rune hunter

Chapter 212 El's Counterattack

Chapter 212 El's Counterattack

The golden scimitar cut a cross-shaped wound on El's chest. One cut was horizontal and the other was straight. The bone was almost visible.But at the same time as the scimitar was pulled out, the wound on his body recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye. The blood flowing from the wound began to burn strangely as soon as it touched the air, emitting a faint white smoke like water vapor .

It would be the best if he could stab El to death with a single knife, but how could it be so simple for a silver-ranked powerhouse? The seemingly indecisive decision was quickly verified.

A slender scorpion tail ejected from El's arms with lightning speed. If Roger didn't take this step back in time, he might be stabbed by the barb on the scorpion tail.Scorpions are very common creatures in brown soil hills, but scorpions raised in captivity are not so simple.They are originally dangerous poisonous insects, but after being selected and domesticated by humans, God knows what kind of vicious things will be produced.

"Now it's my turn!" El sneered, grabbing Roger's wrist, and slashing at his neck with the ax in the other hand.A cold light flashed in Roger's eyes, his arm trembled suddenly, and he broke free from El's hand.He held the scimitar back and blocked it to the side, parrying El's attack.

El's movements were not fast, and the moves were very simple, nothing more than chopping horizontally and vertically, but just such a move made Roger's face change slightly.Although it was not difficult to parry, he could clearly feel that the power of this ax had increased by at least [-]% compared to before.

"Are you a berserker?" Roger noticed the blood in El's eyes and couldn't help asking.This kind of bloodthirsty and berserk effect is not uncommon. Leon, the head of the Sicily bandit group, was a berserker and a well-known senior in the industry.But it seems a bit strange to put it on El. This guy can shoot arrows, keep poisons in captivity, and be bloodthirsty and violent. It is completely unclear what kind of routine he is.

"If you think so, there's nothing I can do." El shrugged, switched the ax to the other hand, turned his body around in a circle, and his speed suddenly accelerated, turning into a whirlwind in mid-air Sweeping towards Roger.

Roger remained silent, stepped back half a step, and the golden saber in his hand bloomed.There was only an ear-piercing metal friction, and the golden knife light suddenly disappeared.Roger involuntarily took another step back, subconsciously looking at his weapon.This golden scimitar is worthy of being the token of the king of robbers. Under the confrontation of such powerful forces, the blade did not crack, which made Roger feel relieved.

But at the moment when he turned his eyes, El's figure had already jumped behind him, and a slash with no technical content fell on his head.

El grew up in the mountains and didn't learn any serious skills. All his skills were summed up in the process of fighting wild beasts.Although his moves have no technical content, they excel in the three aspects of stability, accuracy and ruthlessness.Like a beast in the mountains, it uses nothing but its own fangs and claws, but it is also deadly.

The scimitar and the ax collided again, sparking sparks.When Roger turned his head, he had lost sight of El. At the same time, the ax wrapped in a bad wind struck from the other side of his body again.

From the perspective of Pallanti and Sia, El's figure was almost divided into two.During this moment of offense and defense, he also launched two attacks on Roger. His speed was so fast that he left afterimages behind Roger.

El's speed increased sharply, and the knife in Roger's hand was also not slow.Before his brain could fully react in a hurry, the scimitar in his hand whizzed down with intuition, drawing a stunning arc trajectory around his body, blocking the attack from the other side of his body.

Before the sound of weapons clashing could be heard, Roger's arm had already felt unbearable pressure.El's speed was getting faster and faster, and the strength in his hands was getting heavier and heavier. This time, he increased his strength by [-]%, which immediately made Roger feel the real pressure.However, this attack is far from over.Roger clearly felt that he had blocked El's axe, but the skin on his side was still tearing sharply.

Al raised the ax and fled back. At this time, Roger had time to turn his head around, and saw a wound appear out of thin air under his ribs.Although it was only a flesh injury, far less serious than El's chest injury, he didn't have El's nearly abnormal recovery ability.In comparison between the two, Roger suffered a little loss.

"Let me see your true abilities." Al swept back to the spot, weighed the ax in his hand and said with a smile.Of course he knew that Roger still had cards, because the golden scimitar was a trophy that Roger snatched from Blackbeard.It was certainly not the weapon he had used before that.

"I made you laugh." Roger pressed on his wound twice, and ignored it when he found that it didn't affect his performance or be infected with toxin.He casually pinned the golden scimitar to his waist, flipped his wrist, and pulled out a black long knife from under the cloak.

