rune hunter

Chapter 213 Negotiation Results

Chapter 213 Negotiation Results
The advantage of the scimitar lies in its flexibility, while the advantage of the long knife lies in its swiftness.Roger's knife from bottom to top directly covered El's left half of his body, almost splitting his whole body in half.It was too late for El to dodge at this time, and he didn't even think about dodging, so he stretched out an arm to block in front of him.

The sharp light of the knife stopped abruptly in an instant, and Roger felt something wrong with the feel from the blade, and was startled in his heart.When he fought El with the golden scimitar just now, he realized that this young man was not very good at defense, or disdained to defend. With his perverted body recovery speed comparable to a troll, and the ability of bloodthirsty rage, in the end It is suitable for the desperate fighting style of exchanging injuries for injuries.

Although carrying a bow and arrow behind his back, El behaved like a typical berserker from beginning to end, which made Roger have a wrong perception for a while.But this illusion was quickly corrected, because after he took out the weapon that really belonged to him, El also revealed his true colors.

Hunters living in the jungle believe in the laws of nature and learn the most primitive fighting skills from wild animals.For those ferocious beasts occupying the top of the food chain, they never rely on external objects in battle, and firmly believe that their minions are the most suitable weapons, and their natural fur is the most beneficial defense.

Although the velociraptor leather armor had been damaged in the battle, El still wore it all the time, because even if the overall suit effect was lost, the feathered raptor's scale skin itself was tougher than ordinary iron armor.Roger stabbed El's body twice, but he didn't feel any hindrance, so he didn't pay much attention to the leather armor, let alone noticed that the other parts of El's body were still intact.

An inconspicuous blue light flashed across the array of magic patterns on the scale skin armguard, forcibly resisting Roger's knife.Although Roger's long knife is also a rare and sophisticated weapon, it is impossible to have many perverted effects like the foil sword in Pallanti's hand, and it is not even as sharp as the golden scimitar. If you want to break the scales The protection of the armguard is not enough.

However, it was not without cost for El to directly block the knife with his arm. Even with the double protection of arm guards and muscles, his arm bone was so painful from the shock that he would almost certainly have a fracture, but it was a question of whether it was serious.But at this moment, the Dragon Tooth Bow held tightly by El's other hand also pierced Roger's stomach.

Unlike the broken leather armor on his body, the dragon tooth bow in his hand has remained intact, and the armor-piercing effect of the velociraptor's fangs cannot be underestimated.Under Roger's cloak, he was also wearing an unknown soft armor, but it didn't provide the slightest protection.The fifteen-centimeter-long fangs almost pierced his body, leaving a thumb-thick wound as soon as he advanced and retreated, and blood gushed out like a fountain.

Roger groaned and covered his wound, his body quickly fell back, the bowstring of the Dragon Tooth Bow passed in front of his face, almost strangling his neck by a hair's breadth.El used to use this garrote to subdue Sia, but he was still a little bit too ready to deal with Roger, who was extremely vigilant.

He didn't care if he didn't hit El, now the initiative was in his hands, and he could hit him however he wanted.With a turn of the dragon tooth bow in his hand, the other end of the dragon tooth pierced Roger's feet, and at the same time he raised his leg and slammed into Roger's chest with a fierce knee.

Only a muffled sound was heard, and El's knee hit the back of the back-blocking long knife, and Roger's body was knocked up involuntarily.It flew more than ten meters away before falling to the ground, and a cloud of dust rolled up under its feet.

"Stop it! You pervert!" Seeing that Roger seemed to have suffered a dull loss, Xi Ya, who was standing on the sidelines watching the battle, suddenly became excited.She suddenly tensed the muscles of her arms, and grew two spikes from the outer armor of her arms at the fastest speed, and flung them far away towards El.

As soon as she shot the spike, she saw a flash of white light in front of her eyes. Pallanti stood in front of her holding a foil and said coldly, "Your opponent is me."

"Go away!" Xi Ya's eyes were full of angry flames, and she let out a low growl from her throat. A neat row of spikes grew out of her arms and legs at the same time, and she instantly turned into a hedgehog with fried hair.

"Can you still conjure flowers?" Pallanti sneered, staring into Siya's eyes, and began to take a slow and deep breath.

Suddenly, a hand clapped Pallanti's head, disrupting her breathing rhythm.Pallanti's body stiffened for a moment, but the familiar touch from the top of her head made her relax quickly.

"Okay, do you want to fry pots in the camp?" Al rubbed Pallanti's head twice, pulling her closer to him.At the same time, on the other side, Siya was also pinched by the back of the neck by Roger, and suddenly became as docile as a kitten.

"Brother Roger, is your injury okay?" Xi Ya turned her head and saw the blood on Roger's body, and asked hurriedly.

"It's not a problem, it's just a matter of moving your muscles and bones." Roger put down his hands, revealing the wound on his abdomen. In such a short time, the wound stopped bleeding and even began to form scars.

