rune hunter

Chapter 203 The Strange Disease

Chapter 203 The Strange Disease
"Participate in the Sahara Flame Conference? Is this the idea of ​​that black beard?" Tiana recovered from the report in her hand, frowned slightly, and asked with some doubts.

"It sounds interesting. I want to hear your opinion." El shrugged, picked up the teacup on the table, poured the hot tea into his mouth, and curled his lips subconsciously.Every time I come to the girl's tent to discuss things, there will always be a cup of hot tea.As time passed, he was gradually able to appreciate the difference in the taste of the tea, and he could almost judge the girl's mood today from the quality of the tea brewed.

Today's tea leaves hadn't quite boiled, and she was clearly distraught by the recent loss of the Exiles.

"I don't think this is a good idea. After all, the brown earth hills are their territory, and we are not familiar with the rules of the game here." Tiana put the quill in her mouth, pondered for a moment and said: "Besides, I also Don't trust that black beard, it is said that he is the oldest and most cunning bandit leader in the South, and you can't trust a word that comes out of his mouth. I think Laurana should deal with him."

"Lorana is trying to get rid of the curse on Pallanti, that kind of voodoo puppetry is not fatal, but it can control Pallanti's body, which is tantamount to turning her into a hostage in Blackbeard's hands. El shook his head and said helplessly: "In order to prevent Blackbeard from investigating our details, I didn't let her show up, but after hearing about this incident, Laurana meant that we can wait and see."

"Wait and see?" Tiana repeated the word, a look of understanding flashed in her eyes: "The ghost wolf wanted to borrow a knife to kill someone, but Blackbeard surrendered to us neatly. As long as Blackbeard is still alive, His influence on this land will not dissipate. If the ghost wolf wants to rise to power in a legitimate way, there will definitely be further actions... such as using us to make a living?"

"I hope he thinks so, so we can solve this problem once and for all." El smiled confidently.

"Did Blackbeard reveal any specific information?" Tiana raised her head and asked.

"According to what he said, several big names in the south have united together, including Roger the Ghost Wolf and Groom the Great Hammer, the smuggler 'Golden Hand' and the leader of the gravediggers, the poisonous widow. The total number of people under one person can reach at least two thousand, which will definitely pose a threat to us... But I doubt the authenticity of this number."

El curled his lips, and said disapprovingly: "Looking at Blackbeard's confident appearance, he must have hidden his trump cards to make a comeback, and the other companies are not easy to come by."

"It seems that we can only wait and see what happens... If Laurana finishes her work over there, please invite her to come over." Tiana put her hands on her chest, crossed her fingers, and showed a helpless smile: "I have to admit that she is indeed more professional than the two of us in some aspects."

"Are you referring to swindling or scheming?" Al asked amusedly.

"There is a more elegant saying called insight into people's hearts." Tiana said seriously.

When the team set off, El returned to the camp, just in time to see the old businessman Jupiter coming out with a livid face. It seemed that he had just had a quarrel, and the object of the quarrel was self-evident.

After Laurana woke up from a deep sleep, she has been behaving strangely.She hid in the carriage all day and rarely went out except for work.Even when going out for activities, she always wears a thick hood and cloak, wrapping herself tightly, only revealing two big eyes that move around, just like a witch in a fairy tale.

The old businessman's concern for his daughter was palpable, but Laurana's attitude was always lukewarm. She and her father were just like passers-by.Not only that, but she was also very indifferent towards the guys who grew up with her in the firm. When they met occasionally, she didn't even bother to say hello, or even turned a blind eye.

George told Al in private that the eldest lady seemed to be a different person, and Al felt the same way.I don't know if it's because of the psychological shadow left by the experience of death. In his impression, the image of the eccentric and understanding lady who likes to wear a school uniform and carry a small schoolbag has disappeared unconsciously.

"This child has really changed, and I can't even recognize it." Jupiter said with a dejected face: "I watched her grow up little by little, and knowing that she likes to read, I sent her to school... Who knew she would become like this? She actually said to me just now—go back if you have nothing to do, Ludern, I am her father! How can she talk to me like this?"

"Don't worry, you know she was injured so badly that she almost died...Maybe she will recover after a while." El comforted him, but even El himself didn't quite believe it .It would be a big joke to say that the eldest lady has a slender mind. Looking at her current state, she should be thankful for not bringing psychological shadows to others.

