rune hunter

Chapter 210 Necessary Reason

Chapter 210 Necessary Reason

Laurana sets a trap in the terms of her dinner with the Golden Hand, tearing a gap between the forces that Roger has gathered.

Since ancient times, robbers have robbed for money, and except for a few psychopaths, no one will have trouble with money.Bandits in the brown hills are fierce, but they are not fools without brains.Blackbeard's mistake caused many people to make small calculations in their hearts, and they finally realized soberly that the people of Istaren are not fat sheep to be slaughtered.But to let them let go like this, some are not reconciled, so buying road money has become a choice that both parties can agree on.

In all fairness, six thousand gold coins is not a lot of money in a bustling city like Istaren, and the assets of the Jupiter Chamber of Commerce in its heyday were more than this figure.But in a place like brown soil hills, it is enough for blood brothers to draw their swords to meet each other.

For the two forces, Poison Widow and Golden Hand, it is a great thing to get money for free without consuming their own strength, even if it is the share after sharing.But for Roger, who wanted to be in the top position, the money was far from enough for him to establish his prestige.

None of the great people who could grow up in the brown earth hills was a kind person. Although Roger used his power to gather everyone together, it was almost impossible to unite them.Blackbeard didn't listen to advice, and Roger naturally didn't mind cheating him, but now he needs to challenge the Istarenians to establish his authority, and the poisonous widow and the golden hand are also happy to sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight.If the ghost wolf suffers a serious loss, the two of them can take the opportunity to grow bigger.

Of course, the cooperation among robbers cannot promote any good virtues, it is nothing more than winners and losers.Laurana left them with a dilemma, and Roger was worthy of being the hero who could bring down Blackbeard. He actually let him find a third way to solve the problem—kicking the ball back.

Since ancient times, there has never been a story about a robber buying a fat sheep with money. Roger's strange trick had an immediate effect.Just because there had never been such an absurd example before, even Laurana fell into shock for a moment, not knowing what to do.

"What's the use of gold coins? Don't say 30 gold coins, even [-] gold coins can't be eaten. And we don't have any need to participate in their own disputes."

After Roger left, Laurana immediately expressed her negative opinion on this.But El was hesitant about this. He knew that Laurana's analysis was correct, but Roger's words touched his heart.

"We are not short of money, but we are short of horses." El smiled wryly.

Eastalen is close to the foot of the Yunlu Mountains, and there is never a shortage of war horses.Except for the three major knight orders under the White Lion Family, almost every Istaron warrior has received formal equestrian training.El's troops were once all cavalry, but in that disaster, they failed to salvage enough mounts.

Not all horses can be called war horses. Untrained pack horses can only be used to pull carts, otherwise they will cause trouble for their own people.After collecting and looting in the town of Lille, coupled with the selfless dedication of the horse thieves after entering the brown earth hills, until now the cavalry team under El is barely close to 300 people, and this number is compared to the overall needs of the exile team. As far as it is concerned, it is too pitiful.

"Without horses, we can think of other ways, and we don't need to seek skins from tigers." Laurana still insisted on her own ideas, and was unmoved by Roger's conditions: "After all, we are enemies on opposite sides, no matter what price he offers No matter how tempting it is, it cannot be for our sake. The higher the price tag, the greater the danger."

Laurana herself is a master at fishing, so naturally she wouldn't eat other people's bait.Although I don't know what kind of tricks Roger wants to do, but as long as he doesn't accept the trick, he has nothing to do. This is called being strong without desire.

"I think Roger is also very aware of this, so he will definitely be ready to convince me with a reason." Al sucked his teeth, the expression on his face was tangled for a long time, and he picked up two stones from the ground.

The battle between Pallanti and Xiya had already become angry, and after a moment of entanglement, the two took two steps back in unison.Pallanti leaned down, held down the foil sword in her hand, and performed a sword-shifting movement, and the armor on Xi Ya's body also changed significantly, and bones that shone with cold light began to grow on the knee and elbow joints. blade.If there is no accident, the two people will live and die separately in the next moment.

At this moment, two stones flew over from the side and hit the foreheads of the two people accurately. Pallanti and Xiya screamed at the same time, covered their foreheads, and looked at the sitting side with tears in their eyes. El.

