rune hunter

Chapter 198 The Attacking Girl

Chapter 198 The Attacking Girl

"What? You want me to dress up as a refugee?" Pallanti looked at Laurana, who was sneaking around in a hood, in surprise, subconsciously thinking that she had an auditory hallucination.

Although El wanted Pallanti to rest in the carriage, Pallanti insisted on resting with the other fighters during the night watch.As El's veritable adjutant, she has some understanding of Laurana's identity, and also knows that she is knowledgeable and intelligent. On the surface, she serves as Tiana's clerk as a student representative, and secretly advises El. .After the exile team entered the brown earth hills, she was behind almost all the decision-making scenes.

Pallanti admires Tiana and Laurana from the bottom of her heart, because their abilities have been affirmed by everyone, and they are of indispensable value to this team.As the heir of the White Lion family, he has yet to prove his worth.

My own strength has always been at the level of touching the edge of silver, and I have never been able to feel the legendary silver secret, so I can't become the spiritual pillar of the army like Ahmed and El.In terms of intelligence, it is even less worth mentioning. Like other fighters, they only know how to obey orders and fight with all their might.Such an embarrassing state of incompetence, how can he be recognized by others.

With such an inferiority complex, Pallanti has been silently following El these days, trying to find his own answer in the battle, but so far he has found nothing.What she didn't expect was that Laurana found herself on this day and made such a weird request.

"This is something only you can do, Miss Pallanti." Laurana showed a standardized commercial smile on her face: "Hey, in fact, you also know very well in your heart that such a passive defense is not a long-term solution. Sooner or later Robbers will catch our oversights."

Pallanti remained silent. The representatives of the Exiles Conference had already anticipated this situation and were already mentally prepared to face the loss.Even the senior officers in the army never expected to pass through the brown hills unharmed.

"Istalun fighters have no right to choose their enemies. They can only stand up and fight until they die." Pallanti's eyes were in a daze for a moment, and soon became firm again.

"There's an old saying in Istaron that you don't need a sickle to catch a rabbit, which means you should flexibly choose your fighting style according to the opponent's characteristics, and don't just be reckless. You've heard of it." Laurana shook her head slightly and said.

"What does this have to do with asking me to pretend to be a civilian?" Pallanti asked puzzled.

"It's just looking at the problem from a different angle." Laurana tilted her head and motioned Pallanti to look at the refugee camp: "If you were a bandit, how would you view this team of exiles?"

Pallanti frowned, his face became tangled.With her stubborn mind, it is hard to imagine the difficulty of empathy.Fortunately, the thinking patterns of soldiers and robbers are not too far apart. It is nothing more than judging the situation between the enemy and the enemy and weighing the pros and cons.

"If I want to attack this team, I must first eliminate the cavalry. Without the entanglement of these two hundred cavalry, ordinary infantry will not pose a threat to us." Pallanti said with a disapproving expression on his face : "But the robbers don't know that General El's strength has reached the silver level, and we also have Mr. Ahmed and Miss Ranstadt presiding over the overall situation..."

"Miss Pallanti, the so-called trump card is the trump card that can only be revealed at the end, and it cannot be counted in the contest on the table." Laurana smiled and stretched out her finger, sticking it to Pallanti's lips, blocking Cut off her continued association.

"If you only consider the first step, assuming that the cavalry has entered the robber's hunting target, what action will you take next?"

"There is absolutely no chance of winning in a direct confrontation. They can only use conspiracy." Pallanti replied without hesitation, "But as for the specific method, I'm sorry that I can't think of it."

"It's good that you can think of this." Laurana imitated El's way and patted Pallanti's head, with an encouraging smile on her face and said: "As El's adjutant, you can realize this. This potential danger is enough. Many times, the reason why conspiracies can succeed is not how complicated they are, but just the carelessness of the deceived."

Pallanti shrunk her neck uncomfortably, lowered her head, and two blushes rose on her face.Although she was not used to Laurana's touch, she was the first person to praise her mind, which made Pallanti shy.

"The bandit's way of thinking is actually very simple. They don't have too much wisdom. Compared with ordinary people, the biggest difference is that they are unscrupulous." Laurana turned her eyes to the women walking in the camp. Our cavalry has strong combat effectiveness, and they are all professional soldiers who have undergone the most formal military training. I believe the bandits have a deep understanding of this. Then, will such an army have weaknesses? The answer is— -honor!"

