rune hunter

Chapter 209 Another Use of the Beautiful Girl Captive

Chapter 209 Another Use of the Beautiful Girl Captive

When the sky turned pale again, the exiles' camp had already begun to bury pots for cooking.Although they got a two-day rest period, the military literacy of the Istaren people has already penetrated into their bones, and they will not change their work and rest routines because of the short rest.

The residents in the settlement are still in a dream, and their living habits are completely different from those of the people of Istaren.The phrase "the early bird got the worm" doesn't make much sense in this damn place.They have no arable land, and the only source of income to support their lives is the mine under the name of Dian Jinshou.

The hidden mineral veins on the brown earth hills may not have clean water around them, which means that long-term settlements cannot be established.For the residents of the settlement, every job means at least a week of dangerous travel, even if you have to prepare, there is no need to rush.

The footsteps of changing guards woke Xi Ya up from her dream. She squirmed her body and poked her head out from under the blanket, and quietly raised her ears.After Laurana freed up to take over the military affairs of the camp, Xi Ya quickly received the treatment she deserved as a girl.Although she was still tied up tightly, unable to see or speak, she was compensated in terms of food and clothing, such as the blanket covering her body now.

Of course, in terms of her strength, neither the rope nor the blanket on her body had any practical effect.It is impossible for this kind of small favor to move Xi Ya's heart.She still kept in mind her mission, which was to spy on the reality of this team.After Blackbeard surrendered, El got specific information on Roger's side, but for Roger, it was still unclear what the team's real cards were.

El was well aware of Sia's intentions, so he purposely covered her eyes.However, this level of precautionary measures is not troublesome for Xi Ya.Few people know that among the five senses she is best at is not sight, but hearing and smell.

If the Kobold Apache knew about this, he would definitely feel very kind, because hearing and smell are the directions for the enhancement of underground creatures. Humans living on the ground have no experience in this, and instead lack vigilance.

Xi Ya held her breath, turned her neck slightly, and listened to all the movements around her.With her enhanced hearing, she can clearly distinguish the voices of everyone within a hundred meters.Although the eyes cannot see the outside environment, the sounds and smells she collected build a vivid three-dimensional picture in her mind.

Although the team of exiles looked solemn and quiet, everyone was working hard to complete their work, and there was very little time to stop and chat.However, in the absence of precautions, a few words blurted out inadvertently may reveal important information.After collecting clues in the past few days, Xi Ya has already learned a lot about the actual situation of this team.

Roger once suspected that in this huge team, it was impossible that only the butcher Al was in charge, and there must be at least one master hidden. His guess became a reality on the day Blackbeard escaped.The whistling sound of the arrow piercing the air made Xi Ya sweat coldly. The cooperation of two silver-ranked sharpshooters is enough to suppress any opponent of the same rank. This lineup is luxurious even for ordinary local lords. Somewhat excessive.

During the casual chatter of the soldiers, Xi Ya also got another important piece of information, that is, there is actually a high-level spellcaster hidden in this team.The magician known as Ms. Ranstadt is comparable to El in terms of strength and status.Until now, the magician has never revealed his strength, and his purpose is self-evident.If Roger really couldn't bear it, he might have to taste a bitter fruit that he couldn't bear.

Xi Ya was very anxious, but there was nothing she could do.Blackbeard's lesson is still vivid in her mind. With her own ability, it is not difficult to get out of trouble, but if she wants to escape, she may be shot as a hedgehog immediately.Last night, she overheard the conversation between El and Laurana, and hope suddenly ignited in her heart.It would be best if Golden Hands offered a condition to redeem herself, but the biggest taboo in Brown Earth Hills was trusting others, and she herself could not give up looking for opportunities...

"Huh..." The sound of blowing air suddenly came from the ear, and Xi Ya, who was in a tangled heart, shivered suddenly.Although she was a little distracted just now, she has been listening to the nearby sounds. If someone approaches, it is impossible not to notice it.There is only one person in the entire camp who can do this, and that is the weird big sister who looks gentle and kind, but has a creepy smile.

"Are you awake? Little Xiya?" Laurana leaned into Xiya's ear and whispered with a smile.

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu"She didn't intend to talk to this weird big sister at first, but she didn't expect her body to be lifted up by her, and then her eyes lit up, and the cloth strips covering her eyes and the coarse cloth covering her mouth were taken out.

