rune hunter

Chapter 207 Removing the Curse

Chapter 207 Removing the Curse
The cinnamon hills have harsh geological conditions, and clean water is extremely scarce, which can be regarded as the most important resource for survival.Scarce resources limit the development of the aborigines population, but also cultivate a character of fighting for survival.Most of the clean water comes from the underground river under the brown soil hills. As the seasons and climate change, the channel of the underground river will also change, and the aborigines can only migrate accordingly, so their cities are also called for settlements.

The settlement closest to the exile team is relatively stable, and it is one of the few neutral areas in the south.According to the intelligence disclosed by Blackbeard, the behind-the-scenes boss in control here is Thomas, the most powerful smuggler in the region.Thomas has an armed caravan that cannot be underestimated, but his more famous ability is to find mineral veins.

The brown earth hills are rich in underground mineral deposits, but there are no experts who understand geography. With the level of knowledge of the aborigines, they can only excavate the surface mineral deposits.After Thomas came here, he successively found three hidden ore veins with rich reserves, so he was also called the Golden Hand.

It is said that there are other big figures standing behind this golden toucher, most likely some southern nobleman, but that kind of thing has no meaning to the aborigines of the Brown Earth Hills.They only know that gold hands are very rich, and they dare to spend money.No matter which blind bastard offends his interests, he will offer a high price and be wanted until death.His generosity makes loners and bounty hunters flock to him, and he also likes to use money offensives to gain favor among other forces.

The poisonous widow is good at intelligence, and the golden hand is good at money. The potential power of these two people is enough to affect the overall situation in the south.It's no wonder that Blackbeard didn't want to escape after being framed by Roger, but simply surrendered.If these two people fell to Roger's side, no matter how powerful he was, he would not be able to escape the pursuit, but surrender could save his life.

The procession of exiles was, as expected, blocked as it entered the perimeter of the settlement.Under normal circumstances, the population of settlements on this land is maintained at around 3000 people, and settlements with a longer history can reach [-] to [-] people, which is the limit that survival resources can support.

And the team of exiles is too large, even after Roger has integrated all the forces in the south, he finds it difficult to talk about it, let alone the feelings of these settlements.After the initial fear, the settlement immediately took on a hedgehog-like defensive stance.It's not that they're stupid enough to want to go to war with the Istarans, it's just that they don't have any other options.If these outsiders are allowed to occupy the water source, they will only have a dead end.

El was very annoyed by the vigilance of the aborigines in the settlement. He wanted to bloodbath the settlement, but was stopped by Blackbeard, because the unilateral massacre was likely to arouse the resistance of the aborigines. If they destroy the water source, the loss outweighs the gain.

Eventually, the ranks of exiles settled outside the settlement, and Tiana negotiated with representatives of the Aboriginal people.This is the site of the Golden Hand, so the business atmosphere is relatively strong. In the end, the two parties decided to conduct a large-scale transaction of water and food. Facing the butcher's knife of the Istaren warriors, the aborigines very wisely proposed a very favorable discount price.

When she heard the news, Laurana shook her head noncommittally, obviously not very optimistic about this deal.However, since she couldn't get away now, she didn't provide any more advice.It was she who encouraged Pallanti to practice, so naturally she had to solve the curse problem on Pallanti.

During the battle with Pallanti, Blackbeard quietly planted a voodoo curse on her. This curse does not cause physical damage to the target, but it can use the voodoo puppets to kill her. to manipulate.As long as the caster has a thought, her heart will stop beating by itself.

This weird curse came from the goblin tribe, and was regarded as a secret by the goblin shaman. Somehow it was learned by Blackbeard, and now it has become his life-saving trump card.Although the alchemy that Laurana learned is known as the world's encyclopedia, it is more focused on theoretical research, and it is a bit powerless for such weird things.But...she found another specialist.

Apache lay on the ground, squinted his eyes and twisted two fingers, and pulled out a long thin strand of hair from the hay doll's head.He moved cautiously, not daring to use any force at all, for fear of breaking this strand of hair.

He kept muttering incantations that only he could understand, and a tiny wave of divine power rose from the ground, covering the hay doll in it, constantly changing the frequency of the wave, and turning the faintly visible in the void A trace of matchmaking is hidden in the mist.

It took a full hour for Apache to completely pull out the strand of hair, and the string in the void also broke.When the strand of hair left the hay doll, the hay doll immediately withered at a speed visible to the naked eye.Apache's expression changed, and he quickly threw the hay doll to the ground, pulled out his small shovel from the cloak, and slapped the ground three times, a hole suddenly appeared in the ground, and buried the hay doll in it .

