rune hunter

Chapter 196 Blasphemy

Chapter 196 Blasphemy
As the night fell, the noisy sounds in the camp gradually subsided, and the children fell asleep in their mother's arms.The soldiers tidied up their weapons and equipment silently, closed their eyes and rested their minds to prepare for battle.After entering the brown earth hills, the Istaron army had to be divided into several teams in order to take care of the head and tail of the exiles.

Harassment regardless of day or night is the fatigue tactic that bandits are best at.Even an armed caravan with a strong defense force can hardly bear this kind of constant temptation.As long as fatigue accumulates to a certain limit, defensive mistakes will inevitably occur, and the bandits will seize this opportunity to swarm up, even if they fail, they can tear off a piece of flesh and blood to fill their hungry stomachs.

There is nothing wrong with this tactic, and it can even be said to be the best choice, but the bandits, who were blinded by the huge benefits in front of them, completely forgot about the huge power gap between the two sides.Although the Istaron exiles are a team of refugees, their overall combat effectiveness is far beyond ordinary people's imagination.

In this team, there are not only regular troops, noble private soldiers, mercenaries, chamber guards and other armed forces mixed in, but even the women who are refugees do not lack the courage to kill people with a ladle and kitchen knife. Every wool is a porcupine quill.

On the other hand, looking at the bandit side, due to the harsh environmental conditions, they are basically homeless gangs of three or five, who linger behind the team like flies with the mentality of wanting to get a bargain.A slightly larger group, such as the group of horse thieves that El used to set an example, only had about a hundred people.Without a deep background, a solid nest, and stable income, the little capital earned from robbery on the business road alone cannot afford to support the consumption of the brigade.

For Al and his soldiers, these low-level characters are just scabies and nothing to worry about.The real threats to worry about are those big forces that have not yet shown up.

According to Jupiter, an old businessman who once walked this commercial road, in the past 20 years, Blackbeard's Bandit Group has been firmly occupying the main commercial road in the south of Brown Earth Hills, with thousands of men and horses under him, and they are extremely vicious And the momentum is prominent.However, with the rise of the Ghost Wolf Bandit Group and the rivalry between the two tigers, the situation in the south became more complicated.

With the approach of the Sahara Flame Conference, the forces in the brown earth hills are facing another reshuffle. Whether it is an old-school gangster or a new gangster, I am afraid that they will all set their sights on the exile team.

Uninvited guests with ulterior motives love to use the darkness to approach the camp, and they enjoy it every night.Some people were silent, lurking quietly waiting for the opportunity, and some people pretended to be ghosts in the distance, making weird sounds like howling wolves, trying to attract attention.These poor robbers have no idea that they have been exposed to the surveillance range of the army's secret sentry.

Of course, with El's perception ability, he can also lock the positions of these voyeurs, but instead of wasting time dealing with these jumping clowns, he feels that he still has many more valuable questions to think about.

In the dead of night, El didn't feel sleepy. He sat outside the carriage, took out the crystal ball and put it in front of his eyes, and slowly turned it so that the moonlight reflected by the crystal ball reflected on his face, and his eyes were full of faint blue rays of light. Fly by.

"It's so far away, the communication crystal has expired, shouldn't it be returned to me?" Laurana's lazy voice suddenly came from behind.

"Aren't you afraid of dark circles under your eyes if you don't go to bed so late?" El said, and handed the crystal ball back.After losing the communication function, this crystal ball is only a memorial to him, and it is useless to keep it. It is better to return it to Laurana. With the alchemy skills of the young lady, maybe it can be recycled and reused. .

"I slept too much during the day... Besides, some people seem to be at a loss and need guidance?" Laurana leaned on El's shoulder and smiled sweetly.

"If it was a problem you could solve, I would have asked it a long time ago." El said with a helpless sigh.

"Even if I can't solve it, you can tell me." Laurana blew lightly into El's ear, and said with a smile, "You're not still pondering... the issue of bringing the dead back to life, are you? "

"No, what I was thinking just now was how to kill a god." El shook his head and said.

"..." Laurana closed her mouth, stared into El's eyes, and when she realized that he was not joking, she immediately rolled her eyes, pulled on her cloak and was about to go back to sleep.

"Hey, hey, you asked, right? What does this attitude mean?" El grabbed Laurana's arm and pulled the girl back forcibly.