Xi Ya blinked vigorously, looked at Laurana's smiling expression in bewilderment, and was a little confused in her heart, not knowing what she was thinking.

"There is good news and bad news, Xiao Xiya, I don't know which one you want to hear?" Laurana half-closed her eyes and asked softly.

"Are you going to let me go home?" Xi Ya asked in surprise.

"That depends on your mother's sincerity." Laurana shook her head, smiling and strangling the rising expectations in Xi Ya's heart to death in the cradle.She patted Xi Ya's face and smiled: "You also know that guy El is a pervert, right?"

"Yes, yes! That guy is a pervert!" Xi Ya nodded in empathy.

"So my sister and I spent a lot of effort to convince him to get some better treatment for you, such as untying you and letting you have some freedom. Is this good news?" Laurana laughed. .

"Really? You're not joking, are you?" Xi Ya asked in disbelief. Even though her mind is not very bright sometimes, she still knows that she is a captive now, and she will be better if she is not dragged into the wilderness. After X, thank God, he can still be free?Could it be that perverted head is also showing off?
"Of course I'm not joking." Laurana put away her smile and said seriously: "Although I have won these preferential treatment conditions for you, El is very reluctant about it, so he also put forward very strict requirements. If you can't If it arrives, nothing will be discussed, and this is what I call bad news."

"What else can I satisfy him when I'm like this?" Xi Ya looked down at the rope on her body, with a resolute expression on her face: "If you want to, I'll just say it! What does it matter? Give me eighteen..."

Before she could finish speaking, Luo Lana slapped a chestnut on the forehead: "It's not about that!"

Apart from her own body, Xi Ya really couldn't think of anything else on her body that was worth worrying about perverted, so she felt even more disturbed.Laurana took her to the other end of the camp, closest to the native settlement, where a clearing had been cleared.El was sitting on a rock, holding a piece of dry bacon in his hand, and was using a knife to slice it into pieces and put it in his mouth.

Perhaps due to some psychological shadows, when Xiya saw El eating, she felt very abnormal. She subconsciously hid behind Laurana, only her head was exposed, and she pouted and stared at him hatefully. .Laurana coughed, and Xi Ya turned her head to look at her, and found a girl who was slightly younger than herself standing beside her. Her attire seemed to be a regular army from Istaren, and her skills seemed to be not weak.

"This is Miss Pallanti, whose strength is not much different from yours." Laurana walked behind El and introduced to Sia with a smile: "You just need to fight her and win."

"Is it that simple?" Xi Ya looked at the expressionless Pallanti standing opposite her, and couldn't help curling her lips.

"Pallanti is my adjutant. If you win, you can get the same treatment as her, but if you lose, not only will you not be rewarded, but you will also have nothing to eat today." El was chewing on something heavier than a stone. Hard bacon, said to Xi Ya with squinted eyes.

"Do you want me to play house with the children? There's no way..." Xi Ya snorted, her body swayed from side to side twice, and the rope tied to her body fell to the ground with a crackling sound.She opened her arms and stretched her waist, pointed at Pallanti provocatively and said, "Do you dare to bet a little bigger? As long as I clean up this little guy, let me go!"

"It's okay." El shrugged casually and said, "If you lose, you can take off your clothes and climb to..."

Feeling the cold murderous intent behind him, El's face changed slightly, and he immediately changed his words: "Climb to the door and shout three times—I'm Roger's woman!"

"You really are a pervert!" Xi Ya took a few steps back with tears in her eyes, blushing and shouted, "Take it off! What's the big deal! This girl will kill you pervert one day."

Sensing the strange look in Pallanti's back, El rolled his eyes and glared at her angrily: "It's the same for you, if you lose, you won't have anything to eat. The punishment will be doubled!"

"Oh hehe, so it's the same? As expected of an 'Adjutant', you pervert prefer this one." Xi Ya showed a meaningful smile on her face, obviously distorting the so-called punishment into another punishment in her heart. mean.

"I won't...I won't lose, my lord!" Pallanti was originally simple-minded and didn't think of other aspects at all, but was squeezed by Xi Ya for a while, and her cheeks blushed involuntarily.

Laurana behind her also laughed twice, El took a deep breath, suppressed the bulging veins on his forehead, stretched out his hand and said, "Let's start now!"

 Abandon the morality of the chapter name and ask for a recommendation ticket on Monday!

(End of this chapter)

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