rune hunter

Chapter 200 Blackbeard's Hole Card

Chapter 200 Blackbeard's Hole Card
Most of the valley terrain in the brown soil hilly area is sandwiched by two hills. Due to the erosion of wind and sand, the terrain here has little difference in ups and downs.It is said that in the war to eliminate demons, the aftermath of the battle between humans and demons wiped out all the mountains, and the earth was shattered piece by piece, which formed the current strange geographical phenomenon.

Although the cavalry hadn't completely entered the encirclement at this time, Blackbeard expected that they would not give up on the little girl beside him, so he launched an attack order earlier.The robbers ambushing on the mountain immediately launched an attack, and arrows rained down, completely blocking the road into the mountain.

Seeing the oncoming arrow rain, El couldn't help curling his lips.The overall quality of the bandit group under Blackbeard is indeed much better than ordinary horse thieves, and even judging from their momentum, they are already comparable to the notorious Sicily bandit group.But robbers are robbers after all, and they can never be banned like regular troops.

Although this wave of arrow rain looks menacing, it lacks the necessary projection angle calculation.If El doesn't continue to charge forward, they can only return without success this time.There may be robbers who are proficient in crossbows, but that is only limited to flat shooting, and long-distance projectiles are a skill that the army can only use under unified dispatch.

Although he looked down upon the bandit's archery skills, El's heart became more and more heavy.He originally had some confidence in Pallanti's strength, thinking that she would be able to protect herself even if the sneak attack failed.But looking at the attitude of the other party now, it is clear that he is waiting for his side to rush in to save people. I am afraid that the situation on Pallanti's side is not very optimistic.

Just thinking of this, I heard a deafening lion's roar from the hill, and the sound waves that exceeded the limit of human hearing spread like a substance, making the speed of the robbers' arrow shooting stop.El raised his head and saw some robbers struggling and rolling down from the hill with their ears covered, apparently their eardrums were shattered by the roar.

"The little girl is desperate! Could it be that the opponent has a master? Everyone dismounts, and the archers organize a counterattack. Let's charge up!" Due to the relatively long distance and the psychological preparation, the impact on the cavalry unit was not strong. .El gave the order quickly, a cold light flashed in his eyes.

Although Pallanti's strength has not yet reached the silver level, but with her excellent weapons and superb swordsmanship, as well as her own fighting instinct, it is enough to fight against ordinary silver masters.If you count the inheritance of the White Lion family, even if you can't win, at least you can protect yourself. This is where El's confidence lies in her.

But from the astonishingly effective lion's roar just now, El could feel her determination.This lion's roar comes from the power of the lion's heart inherited by the White Lion family, and it has always been used by Pallanti as a hidden trump card, unless it is rarely used in an emergency.And the effect of the voice just now was obviously more tragic than what El had experienced before. It is conceivable that she must have fallen into a life-threatening predicament.

If the cavalry unit wants to climb the mountain, it will inevitably consume twice the physical strength of the horse, and it is impossible to develop speed from the bottom to the top.The remaining war horses in the army are more expensive than people, and El immediately ordered to abandon the horses and move forward.Fortunately, Pallanti's lion's roar stunned the robbers on the top of the mountain, and they couldn't organize an effective attack for a while.

The mountain hunters under El immediately stepped forward and also rewarded them with bows and arrows, suppressing the robbers who were shooting arrows on the mountain, while the other warriors took off their shields from their horses, put them on their heads and faces and began to climb the mountain.

Seeing the cavalry troops abandoning their horses and rushing up the mountain in a tight formation, the robbers on the mountain were suddenly shaken.It is an obvious fact that, when prepared, no bandit, no matter how valiant, can stand up to an army in frontal combat.

The bandits pay attention to a certain momentum in fighting. According to the previous combat routines, at this time, a leader needs to stand up to gather everyone's morale, and push back with all his strength, in order to win.However, Blackbeard acted arbitrarily in his own band of thieves, and without his next order, the thieves leaders under him would not dare to act rashly.

Seeing that the Istaron warriors had rushed up against the arrow rain, and there was no movement from Blackbeard's side, the bandit leader in charge of this area gritted his teeth and stood up, raised his weapon and shouted: "Brothers! With me……"

A long arrow pierced through the air, pierced his head precisely, and the tip of the arrow pierced through the back of his head.Although the bandit leader was also a burly man, he obviously didn't have the tenacious vitality of a demon, and this arrow was enough to take his life away.He fell on his head without saying a word, and the rest of the robbers suddenly burst into an uproar.

The assault formation of the Istaron warriors slammed into them, tearing a huge gap in the temporary defense line set up by the bandits.The defenses set up by the bandits were ineffective at all, and were completely disintegrated by the Eastalen warriors with only one impact. However, their numbers were superior after all, enough to slow down the Eastalen warriors in close combat.

Even though the Istaron warriors had rich combat experience, the bandits of the Blackbeard Bandits were also the most ferocious bandits in this land. Once the two sides got into this kind of melee, it would be difficult to tell the winner in a short time.And time is exactly what El is most in short supply. He doesn't know how long Pallanti can last, so after killing the leader of the opponent, he immediately handed over the command to Timmy, and he walked along the unobtrusive path. The rocky crevice ran towards the rear of the summit.

