rune hunter

Chapter 197 Attack

Chapter 197 Attack
Because of the factors of the ecological environment, the brown soil hills are constantly windy and sandy all the year round. The innumerable high and low hills make the windy sand as sharp as a knife. In some special areas, huge cyclones will occasionally erupt, which is also called mountain-crossing wind. .When the team of exiles who are not familiar with the geographical situation plunges into the valley, it is tantamount to stepping into a natural trap.

The violent mountain wind caused great trouble to the exile team. The refugee team, which was barely able to maintain order, became uncontrollable chaos under the raging wind.Some children disappeared in the wind and sand, and their mothers ran aimlessly in the queue in order to retrieve their children, disrupting the originally orderly queue and further increasing the chaos.

The bandits who had been prepared for a long time launched an attack following the tail of the storm. This time they gathered more than a dozen gangs, and took advantage of the opportunity when the chaos of the exiles had not yet subsided, they attacked aggressively from the side valley path.Obviously, this was not the first time they had taken advantage of the natural traps here. The timing of their attack was perfect. The Istaren fighters' defensive formation had not had time to gather, and they had already rushed to the gap exposed by the team.

According to the usual routine of the robbers, they should first harass the team continuously, and then rush in to kill and show their prestige. As long as the stubborn thorns are eliminated, the others will naturally lose the will to resist.However, this routine obviously does not apply to the current situation.All the robbers who have experienced the fighting along the way have a personal experience of the fighting power of the Istaron fighters. When they react, it is impossible for them to reap any benefits.

The horse thief who rushed to the front rode his horse into the refugee group, leaned down and reached out to fish, hugged a sweet-looking girl by the waist, pressed it tightly on the saddle, turned around and was about to retreat, for the people in the carriage full of Goods are dismissed.He knew very well that the people of Eastalen would not give him time to search through the goods, so it would be more practical to grab a beauty in this case.Judging by the girl's appearance, even if it is not an original product, it can be bought at a good price in the market.

While his companions were swarming up, the leading bandit had already turned his horse's head and quietly turned back towards the original road. The joy of success made him feel a little elated, and he had already begun to have unrealistic fantasies in his heart.He didn't notice at all that the kidnapped girl neither cried nor struggled, but just raised her head and looked at him coldly, her eyes were like looking at a dead person.

Among the other robbers, there were also smart people with dexterous minds. If they wanted to steal something, they hurried away, but the refugees had already fled quickly after the initial panic, and the caravan guards and mercenaries mixed in with the refugees took the opportunity to greet them In terms of strength, although their strength is not outstanding, it is more than enough to protect refugees from robbers.

Seeing that the woman with two legs could not be caught, the Istaron warriors were about to surround her, and the impatient robber immediately turned his attention back to the truck beside him.Originally, in the robber business, looting goods in battle was a taboo.No matter how valuable the goods on the carriage were, snatching them would definitely put a burden on the horses. If the horses couldn't run, they would be like mermaids.

But at this time, I can't take care of that much, no matter what it is, as long as it can be grabbed, it is not in vain.A bandit split open the sacks above the wagon with an ax, and golden oats poured from the opening.The robber cursed bad luck, although food was very important to them, but at this time it was of no robbery value.

Most of the caravans that ventured through the brown earth hills transported valuable goods, and most of the time they were even luxuries for smuggling. No idiot would bring food here.However, the exile team is composed of refugees, and food is the most important resource for them.

"No heavy cargo! Fly away! Fly away!" Seeing that similar sacks were loaded on the nearby carriages, the robbers were immediately disappointed, shouted while pulling their necks, and then rushed away.While uttering strange screams and sinister laughter, spreading an atmosphere of fear everywhere, they brandished knives and guns and started a short contact battle with the mercenaries.

The mercenaries and caravan guards lacked the discipline of the army, and it was difficult to deal with the unscrupulous attacks of the bandits in a hurry. They suffered a dull loss just after contacting them. Five or six guards had their heads chopped off as soon as they met, and fell on the bandits' horseshoes. Down, the line of defense is also broken.

The robbers who saw the blood became more and more arrogant. They broke through the barrier and roared away along the original road.

But at this moment, the sound of galloping horseshoes sounded in their ears at the same time, and the cavalry from Istaren had already rushed over, biting their tails tightly.

At the other end of the valley, on the hills thousands of meters away from the scene, hundreds of bandits wrapped in ghost wolf scarves lurked silently under the rock wall. Scimitar, looking solemnly at the valley in the distance, a trace of caution flashed across his face.

"Boss, we have ambushed so far away that we can't even eat soup." A bandit leader who was following him complained in a low voice.

