rune hunter

Chapter 217 The Night Watch

Chapter 217 The Night Watch

The space in the cave is very wide, and it can accommodate ten people in parallel, even if there is a team of more than a thousand people, it will not appear crowded.After walking all the way down from the Devil's Throat for about an hour, an underground military fortress embedded in the rock suddenly appeared in front of him.Judging from the ancient architectural style, the age of this fortress can be traced back to thousands of years ago, and it should be a remnant of the war between humans and demons at that time.

El had the best eyesight, and noticed from a distance that the guards patrolling the walls of the fortress did not seem to be ordinary characters. They wore black cloaks and looked well-trained. They looked more like troops than robbers.

Roger's behavior also confirmed his guess. He stepped forward alone, took out a token from his pocket and handed it to the guard guarding the gate. After a while, the gate of the fortress opened slowly.This place does not seem to be his territory, but is occupied by another mysterious force.

"There's something wrong with these people." Laurana hid behind El and whispered: "There shouldn't be an organized regular army here in the Brown Earth Hills. They look like private soldiers of a big family..."

"It seems that Roger and them are not in the same group. Otherwise, wouldn't it be more convenient and quicker to directly use the strength of this army than to hire us at a high price." El carefully observed the situation of the defenders in the fortress. In this situation, he found that the clothes of these soldiers looked like the black knights under Pross, and their bodies naturally exuded a bit of toughness.

The water resources in the brown earth hills are extremely tight, and many aborigines have only one chance to take a bath in their lifetime, so the smell on the body can be imagined.However, the soldiers here take care of themselves very cleanly, and they seem to be more particular than the knights of ordinary lords.Judging from their appearance, it seems that there is no shortage of supplies.

"General El, let me introduce you." At this time Roger walked over with a middle-aged man in armor, and introduced to El: "This is the commander of the Night Watchmen, from the Truth Society General Brown Hank."

"Everything in the world is illusory, only the truth will last forever. May the truth guide your path, General El." Brown Hank stretched out a hand to stroke his chest, and bowed slightly in greeting. "

"Truth Society?" El suddenly felt that the name was a little familiar. Before he could sense it, Laurana behind him had already opened her hands, holding colorful test tubes of medicine between her fingers and was about to throw them out.

"Wait a minute!" El hurriedly grabbed Laurana's hand, led her back a few steps, and asked Roger sharply: "Mr. Roger, you didn't say that you would have any collusion with the truth!" At this moment, he I also recalled what the so-called truth would be, and my heart suddenly became cold.

"Where did you say that?" Roger looked at General Hank inexplicably, and couldn't help frowning and said: "The Night Watchmen have been stationed here for thousands of years, and their purpose is to guard the demon forces. Polluted ruins of ancient city-states. And... Shouldn't truth be the embodiment of justice in the Kingdom of Oakland?"

General Hanke looked at Laurana who had exploded hair, frowned and pondered for a moment, and asked with some uncertainty: "I see that you also have the mark of a disciple of the Truth Society, which master's disciple are you? What happened to the Truth Society in these years?"

Although the expressions on the faces of Roger and General Hank were very dazed, but out of caution, El still raised his hand to signal his troops to slowly gather. In fact, they never let down their vigilance along the way.Both the robber and the night watchman felt the tense atmosphere in the air, and couldn't help but clenched their weapons tightly.

Roger thought for a while, and whispered a few words in General Hank's ear. General Hank nodded, with a suddenly realized expression on his face.He spread his hands and took a few steps forward, indicating that he had no intention of going to war. He looked at El and said in a deep voice, "People from Istaren? I have heard the prophecy about the apostles, and I also know that someone wants to take the dirty The water is splashed on your heads, but that was decades ago. I have been here as a night watchman since I was 17, and I have been here for 32 years. We have never cared about the things on the ground. "

"The prophecy has been fulfilled. It was the messengers of your Truth Society who summoned the apostles to destroy Istaren." El blocked Laurana and Pallanti who were a little nervous with both hands, and said to General Hank with a cold face: "You don't know what happened on the ground? I can tell you. Because of the arrival of the apostles, Istaron was completely destroyed, and plagues and natural disasters swept from the north. Why do you think we brought refugees to this ghost place? Because no one has been able to prevent this disaster! And this is a good thing that your truth will do!"

"It's impossible!" Hearing El's question, General Hank's expression changed dramatically, and he subconsciously looked at Roger beside him, who just shrugged and said, "This matter has nothing to do with me, but they do Carrying a large number of refugees..."

"It doesn't look like this guy is acting." Laurana whispered behind El's back: "If he really had ulterior motives, he wouldn't have revealed his identity as the Truth Society so easily."

"Then why are you acting like you're facing an enemy?" El asked angrily. If Laurana hadn't suddenly put on a fighting stance, the current atmosphere wouldn't be so tense.

"The grievances between Eastalen and the Truth Society are not a matter of a day or two. I am afraid that only you, the temporary general who has been promoted to the front line, knows the inside story. If we don't have any reaction, it is an abnormal reaction...It's like this to startle the snake. , to find out their details." Laurana replied with a sullen face in a low voice.

On the other side, General Hank raised his hand and waved it around twice, and the Night Watchmen soldiers who surrounded him without a sound immediately relaxed and dispersed.He walked up to El, stretched out a hand to him and said, "General El, I think both of us need to understand each other better. We night watchmen have been stationed here for thousands of years, and the blade is aimed at demons rather than demons." Fellow human beings. If the purpose of your trip is to destroy the power of demons, then we might as well sit down and have a talk to resolve unpleasant misunderstandings."

"I'm not very interested in demons, it's just a deal." El looked at Roger, who was standing aside smiling and silent, couldn't help but shrugged, waved his hand to signal his troops to be on alert, and then stretched out his hand. He made a virtual shake with General Hank.

"Very well, I think we need to have a drink and relax, don't we?" Roger patted General Hank on the shoulder and put his hand on the two of them.

 Toothpaste is back, what a disaster, it must be the curse of the FFF group, but toothpaste will never compromise!Resume updates starting today!There is another update in the evening, trying to make up for the chapters that have been left behind these days.

(End of this chapter)

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