rune hunter

Chapter 215 The Legend of the Thief King

Chapter 215 The Legend of the Thief King
According to the official history of the Kingdom of Auckland, the ancient city-state that originally existed in the brown earth hills was self-inflicted and attracted the coveting of demons. In the end, the founder of the country used all the power of the whole country to eliminate the disaster.However, there is another version of the story among the aborigines in the Brown Earth Hills, that is, the legend about the Thief King.

In this legend, the former king of Oakland only wiped out the army of demons invading from hell, but failed to bring peace to the land.After being corroded by the power of demons, the original rules of this land have been destroyed, and it has become a natural channel for hell to invade the world.Although the demon army has been wiped out, as long as the natural passage still exists, they may invade again at any time.

The former king of Oakland wanted to close this passage, but at that time his army also suffered heavy losses, and he could not spare more strength to continue fighting.At this time, a legendary hero stood up.Adrian was born in the original city-state on this land. His father was a very powerful nobleman in the city-state. However, when he became an adult, he resolutely abandoned the life of no worries about food and clothing, and went out alone. Later, he gradually Grow into a famous lone ranger.

Of course, the title of ranger comes from the folks, and his name in the upper class is "Strange Thief Adrian". As this title shows, what he likes to do most is the kind of thing that robs the rich and helps the poor, and draws his sword to help when he sees injustice.The nobles hated him deeply, but there was nothing they could do.Because of his superb skills and never had a record of misses, he was dubbed the "King of Thieves".

When Lord Oakland was helpless in the face of the passage of hell, Adrian stepped forward. He gathered the top five powerhouses in the kingdom at that time, and launched a counterattack to hell through the passage.Five strong men will attract the positive attention, and he will sneak into the palace of the demon lord and steal the secret treasure that controls the passage.

Neither the five strong men nor Adrian could return to the human world. No one knows how hard they fought in hell, but in the end the passage of hell was successfully closed, and their efforts are self-evident.For some unknown reason, this history has not been officially recorded, but the aborigines of the Brown Earth Hills still remember this heroic legend.

The bandits of the brown hills worship Madara, the god of rogues, and Adrian as the uncrowned king of thieves.They firmly believe that Adrian's soul has been summoned by Madara to the Kingdom of God, and they regard the golden scimitar left by Adrian as a token of the robber king.

When Roger told El the tale, their troops were assembled and ready to go.

In addition to [-] elite fighters, El also brought Laurana and Pallanti, as well as two mid-level officers, Timmy and Arlette.This trip is extremely risky. As the commander of Hegu Pass, Arlette is good at organizing teamwork, while Timmy is flexible in mind and able to adapt to changing situations. The two cooperate perfectly.Although he sometimes made two mistakes, Pallanti's combat power is indispensable.As for the role of Laurana, of course, there is no need to mention it.

As for Roger's side, seven hundred bandits who were brave, skilled and quick-witted were finally selected.The lowest level of quality of these people is also the level of small bosses. If you pull one out and throw it outside, you can pull out a team by yourself in less than half a year.These fierce and vicious people are now forcibly pinched together by Roger, which makes El feel more afraid of him in his heart.

In addition to Roger, Thomas the Goldsmith and Annis the Poisonous Widow also appeared in the team. After all, they couldn't just watch Roger pick out the most outstanding people in his team as cannon fodder, and they had to share them anyway. Just make some profit.

It will take at least a week for the exiles' team to fully recover the sick, and after that they will continue on their journey, whether El's team returns or not, and will not stop and wait.The rest of the robbers were dismissed and went back to their homes. Roger promised everyone an undeniable condition, and now they just need to wait for the result of this challenge.

If it succeeds, everyone is happy, if it fails, Roger may also become the prey of being contested.

"I heard that you promised to send out a lot of property. Are you sure you can find the treasure of the Thieves King?" Not long after the team set off, Erzhor and Roger couldn't help asking while chatting together.

"The treasure of the Thieves King has always been there, but no one has the ability to take it." Roger said disapprovingly: "Before going to hell, Adrian put all the treasures he collected in the past back to his hometown It is in the ruins of the ancient city-state. He also left a last word, hoping that future generations who have the ability to obtain the treasure will help him expel the demon power entrenched in that city."

"You mean the demon's power hasn't disappeared yet?" El frowned slightly.

