rune hunter

Chapter 208 Suitable Conditions

Chapter 208 Suitable Conditions
"I'm a businessman, and the most important thing for a businessman is friendship." Thomas asked the maid to refill the hot tea for El, and smiled without changing his face: "Personally, I think that many times when everyone sits down and calms down. Talking about it is more meaningful than fighting."

"In my impression, things like friendship should be two-way." El picked up the teacup calmly, looked Thomas in the eyes and said, "I'm a rough person, so I don't like to make rounds. Use brown clay In the slang here in the hills, please mark your way."

"It's too humble for you to say that. You must know that your reputation of bravery has been spread in this land, even I have heard of it." Thomas coughed, with a look on his face that Al felt very familiar with. With a commercial smile, he said in a low voice: "If you can let Xiya come back, the beautiful Ms. Annis promises to provide you with a professional guide service, and as a friend of that lady, I will also provide you with safe and clean food and clear water."

"This deal sounds good..." El shrugged indifferently, nodded and said, "I'll put her back after I go back to sleep with her tonight. The little girl is not very old, but she is unexpectedly very predictable." Woolen cloth."

"Wow...Your Excellency, your attitude really embarrasses me." Thomas' face changed slightly, he spread his hands and smiled wryly: "I think you may not understand..."

"There's nothing I don't understand. You are going around in circles, Mr. Thomas." El's face became serious, and his tone gradually became cold: "Don't think that I know nothing about your situation. I have a self-proclaimed For the guy with the black beard, his cooperative attitude is quite amazing."

"My God, how dare you believe Blackbeard's nonsense?" Thomas stood up with exaggerated surprise on his face and shouted: "If you ask anyone in this land, he will tell you that Blackbeard How old and treacherous Beard is! He was once the strongest and most cunning robber king. He never trusted others, and no one dared to trust him. Every word from his mouth may be soaked There are countless unlucky ghosts who have died because of this poison in these years..."

"Don't worry about that, we have our own way of distinguishing." El waved his hand and said: "If you don't plan to get into the topic, I think today's dinner can stop here, thank you for your hospitality. "

"You are such a short-tempered person." Thomas shook his head with a wry smile, sat down again, put away the surprise on his face, and changed back to a commercial smile: "No matter how small a castle is, it is impossible to build it in a day. I think you should be more patient before listening to another suggestion."

"I'm sorry that my patience is limited, so this will be our last topic tonight." El said with an impatient look on his face, leaning back slightly, leaning on the back of the chair, looking at Thomas.

"I once offered a reward of [-] gold coins to Blackbeard, of course it was a long time ago... But I think this is enough to show my hatred for that old man." Thomas' eyes flickered twice, and his mouth Said quickly: "If you can hand over Blackbeard to me, I can send my own armed caravan to protect you all the way to the edge of the brown earth hills. With my current identity and status, this land Almost all big and small forces on the Internet will buy my face this time."

"Including Roger?" Al asked bluntly.

"Including Roger! I guarantee it on my reputation." Thomas didn't evade any more words this time, and finally admitted the existence of Ghost Wolf Roger frankly.He took a deep breath and said slowly: "Roger really wants to attack you, but there is a personal grievance between me and Blackbeard that cannot be resolved."

"That sounds interesting." Er was about to speak when Laurana, who had been sitting next to him and hadn't spoken, said suddenly.She looked directly into Thomas' eyes, with a very standard commercial smile on her face.

"Mr. Thomas, how about listening to our offer?"

"I would like to hear more about it, beautiful lady." Thomas bowed slightly calmly, but his heart skipped a beat.In the conversation just now, El has maintained an aggressive attitude, which made him almost ignore the girl who felt something was wrong from the beginning.

If she is the leader of the Eastalen people in this negotiation, then I have been negotiating with this general for a long time, wouldn't it be tantamount to acting out a monkey show?
"The old man with the black beard and Miss Siya can both be handed over to you, and we only have one requirement, that is, to be able to pass through the brown earth hills safely. As you said, sometimes fighting and killing will solve the problem." No problem, especially now that we already know each other's strengths."

El leaned on the back of the chair, while Laurana leaned forward slightly, and the two tacitly exchanged the dominant right to speak.Seeing Thomas's thoughtful expression, Laurana laughed softly and said, "An ancient proverb says that when two tigers fight, one will be wounded. We have no intention of changing the current situation in the Brown Earth Hills, and the people behind you are not going to be like Whitebeard. , to fight with all my wealth. The price of war is not so easy for both of us to bear...

