rune hunter

Chapter 199

Chapter 199

Facing the sudden attack of the sword light coming from the sky, although Blackbeard's face was ugly, he did not panic.

As a bandit who has been criss-crossing the southern brown hills for many years, Blackbeard's reputation can stop children from crying at night in this land.The bandits on the brown earth hills are like weeds growing in the crevices of the rocks, they can't be killed or eliminated.The ups and downs of countless heroes in these years are like the wind and sand on the hills, but he is the only one who can survive until now and become a legend in this land.

The word loyalty is extravagant for robbers, even in the same gang, fighting for power and profit, and conspiracy to usurp the throne are commonplace.Blackbeard sat on the leader's seat for so many years, countless people wanted to kill him, even including his own blood relatives, and until now he is still alive and well.

Roger took his golden scimitar, but failed to kill him.The poisonous widow poisoned him three times, but failed once.It seemed that no one could find a way to kill him except time.For such a superb character, although Pallanti's assassination was fierce, it was far from enough to pose a real fatal threat.

Seeing the girl's sword light rushing towards him, a sneer flashed in Heibeard's eyes.He didn't resist, just raised his leg and took a step forward, passing by the dazzling sword light.

Pallanti's flashing sword technique comes from the inheritance secret book of the White Lion family.The Golden Lion King Leonard Knight of the year stepped into the Golden Gate with this sword technique, and the next generation of Xie Te and Pross evolved their own personal styles respectively.But in Pallanti's generation, the lord Antonio was weak and sick, and was not suitable for martial arts, so she got a complete inheritance.

Perhaps it was fate's teasing of the White Lion family. As a girl, Pallanti's talent in swordsmanship is even better than that of her father's generation. At the age of 12, she has mastered the essence of sword flashing. Touch the edge of the silver mystery.

But on the other hand, it is precisely because of her young age and insufficient xinxing accumulation that she is still lingering in the Silver Secret Realm and has never been able to take this step.No matter how exquisite her swordsmanship is, if she can't reach the silver level, she will always be lacking something. In a battle between the strong, if she lacks that thing, she will have no chance of winning.

That thing is called—the ego.

Pallanti's swordsmanship is not blindly reckless. Many people will think that this sword lacks variety and can only go straight. Easy to dodge.This is indeed a flaw in Flash Sword, but it is made up for by the soft foil in her hands.

The foil sword donated by Earl Snake's fake silver master has unimaginable flexibility and can form a perfect match with the sword skills mastered by Pallanti.Although the direction of her attack cannot be changed in an instant, this foil can extend and turn freely, no matter whether the opponent moves left or right or retreats, she cannot dodge it.

Although Blackbeard had never seen Pallanti's swordsmanship, his experience was extremely rich to a terrifying degree. He didn't dodge or dodge, but just took a step forward, and his whole body suddenly drifted two meters forward strangely.Although this distance was not far, Pallanti completely missed her attack and hid behind her.

Pallanti's eyes flickered, and he noticed that the enemy's figure had suddenly disappeared. Knowing something was wrong, the sword flower that hadn't fully bloomed suddenly stopped. Relying on his small and flexible body, he rolled forward and continued in the direction he rushed towards. rushed forward.

Her fighting instinct saved her life again. At the same moment she lowered her head and rolled, a rusty black iron scimitar pierced from behind like a poisonous snake, almost piercing her heart by a hair's breadth. .

The backhand strike failed to achieve the result, but Blackbeard was not in a hurry to chase and kill, but stopped hesitantly.From the flash of the sword light just now, he vaguely saw that the one who killed was a beautiful woman with a graceful figure, and it was the blow he liked, so he involuntarily slowed down the strength of the attack.But when he took the shot, he found that the opponent's movements seemed to be slightly incongruous.

Real masters often like to observe their opponents with perception, because the naked eye is prone to visual errors in silver-level battles, and that little error can easily lead to unimaginable consequences.What Laurana didn't tell Pallanti was that the real function of the potion she took was to deceive the perception of outsiders.The appearance that Blackbeard sees is actually the image of a beautiful woman conjured up by his subconscious mind.

"I'm dazzled?" Blackbeard couldn't help but blinked, feeling vigilant in his heart.He took two steps back, and said to his subordinates who had just reacted: "Catch this bitch, and take care of her slowly after you're done."

The cronies around him could naturally understand the meaning of Blackbeard's words, and with a chuckle, they drew their weapons and rushed towards Pallanti.Blackbeard turned his head and looked down the valley.To his surprise, such a big change happened on the mountain, and the group of Istaren cavalry who had been hesitant rushed in again.If it wasn't for the other party's commander's sudden brain teasing, then there might be only one reason.