"Why is honor a weakness?" Pallanti asked inexplicably.

"The so-called honor is actually a matter of dignity. Beggars on the street naturally have no dignity at all, and the more noble or outstanding a person is, the more they will care about their own dignity." The smile on Laurana's face Still the same, but his tone became lower: "If I were a bandit and wanted to destroy the cavalry, the best way would be to lure them into a trap. But the cavalry in Istaren are not fools. On the contrary, they are still very vigilant." Strong. What should I do at this time?

"Not only can I not show weakness, but I have to use various methods of provocation, such as repeated harassment, murder and arson, and hostage-taking... Only in this way can the cavalry feel that their dignity has been insulted, and make their heads hot and expose more weaknesses. .”

Seeing Pallanti's face covered in cold sweat, Laurana knew that the child was quite self-aware.This little girl is famous for relying on her fighting instincts, she basically doesn't use her brain when fighting, and basically no one can discipline her except El.If she was thrown outside by herself, she would plunge into the trap set up by others in less than 3 minutes.

"Although we don't know exactly what methods the robbers will use, we can at least guess that they will definitely attack these unarmed refugees." Laurana walked around for a long time, and finally returned to the original topic, saying to Pallanti: "That's why I need you to hide among the refugees. Once the worst happens and our defenses go wrong, we need you to adapt accordingly."

"Responsiveness?" Pallanti repeated the word involuntarily, his face becoming tangled.

"Well, I know this task is a bit difficult for you." Laurana covered her head, deeply worried about the child's emotional intelligence.She bit her lip and pondered for a while, then took out a test tube filled with pink liquid from her sleeve, handed it to Pallanti and said, "This is a potion of love, it can make girls... more feminine , and a little charm function. If something unexpected happens, you can stand up and let those robbers notice your existence..."

"There is such a magical thing?!" Pallanti's eyes lit up all of a sudden, staring fixedly at the potion in Laurana's hand, deaf to her subsequent explanation.

"I think only I can complete such a arduous task!" Pallanti grabbed the potion and said seriously to Laurana.


Kicking the scheming bandit off the horse, Pallanti turned on the horse expressionlessly and rushed straight ahead to where the bandit leader seemed to be.Although she was surrounded by robbers, with deadly enemies in all directions, the girl's mood was gloomy, with deep resentment mixed with her anger.

"It's obviously the first time I mustered up the courage to go against the spirit of chivalry and guard myself... you bastards actually came as scheduled, did you peek at the script, you bastards!"

The girl with ulterior motives erupted in embarrassment and indignation.She locked on to the bearded old man who looked like a bandit leader from a distance. The pupils of her eyes suddenly expanded, and she directly entered the state of relying on fighting instinct.

Pallanti's feet suddenly exploded with two flashes, and the mount under him let out a mournful wail, and the four horse legs fell down at the same time, and the joints made the sound of fracture.And the girl had already jumped into the air with her strength, pulled out the hidden foil sword from her waist, and stabbed the black beard in the distance out of thin air.Under this sword, her body suddenly turned into a stream of light, crossing a distance of nearly 50 meters with lightning speed, splitting the ground in two.

Below the valley, after a string of arrows passed, the last six or seven robbers fell off their horses one after another.El withdrew the dragon tooth bow, held the reins tightly, and waved his hand to signal the cavalry behind him to stop advancing.He frowned tightly, scanned the surrounding environment, and vaguely smelled something wrong.

He opened his eyes, and the faint blue rune light burst out. He activated the power of the Eye of True Sight and swept across the rock walls on both sides of the valley.

"This is really a big deal... Looking at the scale, there should be some big boss who can't sit still?" El briefly counted the number of ambushers, with a sneer on his face.

But as soon as the corner of his mouth was raised, he couldn't help twitching violently, because on the cliff in front of him, a silver brilliance that looked very familiar flashed across the air, completely alarming the people on both sides.

"Palanti!" El turned his head angrily, but as expected, he didn't see the girl.These days, Pallanti has been following him silently, hardly speaking, and his sense of existence is getting thinner and thinner.So much so that El can't remember that there is such a time bomb around him.

"How did she get up there?" Al yelled at Timmy with a veiny head.

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(End of this chapter)

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