"Of course, there is never a free lunch in the world, and we know that the weight of these two captives is not enough to dissuade you. But I think the reason most robbers gather here is nothing more than seeking money. If possible, we In fact, I am willing to pay a toll to protect the lives of the refugees in our team."

Laurana's offer made Thomas deep in thought.As a big businessman who has been in black and white for many years, he can see what kind of trick these two people are playing. It is nothing more than a combination of sticks and sweet dates.Although old-fashioned, it is practical no matter what.If there hadn't been El's deliberate provocation to Roger before, Laurana would have despised him if she first stated the conditions for her willingness to cut her flesh.

The biggest disadvantage of the aborigines in the brown earth hills is that they bully the weak and fear the hard.If you expect to be spared half the food you have, they'll kill you and take all the food.If you eat the food in your hand first, and then see who dares to come and grab it, you will jump on it and bite hard, and you will soon become the leader.

Paying tolls is actually equivalent to a compromise in disguise, but this condition is raised when one's own armed forces have the upper hand, and one has the qualifications to negotiate.Under El's threat, Thomas had to carefully consider Laurana's conditions.

If the subjective and emotional factors are excluded, the conditions offered by Laurana are an acceptable option for both parties in the current stalemate.The robbers targeted the exile team because they were fooled by the huge number of refugees, thinking that there would be a lot of money to be made, but when they found out that it was an armed hedgehog, they became in a dilemma.

For the exiles in Istaron, gold, silver and treasures are the least important things.It is not these bandits that the people of Istaren are fleeing from, but the plague and natural disaster behind them.If spending money can appease the bandits, presumably the representatives of all parties in the Exiles Conference would not have much opinion.

The only problem that can arise is the price of the road money.Obviously, there will be a considerable gap between the psychological value of the Eastalenians and the expectations of the bandits.However, in things like buying and selling, it has always been to ask for a lot of money and pay back the money on the spot. For a businessman like Thomas, it is the field he is best at and familiar with, and it is not troublesome at all.

Laurana's conditions are only a preliminary idea, and the two parties need to go back to coordinate the interests of all parties, come up with a set price, and then proceed to the next step of negotiation.Naturally, such a major event cannot be accomplished overnight, and it is obviously impossible to get an answer tonight.So El and Laurana wisely put forward a request to say goodbye and leave.

After the two left, Thomas returned to the table, picked up his teacup and remained silent.The door curtain in the kitchen was suddenly lifted, and the vicious widow with big breasts and fat buttocks came out, lying softly behind Thomas as if she had no bones, and said with a coquettish smile: "These two little guys are really interesting, the young people now People really should not be underestimated, we old bones should take it easy."

"What do you think of that girl's proposal?" Thomas asked hesitantly.

"Even Blackbeard can be planted in his hands. One can imagine the fighting power of those Istaren people. It is true that our two families cooperate with Roger, but there is no need to compromise our own capital." Poison The widow didn't answer Thomas' question directly, but the meaning behind the words was very obvious.

Thomas nodded, already making up his mind.He stretched out his hand to touch the poisonous widow's snow-white chest, and said with a smile: "Let's talk to Roger first, and then see what price they can offer. It's not easy for everyone these days, it's better to be kind and make money." what."

"What price are you going to give them?"

On the way back, El whispered to Laurana.The previous cooperation between the two had indeed been rehearsed in advance, but El knew almost nothing about the conditions Laurana offered.

"I don't intend to give them any price." Laurana said with a grin.

"But didn't you just say..." Hearing what Laurana said, El was even more puzzled.In his opinion, the condition offered by the eldest lady is indeed an option acceptable to both parties at present.As for the price tag, Tiana shouldn't be too harsh.

"Roger may not want this price." Laurana hid in the shadow behind El step by step, only showing half of her face under the hood, and the corners of her mouth slightly raised: "The robbers only need money, and Roger wants money." To be in power, what is needed is prestige. This condition will inevitably lead to a conflict of interest for the other party, and we just need to continue to wait and see what happens.”

 Tickets... Ask for tickets... Dear friends, let's give a little bit~
(End of this chapter)

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