rune hunter

Chapter 202 - Behind-the-scenes transactions

Chapter 202 - Behind-the-scenes transactions
After the effect of the anesthetic disappeared, Pallanti's face immediately turned pale.Many fighters don't care about physical pain in life and death fights, but when the battle is over, they will suffer a lot.Even with Pallanti's strong will, it is difficult to bear the physical pain after relaxing.

The sacrificial priest who accompanied the army had already done preliminary treatment for her, but the effect of divine magic is more suitable for dispelling diseases and treating traumatic injuries. It is not very effective for the fractures in her body. In the end, it depends on the continuation potion prepared by Laurana to get it. further treatment.Of course, the usual side effect of alchemy potions is the need for a lot of sleep to restore energy, and it was out of necessity to wake her up just now.

After using the anesthetic to make Pallanti continue to fall asleep, Laurana stood up, straightened the wrinkles on the skirt, pulled down the hood and walked out of the carriage.

The kobold geomancer squatted under the buttocks of the mules and horses pulling the cart, holding a broken bowl that was too big for him, shaking his head and munching.Humans who claim to be advanced civilizations have psychological barriers to the hodgepodge of friendships of gray goblins, but kobolds are never picky.As long as it is edible, he will not refuse.

Laurana jumped out of the carriage, walked over to the kobold, and coughed lightly, drawing his attention away from the food.The kobold looked up and saw her eyes, and suddenly shivered all over his body. The thing he had just swallowed was stuck in his throat, and his face turned ashen-blue.

"Mr. Apache, I think you still owe me an explanation." Laurana said with a smile, but her tone sounded a bit cold.

"Dear lady, Apache praises your generosity, but you can't talk nonsense." The kobold swallowed the food in his throat hard, wiped his mouth, and replied innocently: "I and You said that although the goddess of the earth is omniscient and omnipotent, the kobolds' divination is not. For my people, the most important issue is the source of food for tomorrow, how can you humans still have so many desires and needs..."

"But you assured me that this is an opportunity for Pallanti to advance." Laurana frowned slightly, and said with some displeasure.

"Oh my God, dear lady, you can't impose your brainpower on me." The kobold spread his hands and said helplessly: "I just predicted that the little girl would be in such a danger, but in the end the danger was saved, and Gained something. This is the result of divination."

"Is this what you mean by turning danger into safety?" Laurana snorted coldly, took out a puppet made of hay from her sleeve, handed it to Apache, and said in a cold voice: "If it is true as you said, then now Show me how you save the day, Apache—sir?"

"Goddess of the Earth, is this my fault?" Seeing the hay puppet, Apache immediately covered his head and screamed: "Anyway, you have caught the murderer, just torture and extract a confession. This is what I have Is it related to a bird feather?"

"I don't know much about voodoo puppetry, and the bandit leader is not trustworthy, so I can only trouble you to think of a way." Laurana put the hay doll in Apache's hands, and her face became serious .

"Oh, please, this is something that goblins are good at. You should go to Wesley, they are distant relatives!" Apache held his job bowl tightly, threw the hay doll aside and shook his head desperately.

"Either you solve this problem, or I will solve your problem now." Laurana narrowed her eyes, bent down to look down at the kobold, and said in a low voice: "Those warriors with strong limbs and simple minds are easily deceived by rhetoric , do you think I'm just as stupid?"

Apache's small eyes flickered for a moment. He lowered his head to look at the rice bowl in his hand, then raised his head to look at Laurana, with an innocent expression on his face.

"You have exposed enough flaws along the way, Mr. Apache, if I can still call you that... don't think that humans know nothing about underground races." Laurana stretched out a slender finger The kobold shook his eyes, with a standard commercial smile on his face: "How about making a deal? You can get rid of the curse of this voodoo puppet, and I will continue to keep my mouth shut!"

"Although I don't know exactly what you are talking about, but I can hear it as a threat, right?" Apache shook his head, picked up the hay doll on the ground with a sad face, and said with a sigh: "Okay, okay Well, I'll give it a try, but to be honest, I'm really not a professional with this kind of evil stuff..."

"Please do your best, Mr. Apache." Laurana said, "I'm going to find Al now, and see if I can pry the bandit leader's mouth open."

Blackbeard's mouth was not sealed, on the contrary his situation was quite good.He was neither beheaded nor mutilated, nor tortured, but he was given a not-so-rich but at least clean dinner.