"Who told you that there is soup to drink?" Roger stared at him fiercely, and said in a cold voice: "Blackbeard just wants to save face, don't you have any self-knowledge?"

Although Roger disclosed the news of the exiles to several big bosses and made a clear reminder, the final agreement was not satisfactory.No one who can stand out in this land will trust second-hand information.Especially Blackbeard, who had been robbed of his job by Roger, completely dismissed the proposal of joining forces, and insisted on bringing his own troops over to experience for himself the power of the Istaron fighters.

Roger didn't dissuade him too much from this kind of death behavior, because he knew that Blackbeard was not stubborn, but just a matter of face.Although several bigwigs in the south have grievances and grievances with each other, it is not the first time that they have joined forces when faced with huge interests.It's just that in the past few decades, it has always been connected in series by the most powerful Blackbeard.

Time has passed, and as Blackbeard ages, the new generation of ghost wolves begins to challenge his position. Just like now, with the ebb and flow of power, Roger has gradually replaced Blackbeard's position. If he doesn't jump Come out and make your own voice, I am afraid that it will be completely replaced in this flame conference.

For Blackbeard's last struggle, Roger is of course happy to fulfill it.As the saying goes, an old dog also has a few rotten teeth, and it is definitely not worth the loss to bite him. It is also a good choice to let him use his remaining heat to test the depth of the people of Istaren.

Of course, as a great thief who has been on this land for many years, Blackbeard's trump card should not be underestimated.When it comes to familiarity with this land, no one knows better than him.The mountain pass where the exile team was attacked was the place he carefully chose to ambush.It only needs a small artificial push, and the mountain wind here will immediately become a natural trap.

Although he sneered at Roger's information, Blackbeard did not dare to underestimate the famous Istaren warriors in his heart. All the robbers who can live to his age are old, treacherous and cunning. put in a basket.

Relying on years of prestige, Blackbeard gathered dozens of bandits wandering nearby and organized the first large-scale attack.But he didn't pin his hopes on these rabble.In his plan, the real target of this attack was not the refugees, but the cavalry of the Istarenians.

After a few days of reconnaissance, Blackbeard keenly noticed a flaw in the exile team, that is, the number of cavalry was insufficient.As long as these cavalry are drawn out and eliminated, this team will be like a lame gazelle, and let the hungry beasts prey on them.

"However... it is not so easy to eat the cavalry of the Istarenians." Roger stared at the battle situation in the valley far away, as if he was talking to himself.

In the valley where the robbers charged, members of the bandit group under Blackbeard had already set up another ambush, quietly waiting for the cavalry of Istaren to attack.

The robbers gathered by Blackbeard were originally not of one mind, and when they saw that there was no money to fish, they naturally scattered.They didn't care about the life and death of their companions at all, they just galloped desperately along the original road, lest they run half a minute slower than others.

In his past raiding career, Blackbeard did not lack experience in dealing with regular troops.He thought he had a deep understanding of the regular army's mode of operation.An army that has received formal training will not be as greedy as the ignorant private soldiers of the lord, and only such an unorganized rout can dispel their suspicions.

As expected, the Istaronian cavalry seemed to have no suspicion at all, and followed the fleeing robbers into this trail.They also have the capital of self-confidence, regardless of the stamina of their mounts or the quality of their weapons, they can crush these fleeing robbers. Just in the process of chasing and fleeing, more than half of the robbers were caught up and wiped out by them.

The fastest running bandit had already returned to the starting point, climbed up the valley along a hidden path, and ran towards Blackbeard's hiding place.

This guy has a flexible mind, seeing that the robber behind him didn't get any money, he knew that the girl he caught might not be able to stay.He rolled his eyes, thought carefully, and decided to dedicate the little girl to Blackbeard before the others came back.

Blackbeard's reputation as greedy and lustful is well-known, and he offered this girl up just as he liked.As long as Blackbeard is happy, a reward is naturally indispensable.

With this mentality in mind, when he saw Blackbeard, he lowered his voice and shouted: "Daddy! Daddy Blackbeard! Look at the little chick I brought back for you, how fresh and juicy..."

He got Blackbeard's attention as he wished, but he didn't see the surprised expression on Blackbeard's face.Because he hadn't finished shouting, he felt a slight push on his chin, and the sight in front of him suddenly spun.

The bandit's head suddenly turned backwards at an angle of 180 degrees, and the neck bone behind his head made a crisp snapping sound.Immediately afterwards, his body rolled off the horse involuntarily, and the girl who was originally held by him on the saddle withdrew her hand, turned over and sat on the horse's back, her murderous eyes fixed on the stunned black beard in the distance.

 Thank you for your support, thank you for your recommendation votes, this is the first time in my life that I ranked first in the fantasy rankings, and I burst into tears.


(End of this chapter)

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