rune hunter

Chapter 219 3rd Floor Ruins

Chapter 219
"Earl Snake betrayed the Truth Society!" After hearing the story told by El, General Hank slammed his fist on the table and said through gritted teeth.The faces of the other big bosses present were also very ugly. Although the natural geographical environment of the brown soil hills kept the plague out, it was hard to say that this place would not suffer from the disaster.

The reason why Antonio, the lord of Istaron, didn't pay enough attention to the plague issue was because he was confident in his military strength on the one hand, and on the other hand, the Maple Leaf Sisters of the Life Sect were in charge.With the identity and strength of Sister Maryvian, if there is no accident, she will not be afraid of the plague at all.

But the residents on the brown earth hills do not have such favorable treatment.

The greatest threat of the plague comes from its rapid spread and its incubation period without warning.It is foreseeable that in the future, there will definitely be refugees from other places, and they do not have the medical conditions of the Istaren people, and basically they may be infected by pathogens.If the robbers come into contact with these refugees, even if they kill them all, they will inevitably be infected.

Among them, Thomas the Golden Hand has the most ugly face. Others can at least find a way to escape, but his caravan travels north and south, and the chances of being infected by the plague can be said to be doubled.If the plague broke out in the entire territory of the Oakland Kingdom, his power might not be spared.

"You think things are too simple. Simply using the word betrayal is not enough to explain the behavior of Earl Snake. According to my teacher's inference, the concept of some high-level members of the Truth Society may have changed." Laurana sat Beside El, he stared at General Hank with burning eyes, and said in a concentrated voice: "The entire human society can be saved by sacrificing a small number of people... If you have this kind of thinking, it is such a price for the Truth Society. It's acceptable too. Just like you night watchmen."

"This is different!" General Hank growled with a suppressed voice: "We are soldiers who volunteered to sacrifice their lives..."

"Essentially speaking, there is no difference, it's just the difference between voluntary and involuntary, I believe this small problem is irrelevant to the big figures of the Truth Society." Laurana pulled down her hood to cover her eyes, and the corners of her mouth revealed With a sarcastic smile: "General Hank, I believe you are a respectable soldier, but you should also know that the truth will change now. No matter what their ultimate purpose is, this behavior of Earl Snake is tantamount to They were playing with fire, and now that they've caught fire, I can't wait to see what comes to them."

"Enough!" El said suddenly, he pressed Laurana's hand, signaling her not to provoke General Hank's reason any more.He glanced at the leaders present, and said in a deep voice: "Compared with those big figures who worry about the fate of mankind, we are all insignificant little characters. General Hank, Mr. Roger, Mr. Thomas, Mrs. Anis, I think Now that we have a certain understanding of each other, shouldn't we deal with the business at hand first?"

"That's right, the truth society and the plague are too far away from us. The most important thing now is to find the treasure of the Thieves King." Roger coughed, and also winked at General Hank who was sitting beside him, signaling him to calm down .No matter how crazy the truth may be, it is far away in the sky after all.As long as it is confirmed that there is no irresolvable enmity between the two parties, it is better to go all out to solve the immediate problem.

General Hanke looked at Laurana, his eyes dazed for a while, and finally he sighed and nodded, "Okay, we'll talk about this matter when we get back. Now let me introduce you to the city-state ruins."

He waved to his adjutant to clean up the food on the table, and at the same time brought over a map drawn on a thick roll of parchment. El noticed that this map was a bit too big, and there was more than one.

"These are the maps of the city-state ruins, which can be roughly divided into three layers from top to bottom." General Hanke spread all the maps on the table, occupying a whole table with room to spare.From the map line drawn on the parchment, it can be seen that this is a city several times larger than Istaron.

"Isn't this a map from 1000 years ago?" El reached out and touched the edge of the parchment, and he could feel the obvious traces of time from the touch of his fingertips.

"The night watchmen have to revisit this map every 50 years, but this version was revised 300 years ago. Since then, we have never had enough manpower to carry out this dangerous work." General Hank seemed It was thinking of some unpleasant past, and the expression on his face was not very good-looking.

The ancient city-state sank into the ground during the wars of that year, and of course it was impossible to maintain the original intact structure.From the map, it can be seen that the shape of the ruins on the first floor is like an incomplete ring. Judging from the scale drawn on the map, the diameter can reach at least nearly five kilometers. This may be the outer city of the ancient city-state.

The ruins on the second floor just filled the center of the ring, covering an area of ​​more than ten square kilometers, and the ruins on the third floor were also the missing part of the second floor, with a smaller area, but the marks on the map were also the same. It's more scribbled, crooked and looks like random graffiti.

"The power of demons entrenched in the ruins has never been cleared, and instead spawned all kinds of evil monsters. The first layer of ruins is an area that we can control. The monsters here can be dealt with by ordinary soldiers, and it is also commonly known as a place of trials. .The inner city of the second floor is the land that is truly eroded by demon power. In essence, it is already close to the environment of hell. As for the third floor, it is the most dangerous place, even the most experienced night watchman warriors are very dangerous. It’s hard to guarantee a full retreat.”

"Where is our target?" El looked away from the map and asked Roger.

"According to the experience of the pioneers in the past, it should be in this area." Roger stretched out his finger, and drew a small circle on the edge of the second layer of ruins, close to the third layer of ruins.

"Since there is a map, it means that the night watchman has been there before. If there is any treasure, it must have been discovered long ago." El asked puzzledly, looking at Roger's finger.

"Do you think the Thief King just digs a hole to bury his treasure so easily?" Roger resisted the urge to roll his eyes, poked on the map with his finger, and shouted angrily: "What we have to do The first thing is to get to this place, and there is still a long way to go!"

 first change

(End of this chapter)

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