When he found that the stand-in puppet in his hand had failed, and the robbers under him were defeated, he chose to surrender without much resistance.However, except for his cronies, the rest of the robbers did not obey the order to lay down their weapons at all, but fled in all directions.

After entering the brown earth hills from the exile team, El led his troops in a bloody battle all the way, and his men never left anyone alive.Even the most ferocious robber now knows how ruthless he is, and as long as he can escape, he will never stay.The reason why Blackbeard survived after surrendering was only because he said a word to El.

"I put a voodoo curse on that little girl. As long as I die, she will die with me."

The exile team had never prepared such things as chains and shackles, and ordinary ropes might not be able to bind a silver-level master, so El chose a more direct and effective method.

Blackbeard squatted by the bonfire, snorting and drinking the hodgepodge in the bowl, his coat was stripped off, revealing a body full of scars but powerful muscles, no less inferior to young warriors.A slender scorpion tail hung down softly from the top of his bald head, and the tail stings glistening with a black-blue cold light intentionally or unintentionally scratched the back of his neck, leaving a slender bloodstain.

Blackbeard put down the bowl, shook his head, stretched out his hand and gently flicked the scorpion tail on the back of his neck, looked up, and met the two curious big eyes on the top of his head.

"This little thing is really interesting. Where did you get it? How about selling it to me?" Blackbeard didn't care about Little Langa's weird half-human, half-worm form. Er said.

Al, who was sitting opposite him, was concentrating on roasting potatoes. This was an accidental spoil from the robbers. He didn't expect that there would be fresh potatoes to eat in this desolate land of brown earth hills.Although it is not a good thing, but after eating too much mishmash, I miss this kind of ordinary food very much.

Hearing Blackbeard's voice, El put down the potato peeling knife and said expressionlessly: "You better relax and don't tense your muscles. If she finds the slightest abnormality in your body, she will Stuck venom down the back of your neck for a moment. Believe me, that's no fun."

"I want to surrender from the bottom of my heart, General El." Blackbeard spread his hands and smiled calmly: "When I cut you 28 times and found that you have nothing to do, I knew I was going to die here today." .As for why not run away... because there is a little wolf cub plotting against Dad behind his back. He has set up an inside line beside me. It is safer to surrender!"

"I heard that you are also a well-known mission in the Brown Earth Hills, so let's not talk around the corner." El cut a piece of baked potato and put it in his mouth, looked at Blackbeard calmly and said: "Take Pallanti Dispel the curse on your body, and I will let you go."

"You don't look like the kind of knight master who values ​​reputation." Blackbeard shook his head and smiled: "If I dispel the curse now, I'm afraid I will be killed by you in the first place. Don't deny it, father, the people I have met over the years Too much, these eyes are poisonous. I can see clearly what kind of person you are."

"Then you should also be able to see that my patience is limited." El took another bite of potatoes, and said in a flat tone: "Don't think you can use her to blackmail me, with that brat's character, I will die in battle one day sooner or later." On the battlefield, I have already been mentally prepared. If you have nothing else to say, go on the road after this meal. I will hang your head on the carriage at the front of the team to see if it can be a deterrent Effect."

"I'm afraid your expectations will be hard to come true. Bandits in the Brown Earth Hills never shed a single tear for others. That wolf cub is probably ready to digest my territory and my troops now. When the sun rises tomorrow, no one will I'll still remember Papa Blackbeard."

Blackbeard pouted, with a helpless expression on his face, but he quickly adjusted his mood, raised his head and smiled at El: "Are you interested in making a deal?"

"Tell me." El said noncommittally.

"Your team has already attracted the attention of many southern forces. The bastard Roger the Ghost Wolf is contacting all parties and wants to attack you. No matter how powerful your fighters are, I'm afraid you will inevitably suffer losses." Blackbeard lowered his voice. The voice smiled mysteriously: "And I can show you a bright way."

"Ming Lu?" El raised his eyebrows, looking at Blackbeard in surprise, wondering what he was trying to do.

"I can take you to the Sahara Flame Festival. As long as your strength can be recognized, you will be accepted as one of us. The rule of the Brown Earth Hills is that no internal struggles are allowed during the Fire Festival... so you The refugee team can leave unimpeded." Blackbeard had a smug expression on his face, as if he wasn't worried that El would reject his proposal at all.

"Interesting idea, then what? What do you want?" El asked calmly.

"It's very simple, help me get rid of the ghost wolf." Blackbeard smiled with his mouth open.

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(End of this chapter)

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