rune hunter

Chapter 211 Battle of the Silver Rank

Chapter 211 Battle of the Silver Rank

For ordinary people, it is difficult to use a certain standard to measure the strength of the silver rank powerhouse.

For example, the silver crusader Katyusha, her special physique can accommodate the auxiliary effect of magic ten times more than that of ordinary people, and she can use her body to fight against the gold-ranked earth princess.

Another example is Luthor under Earl Snake, who played superb swordsmanship, but was beaten by Al like a dog, and finally died in the wild in a daze.He did step into the Silver Secret Realm, but he knew himself more as a court entertainer than a warrior.

Only those who have been in contact with the silver secret realm can clearly feel that there are different stages in this realm.There has never been a lack of talented people in human history, and the vast majority of people can achieve
Although El himself has stepped into the secret realm, he has yet to complete a rune cycle. Although his strength has increased sharply, he dare not say that he is a real silver rank.In the history of mankind, there are countless people with outstanding talents, among them, there are countless people who have been promoted to the top of the bronze rank through hard work, but 90.00% of them stop here.

There are some things in this world that cannot be changed by virtue of family background or money. Talent, luck, and faith are essential to step into the Silver Secret Realm. Therefore, most people can only touch the edge of the secret realm, but they will spend their entire lives. You can't find your own secret realm.

The silver secret realm is a road, even if you can step into the secret realm, it is unknown how far you can go.In fact, among the lucky ones who stepped into the secret realm, 90.00% of them did not make it to the end.Therefore, the real silver rank must be one in a million strong.

Al knew how much he was capable of, but he had no idea how far Roger had come.In this situation of mutual distrust, he must find out the details of the other party, presumably Roger is thinking the same at this time.

The battle between Pallanti and Xiya seemed more methodical than yesterday. In the first battle, they had a preliminary understanding of each other's fighting style, and they made targeted preparations in private, so they fought in full swing from the very beginning.Pallanti used the flashing sword technique at the beginning, and Xi Ya had already put on the thickened biological armor, becoming like a hedgehog with thorns all over her body.

The two little girls were about to carry out the next round, when suddenly both of them were held down by the shoulders, and the prepared moves suddenly lost their effect.Subconsciously, Xi Ya was about to eject the spikes growing on her back, but she was slapped heavily on the head, her body trembled suddenly, and her tense muscles lost their strength.

She turned her head back with a cold face, wanting to see that the blind bastard was getting in her way, when she suddenly saw Roger's face, she couldn't help being stunned, the frost on her face melted instantly, and she screamed in surprise: "Roger Brother! When did you come? Are you here to pick me up?"

"I told you that you are not suitable for this kind of business...... Did they bully you?" Roger rubbed the girl's head, showing a gentle smile on his face.

"Bullying? Yes, yes! It's that pervert who bullied me!" Xi Ya suddenly saw her relatives, and her stomach was full of grievances.She grabbed Roger's arm and threw herself into his arms, pointing at Al and gnashing her teeth, she said, "Brother Roger, you must help me clean up that bastard! He actually forced me to take off my clothes and put my favorite That dress is torn!"

"Okay, I'll clean him up for you. Stay away and don't get hurt." Roger thought for a while, but didn't say that he had been here yesterday, but nodded seriously.

On the other side, El also comforted Pallanti, and the two little girls ran away, hid tens of meters away, and stopped at the same time. It seemed that they both made up their minds not to miss this good show.El and Roger glanced at each other, and seeing each other's expressions, a subtle sense of sympathy appeared in their hearts involuntarily.

"Do you need to leave a little distance for you?" Roger said, glancing at the dragon tooth bow behind El.In the days when he was entangled with the robbers in the past, almost none of the robbers survived, and no robber could escape from his arrows. His perfect archery skills also spread among the robbers along with his notoriety. .

Although the distance between the two is five or six meters away, for an archer, this distance is simply not enough to show his strength.At this distance, the archer must suffer some disadvantages, and Roger is unwilling to take advantage of him.

"If you keep the distance, you will die." El shrugged, with a very serious expression on his face. This is not a provocation, but a fact.When the apostles came, even the monsters of the pseudo-gold rank were shot by El, and he shot more than one of the strong men of the silver rank, so he naturally had the confidence to speak like this.

