rune hunter

Chapter 214

Chapter 214

Although he lost slightly in the duel, personal force is only part of the overall strength after all. Roger immediately showed El his status and power as the king of robbers.Under his command, the residents of the entire settlement put down their work and began to collect herbs in the mountains and plains.

At the same time, the messengers carrying the logo of the golden scimitar rode around on fast horses, and it took less than a day for nearly 3000 people to gather here.

These troops include the headquarters of Roger's ghost wolf thieves group, the poisonous widow's mercenary group, the armed caravan guards of the Golden Hand, the remnants of Blackbeard's men, and more than 30 other thieves groups that are not well-known.It was Roger who joined forces to eat all the strength of the exiles' team, and they followed the exiles' footprints, only keeping a distance of one day for fear of being discovered by the scouts of Istaren.

Although the 3000 men and horses seem to be powerful and powerful enough to sweep the brown earth hills in terms of quantity, in fact, the quality of these armed forces themselves is uneven, and the internal voices are not completely unified, just because Blackbeard was captured. Jiecai was able to bring them together relying on his reputation.

Such a group of rebellious gangsters have no will to fight at all. For the immediate benefit, they can take their lives as a bet without any care, but if they don't see the sweetness and want to suffer instead, they will immediately disperse.

If they were allowed to annex one of the aboriginal forces of the Brown Earth Hills, it would definitely be more than enough.However, if they want to fight head-on with the Istarenians, they will not have an overwhelming advantage. After a long time, I am afraid that there will be no good fruit to eat. This is also the most important reason why Roger has not launched an attack for a long time.

The assembly of 3000 people only takes one day, but it takes twice as long to establish a fixed camp and then select elite personnel from it.The gang of robbers is full of people who brag and don't write drafts, or who are greedy for life and afraid of death.Roger knew very well in his heart that among the 3000 people, apart from his own subordinates, the number of elite personnel he could really use would not exceed 300 at most. Lun fighters are simply not comparable.

Roger has such self-knowledge, but it doesn't mean that the bandits under him will have the same cognition.They are used to a lawless and free life, but now they are suddenly restrained, and rebellious emotions arise accordingly.Now the strongest pack of wolves in the brown hills lived next to the fattest sheep, and it was impossible to hope that nothing would happen.

Although El had strictly asked the refugees not to go out for a few days, he couldn't resist the blatant prying eyes of the robbers.Now that the two sides have temporarily ceased fighting, they can openly inspect the situation in the exile camp at close range.Women accounted for almost half of the exiles and refugees. Even if those girls tried not to come out to show their faces, the occasional flash of a beautiful figure was enough to make these hungry robbers scratch their hearts and livers.

According to some unverifiable gossip, Roger targeted this team because he valued the large number of female resources in the team.If he could plunder all these women, he would not only be able to provide two wives for each of his brothers, but also leave a large number of women to attract powerful men from all over the world.A good-looking city girl is worth more than a good horse in the brown hills where birds don't lay eggs.With these girls, why worry about no one serving Roger?
Now that the two sides have a temporary truce, those Eastalenians will definitely take it lightly, right?With such a lucky idea, a group of daring robbers ignored Roger's order and took advantage of the opportunity of handing over herbs and horses at night to launch a surprise attack on the exile camp.

When Roger learned of this incident, it was already early in the morning of the next day, and his direct subordinates rushed over to report that the Istarenians had piled up pyramids with human heads outside the camp.When he rushed over, the pile of heads had already been poured with kerosene, and Al was sitting beside him holding a lighted torch, his eyes full of mockery.

Roger didn't open his mouth to explain. He couldn't explain clearly at this time, and there was no need to explain.He just walked in front of the pyramid of human heads, carefully observed the final expressions on the faces of the dead, then nodded to El, turned and left in silence.Behind him, a raging flame shot up into the sky.

"45 heads, plus 45 horses." Al's voice reached his ears far away, and Roger subconsciously held the golden scimitar at his waist.He hesitated for a moment, but finally shrugged, stretched out his hand and waved his back twice.

An hour later, there were more than [-] headless corpses outside the camp where the robbers were stationed, facing the burning heads on this side.A burly man held a white flag high and led twenty horses to the gate of the exile camp.

"He can endure what ordinary people can't, this Mr. Roger is really not an ordinary person." Laurana wrapped her cloak and hid behind El with a soft laugh: "The more powerful a person is, the more he values ​​his face. If you don't Face, of course, has no prestige at all... How important is it that he can temporarily put his face aside?"

