rune hunter

Chapter 216 Devil's Throat

Chapter 216 Devil's Throat
Laurana once doubted the authenticity of the legend about the Thief King, let alone whether such a person really existed.The earth-shattering war that year turned hundreds of miles of land into what it is now. What relics can the ancient city-state at the center of the battlefield leave behind?
This question was answered quickly, and far beyond their expectations.After galloping on horseback for three days, Roger led them to the entrance of the ancient city-state ruins.The boundless hills end here, and a grand canyon across the east and west divides the brown earth hills into two parts from here.If you can stand on a high place, you can see the flat land on the opposite side of the canyon, with almost no signs of life.

A cable bridge that seems to have experienced the baptism of time connects the two sides of the canyon, and the other side leads to a huge cave in the opposite canyon wall. The howling wind forms a natural vortex at the entrance of the cave, blowing the cable bridge outside. Have to keep shaking.The turbulent river passes under the chain bridge, all the way to the west, this is the largest and cleanest water source in the Brown Earth Hills - the Thorn River.

Although the terrain here looks so dangerous and terrifying, there are a large number of aborigines gathered at this end of the chain bridge.The scale of this settlement is at least five times larger than that of the Golden Hand, and it seems that it already has the prototype of a town.El saw the golden scimitar sign hanging at the door outside the settlement. According to the customs of the brown earth hills, this should be Roger's territory now.

Before he entered the settlement, El could vaguely feel that something was wrong with the atmosphere here. It wasn't that he intuitively felt the danger, but a peaceful atmosphere.The residents here don't look like the natives of the Brown Earth Hills at all, they look more like ordinary people in Lille Town.Along the way, El even saw a caravan set up a stall in the settlement, and dancers in light clothes were singing and dancing in the crowd, and everyone had a faint smile on their faces.

In other places, there is nothing surprising about this peaceful atmosphere, but it is a bit scary to think about how this kind of paradise can still appear in the brown earth hills, a ghostly place where the autumn mountains are full of bandits.If it is said that Roger managed the place as it is now, he would not believe it if he killed El.If he had that kind of talent, why would he bother to snatch the position of the king of robbers in this place?

"Welcome to the Sahara Flame Conference, which is a grand festival held once every ten years in the Brown Earth Hills." Roger rode his horse to El, and said with a smile: "During the festival, all forces in the Brown Earth Hills will temporarily put down Mutual grievances, gathered here to celebrate the blessings brought by the Thorn River. You have been recognized as our guests, so you don’t have to worry about being attacked here.”

"I thought we were here to do business." El said in a deep voice, scanning the situation of the settlement.

"Of course, there is still some time before the official opening of the flame conference, and our destination is the passage across the canyon." Roger pointed to the huge cave behind him and said: "If we can succeed this time , come back just in time for the festival.”

"The ruins of the ancient city-state you said are in that cave?" El asked with some doubts.

"That's not a cave, my friend, that's the Devil's Throat." Roger had a grim smile on his face.

Back then, the demons summoned by the ancient city-state lost control. Not only did they bring disaster to themselves, but they also opened the passage to hell by the demons. Brown earth hills.The demon lord "Gluttony" Taklak descended to the mortal world and swallowed the ancient city-state that was still stubbornly resisting at that time into his stomach.

Until Taklak the glutton was defeated by the first king, his body turned into a rock and sank into the earth, and the ruins of the ancient city-state were also buried underground, leaving only this passage on the cliff of the canyon, which is considered to be the esophagus of the demon lord , so it is also called the Devil's Throat.

The authenticity of this legend has not been verified, but after listening to the story and carefully observing the shape of the cave, El couldn't help feeling a creepy feeling in his heart.

The team of more than a thousand people rested in the settlement for half a day, and at the same time replenished dry food and drinking water.For the settlers, walking through the Devil's Throat to explore the ruins of the ancient city-state has become a symbolic daily ritual.In addition to the large-scale explorations organized by the robber kings of the past dynasties, the aborigines' rites of passage, courage trials and other ceremonies can be placed here, which can also be said to be another form of making the best use of everything.

Even trained war horses could not pass the rickety chain bridge, so all the horses had to be kept in the settlement.The carriage accompanied by El's men also began to unload, including a whole hundred tower shields made of fine steel, as well as supporting heavy weapons.These big things are not things that can be carried by horses after carrying people, they can only be put on the cart and pulled away.

These equipments seem bulky and unwieldy, but if you want to enter the ruins to explore and face unknown monster attacks and harassment, they are the most beneficial to rely on.Although the carriage slowed down the overall speed of the team, when Roger knew about it, he agreed with it instead. This was exactly the strength he hoped to use.

After crossing the chain bridge, facing the violent vortex airflow into the Devil's Throat, there is not such a strong wind in the cave.El went to the rock wall and knocked, and found that the rock here was black in color and harder than ordinary granite. Maybe the legend of the demon lord might not be groundless.

"This is obsidian, which is the derivative left by magma flowing through the rock. It can only be seen in the area of ​​​​volcanic eruptions, but since it was once connected to hell, it is not surprising that there is magma." Laurana moved to Egypt Behind Er, he quietly solved the doubts in his heart.

"I was thinking...why did Roger start now?" El glanced at the bandit leader in the distance, and whispered to Laurana: "You see, it's already afternoon after we rested in the settlement. The ruins of that ancient city-state are not far away, at least it’s already dark when we get there.”

"Look at the expressions of those robbers, they are almost not very nervous, which means that this path should not be dangerous." Laurana glanced at the robbers beside her, and whispered in El's ear: "And I found that the one outside The defense of the settlements is not tight enough. If the ruins entrenched with monsters are not far from them, there must be more guards here just in case. But there are no here, it means...they are in a dangerous place ahead Sets a very solid pass, just like the River Valley Pass did for Istaron."

"A checkpoint that can accommodate at least a thousand people? It's not an exaggeration to say that it's a fortress." El said in a low voice calmly. He watched the bandit's marching footsteps, and there was a meaningful smile on the corner of his mouth: "It seems This guy's background is not shallow."

 I have something to do at night... umm, I only wrote [-] words, and I will make up the rest of the words tomorrow. I believe in my character~~~~
(End of this chapter)

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