Under normal circumstances, only horse thieves like to use the machete, because the flexibility of the machete is very suitable for the one-hit-and-go combat mode on horseback.Ordinary thieves don't pay that much attention to the weapons they use. Basically, they use whatever they find, whether it's a stick or a dagger, as long as it can kill people.

The long knife in Roger's hand is not from the mainland at first glance, at least the black matte steel El can't recognize what it is made of.This long knife is slightly longer than the dagger, almost equivalent to the length of a short sword. The straight blade is shining with a cold light, and it looks full of strange thickness.

Experienced veterans can judge the approximate moves based on the weapon chosen by the opponent. El naturally does not have this ability, nor is he interested in guessing.Now that Roger has shown the real guy, it would be inappropriate for him to hack around with an axe.El blew a whistle, backhanded out the Dragon Tooth Bow behind his back, drew the bow and set the arrow in a flowing manner, and a few runes on his fingertips formed a faint blue streamer that penetrated into the long arrow.The dragon tooth bow was drawn to the full moon, and an arrow roared out.

For archers, the power of arrows shot within this distance must be greatly reduced, because the kinetic energy carried by the bow and arrow has not been fully utilized, and the speed has not been developed, so the lethality will naturally be severely reduced.And shooting arrows face to face like this, it is easy for the opponent to judge the shooting path, and it only needs to dodge to dodge.

However, this kind of common sense is basically meaningless to El, and the power of the Dragon Tooth Bow in his hand is enough to offset these trivial problems.As soon as the long arrow he shot left the bowstring, it had already arrived in front of Roger. Because the speed was too fast, it seemed that the middle flight process was directly omitted.

Roger's eyes were fixed, and he raised the long knife in his hand to block in front of him.He didn't expect El to shoot as soon as he said it, and he was a step too slow to dodge, so he had to use a long knife to block the defense.The long knife in his hand was nearly ten centimeters wide, and it could completely protect his vitals.

However, the facts once again shattered his view of common sense.The long knife barely blocked the flying arrow, but the huge force made Roger lean back involuntarily.But what was even more frightening was that when he clearly blocked the arrow, he saw a phantom of a long arrow piercing through his long knife, piercing his body without hindrance.

Was it like this just now?What ability is this?Roger looked down at the blood hole in his chest, frowning slightly.If it could be a fluke once, it is definitely not a coincidence twice.He had never heard of such a strange ability. It was neither like magic nor like a martial skill cultivated by a warrior. An attack that could ignore defense was simply unimaginable!
Roger was in doubt, but El would not give him time to think.In fact, the ability of the Rune of Love is nothing more than a space skill. Although he himself doesn't know much about it, in terms of its actual performance, it is not as terrible as imagined. "Must hit" is just an effect, not real physical damage.Although the arrow shot by El was powerful, the damage caused after being blocked was only about one-third of the real damage, so the injuries on Roger's body were all insignificant flesh wounds.As long as Roger figured out the reason and stopped taking his attacks hard, this ability would become tasteless.

After shooting the first arrow, El paused, and his body followed the long arrow ejected.Almost when the phantom of the long arrow pierced Roger's body, he also rushed to Roger, holding the dragon tooth bow and stabbing him.

Two velociraptor fangs were inlaid at both ends of the bow arm of the Dragon Tooth Bow. After being polished, it could be used as a dagger, even armor made of steel couldn't resist being poked by it.

Roger quickly retreated without hesitation. He was still a little confused about El's ability, so he adopted a safe retreat strategy.As soon as the two of them advanced and retreated, they rushed out a distance of 20 meters in just one breath. Seeing that they were about to leave the original venue, Roger looked fixed, stepped on the ground behind him suddenly, and his body came to a sudden stop.Retreating here is already the limit. If you take another step back, you will leave the field, which means the failure of the duel.Of course, with Roger's self-esteem, it is impossible to accept such a result.

Facing the threat of Dragon Tooth that was close at hand, he took a deep breath, and suddenly raised the long knife that was hanging on the ground, and a sharp knife light burst out from bottom to top.

The brilliant knife light once again attracted the surrounding light, but this time it was not the protective color of the golden scimitar, but the white light emanating from the black long knife in Roger's hand.

Since Eldu has used the trick of dying together, Roger is naturally not to be outdone.Although El has something to rely on, he is not without cards. As for the ending, that is not a problem that fighters should care about. The real strong should enjoy the passion between life and death!
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(End of this chapter)

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