As a powerhouse of the silver rank, more or less there will be a little secret of his own, which can quickly recover or maintain physical strength.Otherwise, in a real battle, with their strength, life and death would only be in the blink of an eye, without this ability, they would have died countless times.

"Very good, I think we can have a good talk now." Al shook his fractured left arm and said to Roger while holding Pallanti with the other hand.Both sides in the battle just now showed some real skills, and El was slightly better.But before their respective hole cards were fully revealed, he did not dare to say that he was sure of victory.

The current level of fighting is just right, if it continues, it may be difficult to end.From a negotiation point of view, this degree is just enough to allow both parties to recognize each other as equal negotiating positions, and some things are much easier to talk about.Unlike the prevarication and compromise between those politicians, real fighters only use force to talk, and verbal language is only an auxiliary.

"The secret treasure inherited from the Thief King is buried in the dungeon of the brown earth hills. I need you and your troops, at least [-] elite soldiers, to help me clean up the monsters in the ground." Slapping off the spikes growing on Ya's body one by one, she turned her head and said to El.

"If you only need 300 troops, why would you go far and wide to find me?" El said lukewarmly.Although the brown earth hills are vast and sparsely populated, with Roger's current status, wanting to entangle the strength of three to five hundred people is just a matter of words.According to Blackbeard's private account, in order to swallow the Istaron exiles team, Roger has assembled at least 500 troops from all parties.If it wasn't for Blackbeard's own death and being tricked, El would probably face a tough battle now.

"There are a lot of monsters in the dungeon. Ordinary people will die if they go in. I need elite forces who know how to unite and cooperate. Not only you, I will also recruit elite personnel, at least about 1000 people." Roger sighed and smiled wryly. Said: "The discipline of the robbers is really bad. Blackbeard tried several times in the past, and he lost all his cronies, but he failed to gain anything."

"It sounds like there is a lot of danger. I won't sacrifice my soldiers in vain." El thought for a while, then stretched out three fingers and said, "First, since we are going to send out 300 men, and each of them needs a good horse, In addition, there are three hundred catties of seabuckthorn grass, which must be delivered first. Second, our refugee team must continue to move forward without any harassment. If there is an accident, we will break it off. Third, my troops will not work for you .If we find a fatal danger at that time, we will retreat at any time."

Roger pondered for a moment, nodded and said: "There is no problem with the horses, and there is no stock of seabuckthorn grass. I can have someone collect it and deliver it as soon as possible. Everything else is fine. As for the trust between us, if you are interested in brown earth hills If you understand the customs of the world, you will know that we all believe in the god of wanderers, and I will swear to the god."

"Sorry, I don't really believe in God." El shook his head, and said with a weird smile on his face: "I prefer to listen to the opinions of professionals in this regard. If you have no objection to these three conditions, we You can sign a magic contract."

"Magic contract? I've only heard of this kind of thing. It is said that it is only used among magicians, and its value is quite expensive." Roger's eyes flickered, and he said calmly.

"No matter how expensive your life is, it's not worth as much as your own life." El ignored Roger's thoughtful eyes, pretended not to see it, and smiled: "There is no friendship between us, it's not right to do things safely. bad thing."

"Prudence is a virtue." Roger nodded in agreement, took Xi Ya's hand and said, "Then it's settled like this. I will bring the horse and the first batch of herbs in three days. After we sign the contract, we will Let's go immediately. If you don't mind, I want to take Xiya back first."

"Then I'll wait for the good news here." El laughed.

Seeing Roger lead the yelling Xi Ya towards the direction of the settlement.Pallanti put away her weapon, raised her head cautiously, forced a blunt smile on her face, and asked in a low voice, "My lord, will you take me this time?"

"I will keep this account for you first, and I will settle it when I come back." El sternly patted her head and said, "Now go back to the camp to pick people, find more veterans with experience in fighting monsters, and Warriors who are good at defense, such as the soldiers of Hegu Pass."

"I see, my lord." Pallanti straightened her waist abruptly, saluted El with a military salute, and then quickly ran out.Seeing her jumping up and down, she seemed to be in a much happier mood.

El watched Pallanti leave, turned around and stretched, rubbed his arm that hadn't recovered, let out a long breath, and finally relaxed.

"I'm really not the one to negotiate." He said with a wry smile as if he was talking to himself.

A distorted ripple appeared in the air around him, and Tiana, who was holding a staff, emerged from the air, walked to him, and patted him on the shoulder.

"You are doing very well, you are becoming more and more charismatic." The magician girl smiled lightly.

"That kind of temperament can't be eaten." El curled his lips in disdain, and said with a wry smile: "This time we can only gamble, and I don't think there is much chance of winning."

"There's never been a winning bet." Tiana said softly, "This time I'll just bet with you."

(End of this chapter)

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