He has been watching the direction of Pallanti's lion's roar with his eyes of true sight. There have been several unusual energy fluctuations in a row. It seems that the enemy is far from being as simple as he imagined.And at that moment just now, a familiar energy fluctuation suddenly appeared. It was the Lion's Tooth Horn in Pallanti's hand, an auxiliary treasure that could boost the morale of the entire army.Since even this thing has been used, it also means that Pallanti is close to the end of the mountain.

When El climbed the cliff, the first thing he saw were corpses all over the ground.It wasn't that Blackbeard didn't want to give orders, but almost all of his cronies who remained by his side were killed by Pallanti's lion's roar, and the rest of them basically became deaf, and there was no leader for a while.

Pallanti had never seen such a dirty thing as lime powder, and suffered a big loss when he was caught off guard.When she felt the stinging pain in her eyes and she couldn't open them, she knew that something was wrong, so she immediately let out the lion's roar.Her perception has not yet reached the point where it can replace the eyes, and it is impossible to achieve more results, so naturally she has to consider retreating.But at this time, how could Blackbeard let her leave easily?

When El rushed over, Pallanti had broken through three times, all of which were forced back by Blackbeard's scimitar.As a price for stopping, Blackbeard's chest was scratched with five deep blood stains, and Pallanti's arms were completely broken.

"Little bastard, you are looking for your own death!" Blackbeard grabbed Pallanti's head with a cold face, and pressed her firmly to the ground.The hard rock cut through the immature skin on Pallanti's face, and the blood mixed with lime powder brought unbearable and intense irritation to the wound.Pallanti's hands dragged feebly at his sides, but he still gritted his teeth and refused to make a sound.

"You are tough enough. I like you like this. I will slowly adjust your little pepper after I go back." Blackbeard stepped on Pallanti's body, stood up and looked up at the battle outside, his face suddenly became pale. Ugly like eating poop.While he was concentrating on dealing with Pallanti for a while, the flanks of his ambush circle were turned upside down by the group of cavalry.

The furious Blackbeard was about to ask his subordinates what they were up to, when he suddenly felt a gust of evil wind blowing from the back of his head.Years of life-and-death honing experience made his body respond directly, he leaned desperately to one side in the blink of an eye, and missed the long arrow that pierced through the air.

Dodging the sneak attack of the first arrow did not ease the expression on Blackbeard's face.His figure flew back, and an afterimage slid out on the ground, while the second and third arrows flew past his afterimage closely.As long as he slows down by half a minute, he may be shot in the back.

Even in the fight against Pallanti just now, Blackbeard had never been forced to such a state of embarrassment.In just this moment, the real murderous aura behind him caused a layer of cold sweat to ooze from his forehead.However, Blackbeard killed countless people, his mentality was stable, and he calmed down very quickly.He retreated again and again until he vaguely grasped the source of the murderous aura, shouted loudly, turned around and slashed out with his backhand.

The rusty black iron scimitar turned into a ten-meter-long black poisonous snake in mid-air, swallowed the fourth arrow, and rushed towards the archer unsatisfied.After Blackbeard made this knife, his arm trembled involuntarily, and he had to stop to catch his breath.

However, what shocked him was that his hidden trick was easily dodged by the opponent.El's fingertips surrounded the blue runes, and with a light hook, the power of the waltz erupted, and his moving speed suddenly accelerated. He used the dragon teeth inlaid on the dragon tooth bow to push away the head of the black poisonous snake, and he took the opportunity to cling to it. He rushed forward with the body of the snake.

"Hahaha, you, an archer, dare to rush over and fight desperately? I think you are tired of work?" Blackbeard couldn't help laughing wildly when he saw El rushing over regardless.

The black iron scimitar and the fine steel ax collided with each other, rubbing off sparks.Blackbeard intentionally or unintentionally lured El to pay attention to Pallanti's tragic situation, but El didn't look away at all, just slashed at him one after another with red eyes, stepping back step by step while pressing Blackbeard.

This guy is a stubble!The two fought against each other for only a few moves, and Blackbeard's heart sank.When he saw El giving up the long-range advantage of bow and arrow and pounced on him, he thought he was eager to save people, but he didn't expect that this guy was completely crazy.The ability of melee combat is not very good, but he uses injury-for-injury fighting.

Although Blackbeard's knife skills are tricky and sophisticated, if he doesn't care about the injury at all, it's useless how many knives you chop.When Blackbeard stabbed El's chest with a knife, and he caught the weapon and almost cut off his arm, he immediately felt the intention to retreat.

The enemy is not scary, the scary thing is that you don't know what you are facing.Naturally, the old and cunning Blackbeard would not joke about his precious life.When El pulled out the scimitar, he slipped and flew back more than ten meters away. At the same time, he took out a hay-woven human head doll from his pocket, and twisted it into two pieces with a click.

nothing happened...

El threw away the scimitar, and stared at Blackbeard's movements with a cold face, not knowing what he was up to.

"Roger, you son of a bitch, are you cheating on me?!" Blackbeard stared at the straw man in his hand dumbfounded, his face finally turned pale.

(End of this chapter)

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