"It seems that this little girl's status is not low..." Heibeard rolled his eyes and thought of the only possibility.He stroked his beard, smiled, and raised his hand to signal an attack.

Just as Pallanti rolled over, he heard the wind of weapons waving in his ears.Two strong robbers under Blackbeard surrounded him from left to right, while someone in front also blocked the way.The pupils of Lolita Knight's eyes shrank suddenly, and he put one hand on the ground to stop the castration, his body stopped suddenly, and he used the recoil to slam into one of the robbers.She was petite, and before the machete fell from the robber's hand, she slammed into his arms.

Seeing the little girl rushing towards him, the robber showed a lewd smile on his face. He stretched out his free left hand to hold the girl in his arms, but before he could react, the girl's shoulder hit his stomach first. .Like a city gate being hit by a city hammer, the robber's body trembled suddenly, and his face lost all color in an instant.He opened his mouth wide subconsciously, but couldn't make any sound.

Pallanti's foil glowed coldly from his armpit, and he stabbed backhand into the robber's chest, piercing his heart.With a flick of her wrist, the girl threw the robber's corpse to her companion who was rushing over from the other side, and she looked back under the cover of the corpse, and locked onto the black beard's figure again at a glance.

From the one-shot test just now, Pallanti has realized that the opponent's hidden strength must be higher than her own, and she may have stepped into silver, but this is by no means a reason for her to shrink back.

Her fighting style is very similar to El's, they both rely on intuition to fight.However, El relies on wild intuition, and her top priority is to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages, while she relies on combat intuition.A warrior never picks an enemy, only asks where the enemy is.The stronger the opponent, the more it can stimulate her fighting spirit.

Seeing Blackbeard raising his hand to signal an attack, Pallanti's expression changed, and he calmed down immediately.She bent down slightly, holding the foil back and pointing straight ahead, with the tip of the sword pointing downward.She stretched out her other hand and pressed it on the blade, and two flashes of light erupted from her feet again.The whole body disappeared in an instant.

Although Blackbeard gave orders, his attention was always on the girl who was besieged. Naturally, the robbers under him would not lack insidious means to deal with women. Once the girl was trapped, it was basically impossible to escape.However, what surprised him was that after fighting him, the girl didn't even think about retreating, and rushed forward again resolutely.The silver sword light exploded again, this time it appeared at Blackbeard's feet.

Blackbeard snorted coldly, his figure flew back, and the rock he was standing on just now shattered.The girl's sword edge suddenly appeared from the smoke and dust, gliding close to the ground, and collided with the black iron scimitar for the second time.

The foil was bent into a nearly [-]-degree arc, and the strength of Pallanti and Blackbeard's hands reached the limit at the same time, and then they bounced away in unison.Heibeard turned over to stabilize his figure, and when he looked up to see the girl who was thrown into the air, a cruel smile flashed across his face.He stretched out his palm and lightly wiped the blade of the scimitar, and the blood-stained blade gave off an imperceptible black light.He aimed at the girl's whereabouts, and suddenly threw a black knife light, which turned into a puddle of pitch-black stinky water in mid-air and splashed towards Pallanti.

Pallanti dexterously rolled a few times in mid-air, dispelling the force of the fall, and when she turned her head to see the overwhelming ink rushing towards her, she couldn't help but turn pale with shock.She held the foil tightly, and shook out a dazzling sword flower in front of her. It bloomed quickly, shrunk her body into a ball, and hid under the shadow of the sword.

The ink changed by the sword light splashed on the rocks, making a sizzling corrosion sound, and Pallanti rolled to the ground in a panic. Even with the protection of the sword light, six or seven spots of ink would inevitably be stained on the clothes, and there were spots all over his body. It starts to smoke.

After quickly checking her clothes, Pallanti secretly breathed a sigh of relief when she found that there was nothing serious.If you are a man, you should calmly tear off your clothes at this time, reveal your strong abdominal muscles and chest hair, and burn your blood against the setting sun... But that kind of imagination can only stay in your mind, and now you should consider more Will it leave scars on the skin?
The girl's shame hidden in her heart made Pallanti's fighting intuition appear a little trance, and at this moment, Blackbeard's confidant happened to catch up, took out a small cloth bag from his pocket and threw it at her. past.

Pallanti stabbed out with a sword subconsciously, and the cloth bag exploded in mid-air, releasing a cloud of pungent white powder, which exploded in front of her eyes.

It was a bag of lime powder.

 Sure enough, it didn't reach 100... This is really a sad story.

(End of this chapter)

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