"The inherited secret treasure of the Thief King, if understood literally, is probably more important than the golden scimitar in his hand, just like the inherited secret treasure accepted by Pallanti." El was not sure. Said: "Blackbeard must know the answer to this question, after all, his years in this land are far longer than Roger, the new robber king."

"I don't think it's a good idea." Laurana shook her head unexpectedly and said, "Roger knows that Blackbeard is in our hands, so he should also know that we can get information from Blackbeard. If it is Irrelevant intelligence, he should have made it clear to us during the negotiation, and it could increase mutual trust. But he didn’t mention a word, there are only two possibilities.”

"First, this may be an open secret, that's why he was able to call up the staff with such a big fanfare, and it's too late to explain to us when we set off. Second, the news about the treasure of the Thief King is very important. He knows that Blackbeard He will definitely not tell us the truth, so it is possible to use Blackbeard to mislead us. If that secret treasure is really that important, he and Blackbeard can work together to dig out the secret treasure and fight for it..."

"Please say it again in a way I can understand." El begged with his hands clasped together.

"I've already explained it, okay..." Laurana covered her head and sighed, and said with a wry smile: "Well, my conclusion is that Blackbeard is a hot potato, don't expect to get anything out of his mouth Things. Even if nine of his ten sentences are true, that one false sentence can easily fool us. So...give him back to Roger intact, and let him have a headache."

"Very good, this is a good idea, and then? What shall we do now?" El pointed to the burning fire in front of him, and said with some hesitation: "Let's set up traps and kill these idiots quietly, of course It can serve as a deterrent, but I think Roger seems to have seen something just now."

"The final expressions of the deceased can reveal a lot of information. For example, the faces of these people are full of incredible horror and inexplicable confusion. Roger will definitely realize that this is our hidden trump card, but he can't know that we There is also a silver-level magician among them—the hole card is for people to know, but only if it is not opened can it have enough deterrent effect." A standard commercial smile appeared on Laurana's face, it doesn't matter The slow tone sounded very permeable, and whenever she showed such an appearance, she was almost certainly planning to deceive people.

"Dealing with these bastards is really exhausting." Al threw the torch into the fire with his backhand, clapped his hands and stood up.His perception was extremely sharp, and he could vaguely detect all kinds of resentment and anger in the bandit camp opposite.El snorted coldly in disdain, stretched out a middle finger towards the opposite side, and inserted it hard upwards.

A commotion erupted in the bandit camp opposite, and someone could vaguely hear scolding, but in the end no one dared to stand up and challenge El.Morality and a sense of honor have never been words in the robber's dictionary. They like to bully the weak, but they don't like being bullied themselves, so they always remain in awe of the strong.

"What a f*cking bunch of eggless cowards!" El made gestures twice, deliberately laughing in a voice that could barely be heard on the other side.

This time the ridicule finally had its due effect. Holding a chain hammer in his hand, a bald man stood up and walked out from the camp. His height was at least two meters away, and his muscles were as sharp as rocks. At first glance, it is not an easy character to provoke.The bald man stared at El, with a cruel and bloodthirsty smile on his face, and said loudly: "Little girl, let grandpa teach you how to behave..."

Er took out the Dragon Tooth Bow with his backhand, and shot out the bow without saying a word.There was a muffled bang, and the bare head of the strong man on the opposite side exploded, with an arrow sticking out of his neck, his body collapsed to the ground, raising a cloud of smoke and dust, and there was no sound in the bandit camp.

"Well, this is an idiot with balls." El looked at the corpse of the bald man, spit on the ground, spread his hands and smiled, "Who is the next idiot with balls? Dare to stand up?" Come out and let me shoot an arrow?"

"That's enough, General El, stop teasing the kids." Roger's voice suddenly came from the direction of the bandit camp, his tone full of helplessness.

"Teasing children?" El looked down at the corpse of the bald man, subconsciously touched his smooth cheeks, and couldn't help laughing: "That's a child."

He cleared his throat, pointed in the direction of the bandit camp with his dragon tooth bow and said loudly: "Kids, don't be naughty when adults are talking about things, and don't come to other people's houses to play casually at night. Uncle won't teach you how to behave, just I will teach you how to be a dead person! If you don’t want to peel and cramp and cut into pieces for the pot, just be honest with me at night!”

There was still no sound in the bandit camp.

 If I say that the update is so late because I plan to trick the girl into home plate...will I be beaten?

(End of this chapter)

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