rune hunter

Chapter 221

Chapter 221
The ruins of the ancient city-states have been corroded too deeply by the power of demons, and have even changed the basic rules of this land.The Night's Watch has had multiple sweeps during its heyday, but the end result has been less than ideal.The law of order here has been completely destroyed, and instead is affected by the law of chaos, and chaos is the basis for the birth of demons.

The power of mortals alone is not enough to restore the law of order here. Unless a true god descends and ignites the fire of order with divine power, it will be possible to completely eliminate the evil forces in this land.But if the Truth Society is compared to an idealist, then the believers of the Gods sect can be said to be pure realists.For them, this is a loss-making business.

Beginning with the first religious war 1000 years ago, the essential reason for the three civil wars between the sects of the gods was actually to compete for the power of faith.The power of gods comes from human belief, but human nature is full of realism. For the vast majority of human beings in this world, their belief in gods is only out of need, not a pure spiritual support.Warriors believe in the god of war, because the god of war gives them strength, and so on.

As the spokesperson of the gods in the mortal world, the mission of the sect of the gods is to spread beliefs in the mortal world and win believers.The task is arduous, but the resources are limited. The same level of divine power can hold a grand prayer ceremony in a bustling city. What idiot would go to a place like the brown earth hills where birds don't lay eggs to waste their feelings?

What's more, the passage to hell here has been sealed. From the outside, there is no danger at all. Unless you run in and die, you don't need to worry about it even after another 1000 years.

El is now very unfortunate to join the ranks of this death.

The edge of the ruins has been repeatedly swept by the night watchmen, so there is no danger, but the closer you get to the depths, the more clearly you can feel a certain kind of depression.Ordinary fighters just feel a little stuffy, but only those who have reached the level of El can feel that their perception is being affected. This is the sense of violation caused by the intersection of the laws of order and chaos. more and more obvious.

When the team marched to the deepest part of the first floor of the ruins, there were only about two hundred people left behind Roger. Except for the troops who were dispatched by the poisonous widow and the golden hand to clean up the surrounding monsters, there were also some robbers' bodies. Obvious maladaptive symptoms.Some people began to vomit inexplicably, while others passed out without saying a word.

The law of chaos has been clearly manifested here. There is almost no wind flow in the ruins, but the torches in everyone's hands are blown loudly.The surrounding buildings began to appear strange distortions and changes. The houses were obviously built of stone, but the original square doors and windows became like skeletons.El observed with the Eye of True Sight, and found that the doors and windows were still the same, and it was the human vision that was distorted.

The Istaron fighters he selected were all experienced veterans, and they didn't have all the conditions of the robbers, but there were also many people with cold sweat on their foreheads.Walking in the dark for a long time, normal people would feel fear and depression, but now this environment amplifies that feeling exponentially, even elite fighters will feel the pressure.

With the guidance of the night watchmen, Roger quickly found the entrance to the second layer of ruins. In fact, it was an entrance, but it was actually a cliff.After the ancient city-state sank into the ground, it collapsed and split into three parts. The ruins of the second layer collapsed deeper and were completely cut off from the first layer.Looking down from the edge of the cliff, it was pitch black, even with El's eyesight, it was difficult to see the depth below.

Al had already calculated in his heart that if Roger wanted to let everyone go down with the rope, he would turn around and leave without saying a word.It's easy to go down, but it's troublesome to go up. If something goes wrong, if you don't retreat, you will die unjustly.

Fortunately, Roger did not make such an idiotic decision. Under the guidance of the night watchman, they quickly found a downward slope on the edge of the cliff. Although it was a bit steep, it was fortunately not narrow and could accommodate two people. People walk side by side, looking at the smoothness of the road surface, it seems that it has been artificially repaired.

"Everyone hold hands, look at the people in front of you, no matter what sounds you hear or what you see, don't act rashly, and follow the main force!" The night watchman who was the guide stood at the intersection and shouted, then raised his hand. Set fire to the first one and go down.

El told Pallanti to take good care of Laurana, and walked to Roger by himself. With the strength of the two of them, they naturally didn't need the primitive means of holding hands.What really aroused Al's attention was that he noticed that Roger's face seemed very ugly.

"Don't tell me this is your first time coming in." Al walked up to Roger and whispered half-jokingly.

"This is the third time..." Roger licked his lips, looked straight ahead and said in a low voice: "The first time I did my adult trial here, it was just on the edge of the first floor, and I didn't dare to go in. The second time I came in with Blackbeard. Back then I was a little boss under him. That time we walked to the innermost part of the second floor. Out of the twenty brothers who went in with me, I was the only one who survived. "

"What's down there?" El took the opportunity to ask.

"Chaos." Roger said simply and appalled.

Before he finished speaking, he heard a scream from the front of the line. A robber with a torch suddenly rushed out of the line, pulled the people around him and jumped off the cliff. Far away, it gradually disappeared, and after about tens of seconds, a muffled thump was heard from below.

"Calm down! You bastards!" Hearing the uneasy noise in the team, Roger suddenly stood up and shouted: "Don't look down! Look ahead, keep going, don't stop!"

The team continued to move, but El could easily feel that the morale of the bandits had been hit to a certain extent.It would be fine if he stepped into the air and fell, but what everyone witnessed just now was the madness of the robber. No one knew what happened to him, let alone whether he would become the next victim.There was no trust among the robbers at all, and in this situation, they were even more uneasy. Naturally, they did not dare to speed up their pace, and the speed of the entire team immediately slowed down.

"That's why I sought help from the regular army." Roger looked back at the silent soldiers behind El, with a wry smile on his face.Although the bandits under him were powerful in combat, they were still a group of rabble in essence, and their ability to resist pressure in the face of adversity was obviously inferior to that of specially trained regular army soldiers.

"They should speed up their pace. I have a bad feeling." El was not in the mood to joke at this time, and said in a low voice with a sullen face.

 first change

(End of this chapter)

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