"Although the channel linking hell has been closed, that city has been corrupted by the power of demons for too long, and even the rules of order have been permanently distorted. All the creatures there have been turned into chaotic attributes by the power left by the demons The monsters will launch a crazy counterattack against the invaders."

Roger untied a strangely shaped skull from his horse, handed it to El, and said with a smile: "This is a monster distorted by demonic power. The residents of Brown Earth Hills have always followed the ancient tradition, and put that skull The monsters in the city are the prey of the coming-of-age ceremony, and this is my souvenir from that year."

"It doesn't sound like those monsters are very powerful?" El took the skull and studied it carefully for a long time. He could barely see that it was the skull of a humanoid creature, but he didn't know what it was.If Roger hadn't lied, the monsters that could be used as trophies in the coming-of-age ceremony would probably have no more combat power than that.

"It's just a monster wandering around the outskirts of the city. Its strength is about the same as that of an adult. The truly terrifying thing is hidden in the depths of the city." Roger retracted the skull, carefully put it back on his horse, and continued: "The real trouble The reason is that the number of those monsters seems to be endless, if we want to reach the place where Adrian buried the treasure, we will have to endure the endless harassment of these monsters along the way, and the deeper we go, the greater the pressure."

"If it's just harassment, you can take thousands of people and crush it upright." El said half-jokingly, folding his hands.

"It doesn't work if there are too many people, that will alarm the existences lurking in the depths of the city." Roger shook his head, with a helpless expression on his face, and said: "In the recorded history of the Brown Earth Hills, there were 47 robber kings There have been large-scale explorations of that city, among which Blackbeard alone organized three explorations. From the beginning of ignorance, to gradually finding out the habits of monsters, and locking the location where the treasure is buried... These records have been recorded for generations It has been passed down from generation to generation, and it has become the obsession of every generation of robber kings, so now we can step on the shoulders of giants and make preparations in advance."

"Again, are you so sure that you can succeed this time, instead of continuing to be a stepping stone for others?" Seeing the slightly fanatical expression on Roger's face, El couldn't help but want to pour a pot cold water.

"Actually, Blackbeard is almost on the verge of success. I even suspect that he has obtained part of the Thieves King's treasure, otherwise he would not be able to sustain it for so many years. He just lacks some support and a little bit of luck." Roger turned Turning his head, a gleam of light flashed in his eyes looking at El.

"Since what you said is just suspicion, why don't you just ask Blackbeard himself?" El curled his lips, pointed at the humanoid object lying motionless on the carriage behind him.

After Blackbeard tried to escape, El asked Laurana to prepare a pot of special anesthetic for him. Based on the dosage, the poor old guy might have to sleep for a day and a night before he could open his eyes.By then, though, he was Roger's problem.

"Blackbeard will not tell the truth, and I don't need his information. The secret of the Thief King's treasure is hidden in this scimitar. The records of the robber kings in the past, including Blackbeard's own records, are all hidden here. There is no need to waste it. Strength." Roger patted the golden scimitar on his waist and said: "As for him... I will have other uses at that time, after all, I am a strong man of the silver rank, so it can be regarded as a combat strength .”

"You are really savvy enough to calculate." El admired sincerely. Although it is possible to use Blackbeard's power on his own side if Laurana is allowed to operate, this kind of thing with a tiger is extremely risky. El's character would never act rashly unless necessary.

But for Roger, as long as he has a three-point certainty, he dares to bet. Whether it is the Istaron fighters led by El, or Blackbeard and his remnants, as long as it is helpful to his plan, he will bet on it. Don't mind the hatred in the past, but seek the greatest use value.

Perhaps this is the quality that a king should possess.

After Roger and El's troops merged, the number was just over a thousand. Judging from Roger's words, this number does not seem to be a coincidence.The horses that were one of the negotiation conditions had been handed over, and El's men were finally equipped with mounts.Thousands of riders galloped through the valley with horses and whips, not only with great momentum, but also with the fastest marching speed.

According to the normal speed of a cavalryman, it would take less than half a month to cross the brown earth hills, so El didn't have to worry about running too far.As long as he can bring this troop back intact, he will be able to catch up with the fast-moving exile troop no matter what.

But when they arrived at their destination, El realized that things were a little bit beyond his expectations.

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(End of this chapter)

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