rune hunter

Chapter 201 The Calculation Behind

Chapter 201 The Calculation Behind

Roger stood motionless on the top of the mountain, separated by numerous hills, watching the battle situation in the distance.Suddenly, his expression changed, and he took out a hay doll that was exactly the same as that in Blackbeard's hand from his sleeve.The doll twisted and danced in his hands for a long time as if it was alive, and then spontaneously ignited with a puff.

"Old... Father said this is a talisman rewarded to me..." A young and thin robber who was following behind him saw his burning hay doll, took two steps back in horror, and cried out in disbelief. road.

"This is a stand-in puppet doll. As long as Blackbeard thinks about it, he can switch places with you. However, there are certain requirements for distance, so I specially arranged for you to lurk nearby... After so many years, his trick has long been recognized. People know it clearly, and the cards are used too much, so naturally they are not the cards. Who would be a scapegoat for him who knows the truth? I have no choice but to deceive young people like you who don't know the depth."

Roger threw away the burning hay doll, turned his head and patted the young robber's shoulder and said with a smile, "Don't worry, Blackbeard may have encountered a tough character on this trip, and it's hard to say whether he can survive. A few people run a little farther, and come back after the limelight has passed, and then there is no problem if they want to follow me."

"Thank you, thank you sir!" The young bandit looked at the burning wreckage on the ground with lingering fear, nodded quickly in agreement, and couldn't help but feel grateful to Roger in his heart.As long as they can live these days, no one wants to die. Compared with the declining and selfish Blackbeard, the good-natured and generous Ghost Wolf Roger is undoubtedly a more worthy boss.

After the young robber left gratefully, Roger's confidant came up and asked in a low voice: "Boss, these rookies probably won't be able to keep their mouths shut, should we..."

"Let them go. You have to be magnanimous when you do big things. There's no need to argue with Xiao Xiami." Roger shook his head disapprovingly, patted the dust on his hands, and said seriously: "Don't be careless, that old thing can live till now , may not have other hole cards, let everyone pay close attention."

Although an alliance was temporarily formed for the benefit, the covenant between robbers has never been effective at all. Roger has never been a good man and a believer, and it is impossible for Blackbeard to believe such nonsense.If his ambush plan is successful this time, of course he can re-establish his position in the alliance, but if it fails, Roger will naturally stab him in the back. This is a tacit understanding between the two of them.

The calculations between robbers are meaningless to the Istaron warriors. The only principle they believe in is fighting. The winner is the king, and the loser is the bandit.

What exactly is the Silver Secret Realm?What is the power of the silver rank?Pallanti once asked his father these two questions when he was stuck in a bottleneck, but Pross did not answer directly, but just said: You are still young, you will understand when you grow up.

What is Silver Secret Realm?If you want to describe it in words, even a strong person who has been promoted to the silver rank will find it difficult to answer this question well.Laurana once said to El that the so-called division of ranks is actually the degree of human cognition of the world, and the meaning of the Silver Secret Realm is the cognition of self.

This kind of statement is too subjective, and Pallanti can't understand it at all.She is a warrior, the only way to solve problems is to fight, to seek a breakthrough between life and death.Blackbeard is indeed a formidable opponent worthy of a fight. In just a few moments of confrontation, Pallanti learned a lot from him, and of course suffered enough.

Her eyes were still stinging, her arms were twisted, and at least four ribs were broken on her chest, but Pallanti still struggled to raise her head, trying to perceive the battle at the silver level, which was what she wanted the most. valuable experience.However, the serious injury tormented her nerves, making her consciousness gradually blurred.

Before finally losing consciousness, Pallanti vaguely felt a pair of strong and powerful arms embrace her, and the warm and familiar chest made her let go of her last trace of vigilance and fell into a coma.

When she woke up again, she found that she was lying flat on the soft quilt, and her eyes were still dark.

"If I were you, I wouldn't move around. The effect of the anesthetic will soon pass, and you will feel better then." El's bitter voice suddenly came to mind, and it sounded like he was gnashing his teeth.

"My... my lord..." Pallanti wanted to speak, but found that her throat was like a leaky skin, and she could only make a hoarse voice. That was the price she paid for desperately launching the lion's roar.

He held Pallanti's head up with his hands, and then poured a spoonful of ice-cold medicine into her mouth.Although the smell is very pungent, the effect is immediate.Pallanti coughed twice, and found that her throat was much more comfortable.

"Don't open your eyes, I just applied medicine on your face, and the bandage hasn't been removed yet." Laurana's voice sounded in the other ear, and after a rare moment of seriousness, she returned to her true nature and chuckled: "Fortunately, it's just flesh and blood. Lime powder is also easy to deal with. If it is caused by the magic wound on Miss Ranstadt's face, it may be difficult to recover in this lifetime."