"Enough for today, continue tomorrow!" El said blankly.

"Eh? Wait a minute, you're obviously partial! I'm going to get rid of this little girl soon!" Xi Ya yelled with her hands on her hips in disbelief.She was about the same strength as Pallanti, so she had to concentrate on fighting, so that even Roger's arrival was not noticed.

"You only have the ability to brag." Pallanti put away the foil and said with a cold snort.Compared to Xi Ya, she seemed more confident.Although the strength of the two people is almost the same, Pallanti is a soldier of the regular army and has more combat experience than Siya.In one-on-one confrontation, he has always had the upper hand.

Xi Ya basically has no combat experience, but her body reaction speed is extremely sharp, and her learning ability should not be underestimated. These are the manifestations of the ground walker's "adaptation to the battlefield", but the changes in her are not obvious.If it were the pure-blooded landwalker warriors who fought against Istaron, they would have gradually evolved protection against Pallanti's foil attacks during the battle, but she still doesn't seem to have fully awakened this bloodline talent.

El was not in the mood to pay attention to the anger between the two little girls. After returning to the camp, he took Laurana to the tent where Tiana was handling official business, and once again sought the advice of the magician girl.

"I don't think it's a good idea either. Any promises made by bandits are not trustworthy." Tiana put down the quill, looked at El and sighed and said, "But what we need more now than war horses is Medication. After these days of long-distance travel, fatigue and excessive fright, many of the refugees have begun to get sick. As of today, the number of patients has increased to hundreds, and this number is still increasing."

"Don't we have priests?" El asked puzzledly.

"Our priests can't take care of so many patients." Tiana shook her head with a tired look on her face and said, "I sent someone to the settlement to invite their witch doctor. According to their witch doctor, these patients They all fall ill because they cannot bear the influence of the harsh environment, and only a kind of herbal medicine special to the brown earth hills can treat this symptom, but... you also know that there is almost no grass growing in this place, and we can't find enough in the vicinity Herbs."

"How many herbs do you need?" El asked in a deep voice after being silent for a moment.

"At least three hundred catties." Tiana looked into his eyes and said simply and clearly.

The question that El had been wondering before was that since Roger made such an absurd proposal, he must be well-informed, but he really couldn't think of why Roger thought he would agree.Now he finally knows the answer - that is this batch of medicinal materials.

The aborigines of the Brown Earth Hills have long adapted to the ecological environment here, so naturally they don't pay much attention to this herb, but for the refugees in Istaren, it is the key to life-saving.And in this barren land, only Roger and the others have the ability to mobilize a large number of people to collect herbs.

"Maybe we can think of other ways?" Laurana said unwillingly, but she also knew in her heart that this was unlikely.Tiana is also proficient in pharmacy, if she can't think of other ways, she can't conjure flowers out of thin air.

"Well, since that's the case, let's listen to what that guy has to say." El nodded, making a reluctant decision.

In the early morning of the next day, El took the two little girls back to the open space yesterday, sat aside and announced that the game would continue.This time he didn't bring Laurana with him, because this was a conversation between two men, and sometimes rational opinions might not necessarily have a positive effect.

Not long after, he heard Roger's footsteps coming from behind.This time, maybe Roger and several other big shots reached a compromise, so he didn't hide his whereabouts, and walked over openly.

"What do you want me to do for you?" Al turned his head and asked in a low voice.

"Not only you, but also your team." Roger took out a silver jug ​​from his arms, raised his head and took a sip, handed it to El, and said at the same time: "I need a silver level master, Together with a well-disciplined and powerful team, help me open a secret treasure."

"Whose treasure?" El asked curiously.

"The Secret Treasure of the Thieves King's Legacy." Roger patted the golden machete on his waist, and laughed openly: "This was originally the inheritance mastered by Blackbeard, but he couldn't find it, and he couldn't trust other helpers." , so I have been helpless. But I am very lucky to have met you, an outsider. I believe that with enough interests guaranteed, we can work together once.”

"Sounds interesting." El shrugged and took the jug, turned his head to look into Roger's eyes, and said in a deep voice, "But I want to try your knife first."

"That's what I mean too." Roger laughed.

(End of this chapter)

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