rune hunter

Chapter 218

Chapter 218 The Millennium Vow
The Truth Society was established 100 years ago during the "First Religious War". The original founders were the famous twelve sages at that time. The purpose was to preserve the fire of history and wisdom for mankind.Later, after the war ended, many legendary heroes also joined it, and gradually developed into a secret organization with the mission of "saving human civilization".

With the end of the first religious war, the sects of the gods reached a preliminary cooperation agreement, and the new forces of various countries were established among the ruins, including Oakland.The pace of the revival of human civilization is gradually accelerating, and the territory of Canilas' civilization continues to expand. Adventurers who have overcome thorns and thorns have opened up new lands. Most of them have disappeared in the shadow of the Black Forest, but there is still a A small number of lucky people seized the opportunity and became rich overnight.

This is the origin of the ancient city-state of brown earth hills.

At this time, the sects of the gods were busy dividing up the interests after the war, and did not pay much attention to the appearance of demons. They only mobilized some forces to support Oakland in a symbolic manner.But the Truth Society at that time clearly realized that if the demons were allowed to wreak havoc and the passage between hell and the human world was further expanded, the disaster would develop beyond control, so they tried their best to organize a human coalition army to attack Oakland. Mr. Texian provided the greatest support.

The demons were finally sealed away, and the ruins of the ancient city-state sank into the ground, and the brown earth hills became barren, no longer suitable for human habitation.The ancestor of Oakland announced that this cursed land would be classified as a forbidden land, and it would never be divided.

But the sages of the Truth Society realized that human nature is forgetful and greedy. Maybe it won’t be long before people will forget the history here. Greed for the land will prompt them to make a comeback, and there is even the possibility of breaking the demon’s seal because of selfish desires. .

As a result, a group of determined warriors stayed behind. They vowed to guard the ruins of the ancient city-state forever. On the one hand, they expel the erosion of the demon power, and at the same time, they also want to prevent human careerists from peeping at the demon power.Calling themselves the Night's Watch, this force was one of the original branches of the Order of Truth.

Although it is an underground fortress built for military purposes, there is no shortage of halls for soldiers to feast. The leaders of night watchmen, robbers and exiles will gather here by chance, and the atmosphere is particularly strange.However, General Hank was not a staid type of soldier, and the atmosphere gradually eased as the fine wine and steaming food were served in the cellar.

"Although there is no grass on the ground of the brown earth hills, there are still some local products underground. This is the buffalo mushroom we found underground. Stewed with rock beast meat will become supremely delicious. This thing is very bad Look, you are really lucky to be able to catch up this time." Because there were almost no guests visiting, General Hanke seemed extremely enthusiastic.

While eating and chatting, El gradually learned the real secret of the Brown Earth Hills.

Years passed and the world changed. The night watchman team has been sticking to the depths of the ground because of the oath, and it has hardly changed much.However, the Truth Society in the secular world has already undergone changes. With the changes in the ideas of leaders from generation to generation, although the Truth Society today still takes saving human civilization as its mission, its methods of action will inevitably be affected by secular interests. .Just as the tragedy of Istaren ten years ago is a living example.

As one of the hidden armed forces of the Truth Society, the Night Watchman is actually not under the jurisdiction of the Truth Society.The sages and the leader of the night watchman agreed that the truth would provide logistical supplies and supplementary soldiers for the night watchman, and the task of the night watchman was to guard the demon's seal wholeheartedly.The power of the Night's Watch must not be used unless the truth would be shattered.

The original purpose of this oath is noble, but not everyone is a sage with flawless character.Hundreds of years of unilateral and unconditional giving is also a heavy burden for the Truth Society.Since Oakland re-opened the northern border 300 years ago, the Truth Society has gradually reduced expenditures in the name of not infringing on the sovereignty of other countries, and the size of the Night Watch force has gradually shrunk to the current level of less than a thousand.

Without the support of the Truth Society, the Night Watchmen could not even replenish their back soldiers, so they had to rely on themselves in the brown earth hills, seeking the right to survive.

Thomas the Golden Hand and Anis the Poison Widow are inextricably linked to the Night Watchers. The Caravan of the Golden Hands transports supplies for the Night Watchers and helps them sell some prohibited goods—such as the casting of the Night Watchers. The sales of their weapons are particularly good, and they can be sold at a good price even outside.The poisonous widow's mercenaries explore the Underdark for the Night's Watch, and this broken land also hides passages to the underground world.

Of course, General Hank would not tell El the truth about these things, but there is a puppet encyclopedia standing behind El, who can analyze a large amount of information with just a few words between a few people, and then use little Langa's The mind link feeds back into El's mind.

Some of this information is just Laurana's groundless speculation. For example, she can judge from the stewed mushrooms on the table and Xi Ya's landwalker blood that this place can connect to the underground world... But for El, as long as it is her guess , that can basically be regarded as a fact, he just doesn't know what use this information can be used for.

In fact, what General Hank told him was his own story. General Hank's father was a high-level figure in the Truth Society and a nobleman of the Oakland Kingdom, and he himself was an illegitimate child.In the aristocratic class, unless the bloodline is cut off, the illegitimate child cannot have the status of nobility, and can only live in the shadows for the rest of his life.

However, as the heir of a disciple of the Truth Society, he has another choice, which is to sacrifice his life and soul for the Truth Society and dedicate himself to the historical mission of saving human civilization.

After he held his coming-of-age ceremony, he was sent by his father to this ghostly place where the sun never shines. He stayed for more than [-] years, and he is now nearly half a hundred years old.However, General Hank himself didn't have many complaints about this.Although the conditions here are a bit difficult, he has the power to respond to everyone, and he shoulders the mission of honor.

Although the ruins of the ancient city-state sank into the ground and the passage to hell was sealed, the land had been completely eroded by demon power, and it had not faded even after thousands of years.In history, the night watchmen have cleaned up the ruins of the city-state several times, but they have never been able to completely remove the demonic forces entrenched in them.Now, as the number of night watchmen continues to shrink, the demon forces in the ruins of the city-state have unexpectedly counterattacked, which makes General Hank very worried.

In the past history, the Night Watchman regarded the legend of the Thief King as nonsense, and even once believed that there were devil spies hidden among the robbers, who would destroy the seal secretly, so the relationship between the two parties was very rigid, and there were also experiences of facing each other with swords.But in recent years, in order to curb the demon power in the ruins of the city-state, the night watchmen and the robbers have gradually begun to cooperate, which is the real reason for the harmonious relationship between Roger and General Hank.

Regarding General Hank's frankness, El naturally didn't mind sharing the truth about Istaren, and if the other party wasn't hostile, he didn't have any need to hide it.

After he told the story of the fall of Istaron in as concise a language as possible, he got his wish and saw the ashen faces of General Hank and Roger.

 The second change, I hope to stick to the rhythm of [-] a day
(End of this chapter)

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