"It's fine if you can't recover. Didn't you say that scars are medals for soldiers?" El said with a cold snort.

"Ah, the face is the life of a girl, you will be annoying if you talk like this." Laurana put the stiff-faced Pallanti back on the pillow, and said with a slightly dissatisfied tone.

"This guy is also a girl? A brat, right!" El said with a straight face. He reached out and tapped Pallanti's forehead, and said in a cold voice, "In order to save you this time, we lost money." Nineteen brothers were killed, and hundreds more were wounded. Sergeant Pallanti, I want to hear your explanation."

"My lord... I... I was mistakenly captured by the robbers as a civilian." Pallanti shrank her neck subconsciously, and explained awkwardly.

"If you were there at that time, you could have done it right away when the robbers rushed in, right?" El folded his hands and sneered, "Don't tell me that you were planning to cast a long line to catch big fish, you are not that tall level of IQ."

"I...I just... cough, cough—" Pallanti couldn't help coughing violently before she could finish her sentence.The spoonful of medicine just now only temporarily relieved her sore throat, but did not completely cure it.Under El's questioning, Pallanti panicked, and her voice became hoarse again in a hurry.

"Okay, she hasn't recovered yet, even if you want to discipline her, save it for later." Laurana gave El a reproachful look, and took the water glass to feed Pallanti.

"This is not a problem that can be solved with a few words of training. This matter is endless. She has to give an explanation to the brother who died." El saw Pallanti's flushed face, couldn't help curling his lips, and put it down. A hard word got up and walked out.

After El left, the carriage suddenly fell silent.Pallanti tried hard to take a sip of warm water, and when she heard Lorana's low, meaningful laughter, she couldn't help but blushed, and subconsciously turned her head away.

"Why don't you tell El the truth?" Laurana put Pallanti's head on her lap, stroked her ponytail, and said with a half-smile: "When encountering a large-scale robber attack, pretend to be Dressing up, using love potions to confuse the robbers, pretending to be robbed, spying on the intelligence behind the other party's mastermind... these are all my instigation."

"You are not wrong, Miss Laurana, it was my mistake." Pallanti said dejectedly: "When I noticed the opponent's strength, I should have left immediately. The potential to force myself in front of the people... but I didn't expect it to become like this."

"Although it is indeed unexpected, but... this is my purpose." Laurana approached Pallanti's ear and whispered.

"Ah? What did you say?" The eldest lady's sudden change of attitude made Pallanti unable to react for a moment, and she couldn't help asking back in a daze.

"I asked you to undertake this kind of task by yourself, in fact, the purpose is to let you get a real temper." Laurana looked at Pallanti, who was covered in bandages, and sighed faintly.

"I know your wish is to grow up as soon as possible, right. Although El usually trusts you, he subconsciously treats you as a girl instead of a soldier. Once there is a real danger, He's still used to going up on his own and not giving you a chance to practice."

Pallanti's mouth was half-opened, not knowing how to react, because Laurana understood the secret in her heart right to the point.She has been stuffing these thoughts in her stomach all the time, and she has never told anyone about them. Now that someone has suddenly revealed them, she doesn't know what to do for a while.

"That guy is a good man, he is too accommodating to women, and he will suffer a lot sooner or later." A strange look flashed across Laurana's face, then she calmed down and continued: "For the overall interests of the exile team, and the future possibility In terms of the difficulties encountered, the combat power of the silver rank is never too much. In the army, only you have the greatest hope of advancing. If you can create this kind of training opportunity for you, the casualty price of ordinary soldiers It's not unacceptable either."

"If I sacrifice everyone's lives for no reason because of my willfulness, then I would rather not have this opportunity." Pallanti cried stubbornly, coughing again because her voice was too loud.

"If you want to blame yourself, you don't have to, because this time we didn't fail." Laurana gently pressed her body and explained patiently:

"Because you entangled Blackbeard so that he could not be distracted from commanding the battle, our troops defeated all the bandits who were ambushing on the mountain, and Blackbeard himself was captured by El. If it weren't for your erroneous mess this time Even if the cavalry troop escaped Blackbeard's ambush this time, they will still be plotted by him in the next journey, and with the size of his bandit group, it can easily cause us irreparable damage."

" that so?" If Pallanti could open her eyes, her eyes must be very confused at this moment.She never thought it would end like this.

"So that guy El is just angry with you, and it's actually another way of caring." Laurana smiled, and a standard commercial smile slowly appeared on her face.

(End of this chapter)

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