rune hunter

Chapter 220 The Bandit's Faith

Chapter 220 The Bandit's Faith

Ever since he entered the fortress and found the Night Watchmen, El had been wondering, since Roger and General Hank had a good relationship, why did he go so far as to hire strangers like himself to help.Although it is said that the night watchman force has been greatly reduced in the past few hundred years, there are still at least a thousand people, and they are all well-trained elite fighters.The goals and interests of the two parties do not conflict, so why not work together?
The answer to this question got a reasonable explanation after they entered the ruins of the ancient city-state—Roger had already counted the power of the night watchman. The edge of the ruins on the second floor cannot be touched.

Passing through the gate of the underground fortress, you can see the edge of the ancient city-state ruins. If you don't have personal experience, it is difficult for ordinary people to describe the magnificence of those ruins in words.El, who came out of the mountains, was once shocked by the majesty of Istaron, but the city-state ruins in front of him, even after thousands of years of time, are still several times larger than Istaron's scale.

Although the city walls of Istaren are very strong, the residential buildings in the outer city are generally made of wood, so they cannot survive the meteor fire rain.However, in the ruins of this ancient city-state, even the most peripheral buildings are made of rocks, and even if they are sunk into the ground, they still maintain the integrity of the structure.

From the outside of the fortress to the entrance of the second-floor ruins, there is a straight-line distance of nearly two kilometers, but in the middle, many urban streets have been buried by collapsed rocks, and the team had to follow the marks on the map to find a safe passage , the twists and turns are nearly ten kilometers away, and there are all kinds of deadly dangers lurking on this road.

As soon as he stepped into the edge of the ancient city-state ruins, El heard a low hiss in the deep shadows. There was a flash of blue light in his eyes and he looked carefully, and saw several monsters about the size of wolves in the shadows. In a flash.The ruins are obviously not as peaceful as it looks.

General Hank sent a force of 500 men to clear the way for Roger and his men.According to the Night Watchman, those monsters spawned by demonic forces, although not yet sound in mind, are full of cruel cunning.They are not afraid of death, they will attack anytime and anywhere, and they may even deliberately cause earthquakes, ranging from blocking roads to directly burying people.

If you want to go deep into the ruins, you must take the initiative and try your best to clean up the nearby monsters, otherwise they will bring you endless troubles.

The Night Watchman's troop was subdivided into hundreds of small teams of three or five people. Whenever they passed through a safe street, a few teams would break away from the team and spread out to both sides of the street, clearing away all the monsters that appeared around them.According to the marks on the map, even the shortest shortcut would have to pass through at least twenty or thirty blocks. The soldiers of the night watchman were scattered like this, like peppercorns effect.

However, the robbers quickly realized the good intentions of the night watchman. After the night watchman completely dispersed, the team that continued to move forward was soon encountered by a real monster attack, and their speed suddenly slowed down.The strength of these monsters is only a little stronger than ordinary adults, not enough to pose a threat to fierce robbers, but their fearless madness can easily affect morale.

Faced with this situation, Roger chose the same strategy as the night watchman without hesitation.He has no time and no need to entangle with these low-level monsters. The main purpose of bringing so many people is to deal with such ubiquitous little troubles.

This time El also saw the true face of the monster. It was a little devil that was slightly bigger than a wild wolf and walked upright on two legs. They had devil's signature horns growing on their heads, but their skin was a It was pitch black, and it was different from the image of the devil in El's impression.

"These are immature little lemurs, the lowest primitive species of hell. They are like mice in the human world, and they are very capable of surviving. However, the power of demons in this ruin has been sealed, and the remaining remnants, although It can help them grow, but it cannot meet the requirements of evolution." Laurana whispered in El's ear.

"Looking at this, I'm afraid real demons will appear on the second floor." El recalled the few little surprises given to him by the demon warlock Master Dreyer, and couldn't help curling his lips.If he had a choice, he would definitely not want to have anything to do with demons. Those damn things are thick-skinned, tenacious, and have all kinds of weird abilities, making them very troublesome to kill.

But the world is always not as one wishes. Sometimes the more afraid of ghosts, the easier it is to see ghosts. Roger dispatched the poisonous widow's mercenaries, and she was responsible for cleaning up the surrounding monsters. She took away a full 300 people and moved forward steadily for a while. distance.But when the team passed through a square marked on the map, they were attacked by monsters on a large scale.

Thousands of monsters surged up from all directions, including the little lemur that El just met and other inexplicable things, some of which were still humanoid, some were simply a moving plant, and some had grown in size by dozens The only thing they have in common is that they are all black and full of tyrannical madness.

Although the robbers were holding torches, their vision would be affected to a certain extent in this absolutely dark environment. In addition, the protective colors on the monsters' bodies were not easy to distinguish, and casualties occurred as soon as the two sides came into contact.

A bandit who was standing outside and didn't defend in time was dragged by the monster and dragged into the depths of the darkness. After a while, there was a shrill scream and wailing, which made people tremble in their hearts.

"Don't panic! It's just some little guys, cooperate with each other to organize a counterattack!" Roger's voice sounded in front of the team.A golden knife light streaked across the darkness, instantly illuminating half of the square, leaving nowhere for the monsters lurking in the darkness to hide.The morale of the robbers was instantly boosted when they saw the light of the sword passing by. They were all tough elites, but they were taken aback by the unfamiliar monsters. When they calmed down, they immediately responded. With some combat power, he yelled and rushed towards the monster.

In terms of ferocity alone, these bandits are not necessarily inferior to monsters.

"That knife is really interesting..." El hid in the protective formation formed by his troops, looked at Roger's knife light from a distance, and couldn't help talking to himself.

"Bandits also have beliefs?" Pallanti subconsciously grasped the lion's tooth horn hanging around her neck. It was a little hard to understand the reaction of the robbers. In her opinion, the so-called robbers were just a group of bullying mobs who were afraid of the hard. It's hard to imagine that they have such a thing as faith like a fighter.

"Adrian, the king of thieves, is what they once believed in..." El said in a deep voice.

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(End of this chapter)

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