into their stomachs.

"Oh, no..." Pallanti turned her head stiffly, and subconsciously looked away from the basket full of earthworms, her fingers holding the sword hilt trembled slightly, and her face was filled with a resolute expression of wanting to die in battle .But even so, she just gritted her teeth and didn't say a word of no.

Food should be reserved for children, especially these gifted children, who need more nutrition.None of the fighters disputed that.However, the excavated earthworms cannot be wasted. Before crossing the brown soil hills, saving food and water are necessary tasks.

El squatted beside the carriage, sipping a bowl of mishmash, squinting his eyes to watch the children run back to their mother carefully holding the soldiers' rations.Not long after, some women came over with their children carrying crocks for cooking porridge. Amid the blushing refusal of the soldiers, they stubbornly kept the meals they had cooked.

After these days of running-in, the kindness of the soldiers has finally been recognized by the refugees.Before this, both the refugees and themselves regarded themselves as deserters, and the psychological barrier between the two sides was difficult to dissolve.However, with the unremitting efforts of the soldiers, the ice and snow in the hearts of the refugees were finally quietly melted.Speaking of it, most of the credit for this is really due to the hodgepodge of friendship of the gray goblins, which in a sense allowed the warriors to win the sympathy of the women.

"Tell me in advance that I won't eat that kind of food." Laurana's voice came slowly from the car door, sounding a little unhappy: "And you are not allowed to requisition the ingredients on the carriage, they are my property .”

"Okay, don't worry, miss." El shrugged, put down the bowl and looked back.Laurana was still huddled in a dark corner with her cloak on, only two shining eyes were exposed.She has been acting sneaky since she woke up, and she doesn't know if it's the sequelae of the injury.El asked several times, but failed to pry the answer out of the young lady's mouth.

Laurana stretched out her nose like a puppy and sniffed, her tense face slowly relaxed.She leaned behind Er, and asked with a smile: "General Er, are you guarding yourself again?"

"It's hard to say, it depends on who you are referring to." El rubbed his chin and smiled.

"Heh heh heh~" Laurana let out a sneer that I already knew the truth, stretched out her fingers and gently scratched El's leather armor, and handed it to El's eyes: "There is no smell of blood today? You It must be stealing water, right?"

"No, you guessed wrong." El said seriously: "Actually, I wiped it with horse urine."

"The acidity of horse urine will cause serious corrosion to leather. I happen to have a potion here that can neutralize it." Laurana took out a bottle of strangely colored potion from her cuff without changing expression, and said with a smile.

"No need, anyway, this armor of mine is also a half-defective product." El sternly refused with cold sweat on his face.Except for the time when he was drinking, basically every time he molested the eldest lady, he would be molested back. This is because Chi Guoguo's IQ is suppressed, and there is nothing he can do about it.

"Actually, this is it." Seeing that Laurana wanted to uncork the medicine bottle, Er hurriedly stretched out his hand, shaking the black ring on his finger in front of her eyes.Five blue runes with different shapes but seem to be connected with each other slipped across his fingertips and joined together to form a semicircular halo.

"Has a new rune been awakened? No... I haven't seen this one before, are there two?" Laurana squinted her eyes to observe the shape of the rune carefully, and immediately noticed the abnormality.

"The tenth rune is called Rao, which means love, and the twelve runes is called Cypher, which means sacrifice." El looked at the two newly added runes in his hand, with a wry smile on his lips: "After awakening these two runes, my second cycle is basically ready."

"I just want to know if you can do laundry for free with the new ability?" Laurana raised her eyebrows and smiled lightly.

"How is it possible, it just absorbed the blood stains." El stretched out two fingers, put the two newly obtained runes on the fingertips, and introduced them respectively: "The ability of the love rune is a hit, even if it is The opponent who resists my attack will also receive the damage that should have been hit, and the ability of sacrificing the rune is bloodthirsty rage, which can absorb the blood of the enemy and the enemy to increase my strength."

"One hit and bloodthirsty rage? Why does it sound so weird?" Laurana frowned and pondered for a moment, and couldn't help asking: "In your understanding of the world, what do these two runes represent? ?”

"The day Istaron fell, I went back to save Tika..." El bit his lip and said in a low voice: "That day I led the remnants of the city to fight all the way, and in the end I didn't even know that I killed them." Where did I go. There were fires all around, and I couldn’t even tell the north, south, east, and west... Actually, I almost found Tika at that time, but I couldn’t hold on in the end.”

"Sorry..." Laurana leaned lightly on El's shoulder and whispered.

Al shook his head, the sadness on his face flashed away.

"The love I feel is the distance between each other. I passed by Tika, but I failed to grab her hand, and life and death have been separated since then. So the real ability of this rune is to bridge the distance. "

 Today's popularity suddenly skyrocketed, and the little heart of toothpaste was thumping in fright. Thanks to the book friends who helped me push the book, thank you for your support!
(End of this chapter)

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