"Let go of me! You blasphemer!" Laurana yelled angrily. She gave El a vicious look, broke away from his hand and pulled away from him, and said angrily, "When you say When you make such blasphemous remarks, you will no longer be favored by the gods, and you will be punished by the gods! Stay away from me!"

"If you want to talk about God's punishment, we have already experienced it." El curled his lips and glanced at the camp outside.If it is said that blasphemy will be condemned by the gods, what mistakes did the people of Istaren commit?

Laurana froze for a moment, then fell silent.As a personal experiencer of that disaster, her feelings are undoubtedly deeper than those of the refugees.Although she did not participate in the final battle, she also basically learned the truth about the apostles in the descriptions of El and Tiana.

With her clever mind, the conclusions deduced from this were far more terrifying than what El knew.

"Hey, even though you say that...but you don't even know what a 'god' is." Laurana was silent for a while, then suddenly raised her head and said in a low voice.

"Isn't God just..." Er just wanted to answer, but stopped when he reached his mouth.When Laurana asked this question, he realized that he had almost no idea about gods.

what is godThere may be a specific image in the minds of the clergy, but in the impression of ordinary people, God is God, a supreme, omnipotent, omniscient existence.In the stories chanted by bards, the descriptions of gods are often based on human kings as prototypes, such as gods possessing endless wealth and beauties...

But in fact, this is just a pure fantasy of human beings.

"According to alchemists' understanding of the world, gods are the rules." Laurana stretched out a finger, pointing to the bonfire in the camp and said: "Flame can burn, bring heat and light, this is the basic world rule , Prometheus is the god of fire, and he is also the embodiment of the law of fire."

"Basic rules?" Al keenly grasped a keyword he couldn't understand.

"This is just a theoretical statement. The real definition of the gods is more complicated." Now that the chatterbox has been opened, Laurana no longer keeps it, and narrates what she knows.

"The world we live in is full of unknowable dangers. The demon lord hides under the eighteen layers of abyss hell, and the earth-walking Virgin resides in the extremely cold place... There are countless powerful beings in the Zhoutian starry sky. It is difficult for ignorant mortals to measure the power gap between them, so they can only be called by the name of "god". However, a god in the true sense must have three elements-divine power, divinity and godhead. oft-mentioned Holy Trinity."

"To put it in a way you can understand, the so-called divine power can only possess infinite power when it reaches the top of the world. The so-called divinity is faith. Believers' belief in the laws represented by the gods is what condenses the godhead. The foundation. The so-called godhead is the embodiment of the law, and only after the godhead is condensed can it be called a real god."

"No, I still can't understand what you said. Can you lower the difficulty a little more?" El's expression was dull for a while, and he couldn't help but smirk, and smiled flatteringly at Laurana.

"Do you think I'm discussing stewed potatoes with cabbage with you?" Laurana's eyes widened, her face full of hopelessness.The corners of her mouth twitched for a long time, and she let out a long sigh.

"Well, let me use a metaphor that you can understand." She pondered for a long time, and then said again: "Take our current team as a metaphor, you are the commander of the army, but not the team The only leader here. And Miss Tiana presiding over the Council of Exiles."

"If you want to gain the real leadership of this team, you need three things. First, your personal strength is enough to convince the crowd; second, everyone trusts you; third, you You must lead everyone to find a way to survive. As long as you meet these three points, you will become the undisputed leader of this team."

"Look at what you said, don't I understand, hehehe..." El nodded, and smiled at Laurana: "According to what you said, the Lord of Death is actually trying to seize power, right? , if he wants to become a god, he must snatch Naluo's seat..."

"It's just a metaphor. The war between the gods is not that simple." Laurana poked Er's back twice fiercely, pointing to the bonfire outside.

"In our understanding, flames burn, bringing heat and light. This is Prometheus' most basic definition of the rules of fire. If someone wants to compete for his godhood, it means re-establishing the rules of flames. Interpretation. If another god inherits the priesthood of flame, then perhaps the pair of bonfires will bring coldness and darkness. Every change of godhead means a change to the basic rules of the world."

"So lighting a bonfire at that time would freeze people to death instead?" El was really surprised this time.

"So...don't think too much, that's not a war that us mortals can participate in." Laurana covered her mouth and yawned a little, then waved her hand and said, "Go to bed early, General El the God Slayer."

 Thank you for your support, the toothpaste needs to be painted on the wall with feces, speed up the coding and strive for double updates!

(End of this chapter)

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