A strange black air rose from the hay doll, penetrated the mud and rocks without hindrance, and broke free from the ground.At this moment, a bottle of medicine that shone with silvery white light was poured down on his head, and with a squeak, it completely extinguished the stubborn black energy.

"Black witchcraft is really insidious, and it is hard to guard against." Laurana exhaled, raised her hand to wipe the cold sweat on her forehead, and smiled at the kobold: "Thank you this time, Apache...Master. If you don't With your help, the Fuling potion I made alone can't expel this cursed power."

"Go, go, don't coax me with good words!" Apache squatted on the ground with a mournful face, holding his shovel and sighed, "I lost this time, it's really a big loss, I have accumulated so many years..."

"It has nothing to do with integrity." Laurana showed a standard commercial smile on her face, waved her hand and said, "Palanti is the most promising seed in the team to advance to silver, as long as we can make her grow up, we will pay some price It's worth it too."

Apache rubbed his eyes, glanced at Laurana, shook his head and sighed: "The Goddess of the Earth has a commandment, which is called pulling seedlings to encourage growth. Do you know what it means?"

"There is no other way..." Laurana smiled wryly.

In the camp where the army was stationed, the black beard who was sitting by the bonfire and gorging his head suddenly changed his face, and his body stiffened instantly.He put down the bowl calmly, his eyes quickly scanned the surrounding movement, and the muscles under his feet slowly tensed up.

Xi Ya, who was sitting on the side and tied up, was also licking the food in front of her.Although she was blindfolded and couldn't see anything, her ears suddenly moved twice, and she turned her head to Blackbeard's side.

The expression on Heibeard's face remained unchanged, but he cursed secretly in his heart, actually underestimating this stupid girl.Just now, I suddenly felt that the curse on the voodoo puppet was broken, and I knew that my life-saving hole card had expired.Although he didn't show any abnormalities, the little girl noticed him just by the inconspicuous movement of stopping eating!

Xi Ya tilted her head and raised the corners of her mouth slightly, revealing a weird smile.She cleared her throat, took a deep breath, and was about to open her mouth to scream.

Blackbeard's face turned black, and when he saw the expression on Xi Ya's face, he knew what she was going to do.It's okay for this damn girl to have a bad mind, but she is also very narrow-minded, she would rather harm others than herself, and ruin her own good deeds.

Decades of experience in the brown earth hills made Blackbeard make a decisive choice.His body erupted with unimaginable strength in an instant, the first thing he did was to grab the scorpion tail attached to his head, and pull down Xiao Langa's body and throw him far away.

Little Langa's limbs were tightly clamping Blackbeard's scalp, but when he pulled it, four deep scars were drawn on his head, and his skull was almost torn off.But Blackbeard didn't care too much at this time, he bent down, jumped over the bonfire in one step, rushed in front of Xi Ya, and stretched out his sharp fingers like hooks to grab her throat.

At this moment, Blackbeard fully demonstrated his true strength of the silver rank. When he rushed in front of Xi Ya, the screams in Xi Ya's mouth had not had time to utter.And in the next instant, his fingers would tear open Xi Ya's throat, and at the same time use her blood to launch his long-planned witchcraft to escape.

The next instant, however, was out of his control.

Blackbeard's fingers stopped only five centimeters away from Xi Ya's throat, a slender fast arrow pierced through his palm silently, and another murderous intent locked his head without notice.Blackbeard's movements stopped suddenly, and he had no doubt that as long as he took one step forward, he would be in a situation where he would undoubtedly die.

He raised his head and saw an unattractive middle-aged man standing not far away, smiling and nodding to himself, and then quietly disappeared into the dark shadows.Behind him, the fierce murderous aura slowly gathered with the sound of footsteps, giving him a very familiar feeling.

What the hell!Two silver-level sharpshooters?Are Istarenians all monsters?Blackbeard cursed frantically in his heart, but with a harmless smile on his face, he slowly raised his hands and turned around, and smiled flatteringly at El who came over: "Hey, brother! I think this is a misunderstanding! "

"I said before, if you dare to be dishonest, don't blame me for being merciless." El came over unhurriedly with the dragon tooth bow, nodded to Blackbeard and said: "But I also said , I owe you a favor, how about canceling it this time?"

"Brother, you are such a good man who speaks of love..." Blackbeard raised his thumbs up, wanting to say a few more words of flattery, but found that his tongue was a little out of control.He looked at El suspiciously, but in the end he fell to the ground without saying anything.

"I'm sorry, this little guy's reaction is relatively fast, and the toxin on her tail has a paralyzing effect." El said, stretching out his arms, little Langa flew to his shoulder, babbling with his mouth open. laughed.

(End of this chapter)

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