rune hunter

Chapter 206 Metamorphosis

Chapter 206 Metamorphosis

The girl who survived the black sandstorm was not very old, but she was only fourteen or fifteen years old. She was wearing a black and white pleated gauze skirt. The quality of the fabric should be very valuable.She has a lovely round baby face and short, bright light blonde hair that looks absolutely adorable.

On the necklace on her chest was a small and exquisite magic amulet, but it had been broken in two, which is probably why she survived.

Apart from this young girl, there were no other survivors of that unfortunate caravan.The raging black sandstorm can blow hundreds of catties of cargo hundreds of meters away in an instant. Once it is engulfed in it, it is normal to fly tens of kilometers away.The reconnaissance team followed the traces of the caravan wreckage for a while, only to find the bodies of a few mercenaries, but nothing else.

El searched the wreckage of the carriage himself, but did not find any valuable clues, and at this time the girl also woke up.Under the protection of the magic amulet, she suffered only a small concussion, and it was a miracle that she was not scratched at all.

"Where am I... who are you?" After regaining consciousness, the girl sat up with her body propped up, looked nervously at the stranger beside her, and asked in a low voice.When the surrounding soldiers heard this question, they couldn't help showing knowing smiles.It was no wonder that the girl felt nervous. In this ghostly land of brown earth hills, there were no other friendly creatures besides her own.

"We are exiles from Istaron, not robbers. What's your name?" El came over and asked in a deep voice.

"Uh... Me? My name is..." The girl touched her head hesitantly, her eyes were in a daze, as if she had a temporary memory loss due to the impact on her head.She thought about it carefully, and whispered with some uncertainty: "My name is Alia Brandoni... Sorry, my mind is a little confused."

"Do you remember what happened, Miss Brandoni?" Al stretched out his hand to support her limp body, while lowering his head and asked in concern.

"What happened?" The girl narrowed her eyes in a daze, thought carefully for a moment, and said with some uncertainty: "It seems that there is a strong wind, a strong caravan Where are the guards?"

"I'm sorry that we didn't find any other survivors. You are the only one who survived." El's face became more serious, and he patted the girl's head to comfort him: "But don't worry, I can help you get along with the girl." They reunite."

"Thank you... eh?" The girl habitually wanted to thank her, but suddenly realized that something was wrong with what El said just now, and her pitiful eyes suddenly froze.

"Timmy, find a rope. It's better to be soft. When sending this lady on the road, don't scratch the skin on her neck." El turned his head and said to the officer under him who was also unresponsive.

Timmy looked at the girl in shock, and carefully observed his officer's face. After confirming that he was not joking, he nodded without saying a word, turned and ran towards the camp.

"Wait... wait a minute! What are you going to do?" The girl stared at El with wide eyes in horror, and asked cautiously with the corners of her mouth twitching slightly: "Aren't you good people?"

"Why do you think we are good people?" El seriously responded to her gaze, with a natural expression on his face.He shrugged and said with a smile: "My men call me the general, but in private they nickname me the butcher. Because my favorite thing to do is to chop people into a human stick, and then kill them The heads are chopped off and piled up together. Of course, I never cut a knife on a lady, so you don't have to worry about blood."

Who gave you such a nickname!The onlookers silently watched the impromptu performance of their chief, not knowing what expression to make.

" doesn't make sense! Didn't you guys save me? Why did you kill me again?" The girl looked at the helpless priest behind her and shouted excitedly.

"Well... I originally wanted to dig out some value from you, but your caravan was blown away, and my mind is not very clear, so there is no value." El blinked Blinking his eyes, he deliberately rubbed his fingers in front of the girl, with a gentlemanly smile on his face: "Of course, the more important reason is that I haven't dealt with a young lady like you for a long time. If you let If you stay in a coma, wouldn't it be a lot less fun?"

"Pervert! You must be a pervert!" The girl hugged her chest tightly and moved her body to stay away from El, but she couldn't get rid of El's palm on her shoulder, and couldn't help screaming in panic. Shouted: "Why do you have to kill me? Isn't this girl's face worth a copper coin? Even if you don't want me to waste food, we can work hard! Don't you guys dare to treat women? Interested gay?"