Roger is not a hypocritical person, and he didn't express dissatisfaction when he heard what El said.He nodded, picked up a small stone from the ground with his toes, and kicked it into the air.According to the rules of the Brown Earth Hills, this signaled the beginning of the duel, and when the stone fell to the ground, it meant the beginning of the battle.

The two girls who stood watching from a distance couldn't help stretching their necks, held their breath, and stared at the falling stone, as if the time had elongated ten times.But what disturbed the two of them was that neither El nor Roger showed any fighting stance.

The stone fell to the ground, made a crisp sound, and bounced up with a snap.In the air, something that the naked eye could not catch suddenly collided between the two of them. It was the murderous aura erupted by the two of them. Even though they were tens of meters away, Pallanti and Xiya involuntarily backed away. step.

Roger raised his hand and took a step forward, the golden light of the knife bloomed from his waist, like the flickering of the sun for a moment, and the surrounding light dimmed.There was a distance of five or six meters between him and El, but the knife had already arrived in front of El as soon as he shot it, and he slashed straight down with the momentum of no return.

El didn't need to guess to know that Roger used the golden scimitar. The golden light of the knife covered all the surrounding light, and it would also affect the opponent's vision.But this effect is hardly a problem for El. He let out a low growl, his eyes glowed with a blue light, and the power of the growth rune erupted in his body. With a click, it shattered into dozens of deep cracks.

The fine steel tomahawk supported the golden scimitar, and the golden light of the knife suddenly stagnated, and an invisible ripple spread from the place where the weapons intersected, creating a breeze.The rock under El's feet sank suddenly, and a small crater was stepped on abruptly.

Roger's first knife has such a powerful force, it has far exceeded El's expectations.Because they were engaged in murder and arson business, bandits everywhere tended to have a flexible fighting style, and there were very few powerful fighters. Judging by Roger's size and weapons, he didn't seem to be a blindly reckless type.However, the strong who can be promoted to the silver rank naturally cannot be judged by common sense. What they pursue is not pure power, but the mastery of power.

Now that the war has started, Roger certainly won't leave El with time to think.After a failed strike, he immediately released the golden scimitar from his hand, releasing El's rebound force, and at the same time his other hand popped out like a ghost, holding the scimitar again from below, and drew a line in midair. Rounded arcs.

The scimitar was originally a weird non-mainstream weapon, only horse thieves liked to use it, and Roger's tricks were even more weird, he could change hands in an instant, and picked out the second knife from an almost impossible angle.The ax in El's hand was too late to return to the defense, and a [-] cm long wound was torn from the broken leather armor on his body, and blood spattered on his chest.

Compared with the robbers El had seen, Roger was far from the locals in terms of appearance, temperament and manners of conversation. He looked more like the kind of person who grew up in the city.But how could he be the Bandit King of the South if he was to be as weak as he appeared to be?Because of this strong sense of contrast, El was not satisfied with the verbal negotiation, and wanted to test his true face in the battle, and he got the answer he wanted.

Roger didn't move, as soon as he took out the knife, he showed the strong character that the king of robbers should have.When the two of them left the field, they didn't say that they were just exchanging ideas. Naturally, he would not hold back his hand, and he would go all out without leaving any room for it.If El can be directly cut down here, it will naturally save the trouble of negotiation.

After the second knife saw blood, Roger made the third knife without stopping. The golden machete turned back strangely after cutting through El's chest, and the blade pointed directly at El's heart.At this time, the distance between the two of them was already close to face to face, and El had no time to withdraw his hand to resist.Roger's blade pierced through his chest with a terrifying and fierce aura.

After succeeding with two stabs in a row, Roger didn't show any joy on his face. The touch from the tip of the knife made him clearly feel the beating of El's heart, but at the same time, he also felt the threat of death from the other side.

If he could kill El directly, of course Roger wouldn't mind adding more force, but it wouldn't be so cost-effective to take his own life.Is there any life-and-death enmity between the two sides?At this time, Roger has almost no other choice but to withdraw.

Roger took a step back, trying to pull the scimitar out of El's chest, but his wrist was grabbed and he couldn't break free.He raised his head, and found that El's eyes had been covered with a layer of blood at some point, and the beast-like eyes that chose to devour people made him suddenly startled.

"These two knives are interesting." El grabbed Roger's wrist tightly, and grinned grinningly, "It's up to me now!"

 Kneel begging for a recommendation ticket! ! ! ! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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