"I hope so... My lord, there is actually something that I'm too embarrassed to say." Jupiter's face was tangled for a long time, and he hesitated and asked in a low voice: "You live together now, do you... …that?"

"Which one?" El looked at Jupiter inexplicably. After being signaled by the old businessman's eyes, he suddenly reacted, and couldn't help shouting in shame and indignation: "What are you thinking? We are a pure relationship between men and women!"

"I know, I know." Jupiter nodded disapprovingly, with an expression on his face that you don't need to explain to me: "The grandfather that Laurana recognizes is that old Powell, do you remember? It's a pity he insisted on guarding I don’t want to leave my own workshop... He told me before that he must find a man for Laurana as soon as possible, otherwise when she becomes an adult, her illness may become uncontrollable.”

"What weird disease needs to be solved by doing that kind of thing?" El asked dumbfounded.

"It's like it is now... I don't remember the word clearly, it seems to be called parasite? In short, the change will become bigger and bigger, unless there is a man to nourish..." Jupiter's old face was flushed, and he could As a father, he is really shameless to say these words, but his daughter's life is at stake, so he can only fight this old face.

"That's really the case?" El stared at Jupiter with a face full of shock, not knowing what to say for a moment.At this time, he also recalled that both Master Stephen and Master Powell had vaguely mentioned this matter, and the specific meaning was that they wanted him to get Laurana done as soon as possible.It's just that at that time El thought they were joking and worrying about it, and didn't take it seriously at all.

"Does Laurana know about this?" El still asked cautiously just in case.

"The disease is on her own body, of course she knows it well. I came here these two days to tell her about it." Jupiter sighed, and said with a sad face: "This child is not in a hurry at all, and he doesn't know What did she think?"

"Then it's really not wrong for you to be kicked out." El twitched at the corner of his mouth and patted Jupiter's shoulder and said, "Okay, I know, that means I have to attack your daughter now, right? ?”

Jupiter looked at El pitifully, and wanted to nod out of reason, but from the father's standpoint, "Please harm my precious daughter immediately!" Such words are really beyond words.

The two men looked at each other silently for a moment, and Jupiter sighed and nodded vigorously.

Although the voices of the two people's conversations were controlled, they could not be covered up. With Laurana's ability, it was not difficult to overhear voices more than ten meters away.

When El came over, the door of the carriage was closed tightly, and there was a faint sound of temporary locking inside.The kobold Apache and the gray goblin chef were squatting outside the carriage, holding hay dolls that were about to be dismantled into pieces, pretending to be concentrating on their studies, but their ears were half up and trembling slightly.

"Open the door, let me see Pallanti." Al walked to the carriage, knocked on the door and said.

"Palanti hasn't woken up yet." Laurana's voice pretending to be calm squeezed out from the crack in the door.

"Then let her wake up now, I have something to ask her." El continued cheekily.

"It's not a gentleman's behavior to bully an injured girl like this." Laurana's tone became a little strange, and it sounded like there was something in her words.

"Stop messing around, Laurana, we have to talk." Knowing that the little fox couldn't be fooled, the team was about to leave, and El didn't have time to compete with her, so he cut straight to the point.

With a click, it seemed that some lock inside the door had been unscrewed, and the door panel was slightly opened, revealing half of Laurana's face and a strand of long orange-red hair, with vigilant eyes like a cat whose fur has blown.

"If you want to ask about that, don't worry, I can take care of myself." Laurana whispered behind the door.

"Are you sure, Laurana?" El looked into the girl's eyes and asked seriously.

"My father is just a businessman, he doesn't understand what happened to me." Laurana shook her head, with a standard commercial smile on her face: "Don't worry, if I really need it, I won't make it cheaper for other men , dear junior brother."

Seeing the girl's sweet smile, El nodded on the surface, but his heart became more and more heavy.Based on his understanding of girls, if the problem was really as simple as she said, she would not be so secretive.

Ever since he was a child, he has never heard of a strange disease that can be cured by sex. If there is such a thing, even if it is just a rumor, it will be made into a dirty joke by bards and spread in taverns.

What the hell happened to Laurana?
 It was supposed to be written in two chapters, but after thinking about it, it’s better not to waste everyone’s money... Well, in fact, I just couldn’t double update, I was wrong
(End of this chapter)

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