Who is gay, bastard!Hearing the girl's excited and fierce speech, the surrounding soldiers couldn't help sweating and took a step back subconsciously. No one wanted to bear the trumped-up charges.

"Sorry, the most important thing we lack here is women. Brothers can't take care of them even if they hug each other. Now there are children all over the floor..." El said nonsense without changing his face. Before he could react, he patted the girl on the head again, and said very seriously: "But what you said is indeed very reasonable. This is because I didn't think carefully. Don't worry, I will meet your request."

"Don't worry, there are ghosts!" The girl struggled desperately to escape El's control, and now El was like a demon in her eyes, just being grabbed by his shoulder by his hand felt half of her body stand upright.Under El's constant intimidation, she was on the verge of collapse.

"My lord! My lord! Is this okay?" Timmy found a long cloth belt from somewhere, and ran back with a look of waiting for a good show written all over his face.

El glared at him covertly, took a look at the cloth tape in his hand, nodded and said: "Yes, this length is just right, I just wanted to make a noose, but this lady reminded me very timely, now let's make a noose Her hands and feet were tied, and the brothers lined up..."

Before he could finish his words, he felt his hand holding the girl's shoulder slip suddenly.Hearing the sound of the wind in his ear was wrong, El subconsciously turned his head, and a snow-white slender leg flew past his nose.

The girl who was weak just now turned into a slippery loach in an instant.She moved her shoulders lightly, escaped easily from El's hand, flexibly twisted her body into an arc in mid-air, turned over and kicked El's head.

El's reaction was equally fast, and he raised his other hand to grab the girl's ankle, but this gave the girl a second chance to borrow strength, and her other leg drew over at a faster speed, and at the same time her hand Two sharp thorns came out of nowhere.

A cold light flashed in El's eyes, and there was a crisp sound from his arm, and the muscles on his arm nearly doubled in an instant.With a low growl, he clenched the girl's ankle, turned over and pulled hard, swung the girl's body out in a circle, and smashed it to the ground with a bang.

With El's sudden burst of speed and strength, even a calf would be smashed into meat paste by him like this.However, the girl seemed to have the ability to counteract the momentum. Her body was almost twisted into a snake shape, and the moment she fell to the ground, she rebounded, and the spikes in her hands aimed at El's eyes and shot out.

Al only had time to raise his head, and two spikes flew past his eyelids, leaving two bloodstains on his forehead.The blood flowed from the wound and dripped into his eyes, which suddenly aroused a bright red.

The girl's ankle was still tightly held by El, showing signs of fracture.The severe pain made the girl grit her teeth tightly, and two identical spikes appeared in her hand again.She was about to repeat the same trick, but when she looked up, she saw El's blood-red eyes.

"It's really strange that a delicate and frail young lady has such terrifying skills." El sneered, and let go of the girl's ankles, allowing her to kneel on the ground.

"Fortunately, Miss Ben still has a hand, otherwise she wouldn't be ruined by you pervert, woo woo woo——" The girl hugged her black and blue ankle, jumped into the distance with one foot, her face full of tears but pitiful expression.She gave El a fierce look, gritted her teeth and asked, "Where did you discover my weakness?"

"Actually, there is no flaw, I just feel something is wrong intuitively." El shrugged, and said with a smile: "But when I frightened you, you lost your mind. How can a girl with amnesia have such a dexterous mouth?"

"Uh..." The girl stared blankly at El with wide-eyed eyes, recalling her performance just now in her mind, her face suddenly turned red to the color of an apple.Pointing at El, she said tremblingly, "You actually lied to me?"

"How can this be called fraud?" El shook his head innocently and said, "You made the latter request yourself. As for the previous words...I'm serious."

The girl's face became sluggish due to shock, and her eyes widened again unknowingly. It was obvious that her brain's thinking circuit could not understand El's logic for a while.

But she didn't need to understand anymore. Before her mind could turn around, El's figure had quietly approached her, and with a sweep of the dragon tooth bow in his hand, it hit her abdomen. Let her bend down subconsciously.El took a step forward and came behind her, and the bowstring of the Dragon Tooth Bow strangled her neck at the same time.

 Ask for a recommendation ticket~

(End of this chapter)

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