rune hunter

Chapter 222 Chaos Zone

Chapter 222 Chaos Zone
A strange smelly wind suddenly blew in the darkness. Before the others could react, El's wild intuition sent out a dangerous warning signal.He turned his head sharply, the blue light in his eyes bloomed, and he saw a group of monsters with wings and sharp claws flying silently from the darkness.

"Be careful outside!" El only had time to roar, and took out the Dragon Tooth Bow with his backhand, the arrow shot across the torches beside him, and flew out with a string of sparks.There was only a strange cry of "quack", and the monster rushing to the front fluttered its wings and fell to the bottom of the cliff.With the flash of fire, everyone also saw the true face of that monster.

It was a monster similar to a gargoyle, but with a demonic body. Its wings spread out four meters, and sharp claws grew on its hands and feet.Seeing that their whereabouts were exposed, the monsters let out sharp and strange screams, and their speed suddenly accelerated and rushed forward.

The Istaron warriors erected the tower shield with a single command, and stretched out spears from the gap in the tower shield. The team of 300 people instantly turned into a huge hedgehog, and the mountain hunter with a bow and arrow hid under the tower shield. , narrowed his eyes and began to lock the trace of the monster.There was no way to attack in the darkness outside, but as long as these monsters dared to charge against the defense of the tower shield, what awaited them was a fatal counterattack.

Compared with the well-trained Eastalen fighters, the bandits' reactions were much worse. They didn't lack experience in sneak attacks and counter-attacks, but they couldn't use them in this damn place.When the monster pounced on the team from the darkness, there were immediately heavy casualties.Some people couldn't dodge being caught by the monster, and they were dragged out and disappeared into the darkness. Others rolled on the ground subconsciously. Although they avoided the monster's sharp claws, they accidentally fell off the cliff.

However, the robbers who can come here are not ordinary characters. After several attacks in the first floor of the ruins, even the robbers who came in for the first time are mentally prepared, and gradually show that they are not afraid of death. style.The monster's attack only caused a moment of confusion at the beginning, and soon fell into the dogfight that the robbers are good at.

Bandits use unscrupulous means to fight. Many senior bandits hide all kinds of strange and vicious things on their bodies, and their insidiousness is far beyond ordinary people's imagination.El fired several arrows and hit five monsters. Just after he breathed a sigh of relief, he turned around and saw one monster's wings were entangled in a sling, spinning and falling down.

There are also robbers with tough personalities, who start to go crazy as soon as they enter the fighting state.Relying on his dexterity, a thin robber unexpectedly jumped on the back of a monster, ignoring the bone spurs on its back, piercing himself to the back of the monster's head with his teeth gritted, and then they fell down together. up the cliff.

The golden knife light flashed again, splitting the monster in midair in half.Roger rushed to the edge of the cliff with a golden scimitar in his hand, supporting the protection within 20 meters by himself.He scanned the front and back of the team, weighed it quickly in his heart, and shouted loudly: "Go ahead! Don't get entangled with these monsters!"

Elbi Roger saw more clearly, and his calculations were more precise. There were nearly fifty monsters attacking in this wave, and in the deeper darkness, more monsters were coming one after another.Human beings must rely on the lighting of flames if they want to walk in the dark, but this lighting also provides the clearest beacon for monsters in the dark.

In the urban area of ​​the first layer of ruins, due to the barriers of the buildings, only the nearby monsters can see the fire.But there are cliffs on one side of this road, and endless darkness on the other side. I don't know how many monsters will be attracted by the fire. If they stay here, it is tantamount to seeking their own death.

"This is a mutant Nightmare, a scout from the Hell Demon Legion. But the Nightmare I know is at least ten times more vicious than this kind of thing, and it also has the ability of 'horrible howl'... This is probably because The demonic powers here are not being replenished, so they can't evolve to their mature form."

After carefully examining the corpse of the monster, Laurana leaned over to El and reported in a low voice.

"Should this be considered good news?" El lifted the Nightmare's body to the bottom of the cliff with one foot, and waved his hand to signal the troops behind him to speed up their march.The robbers in front had already begun to trot under Roger's command, and at the same time, half of the lit torches were extinguished, leaving only the number of people who could barely see the road.It seemed that he was determined to let the team pass this dangerous road quickly, even if he had to pay the price of some people slipping and slipping.

"It can be said to be good news, or it can be said to be bad news. The good news is that the power of demons here cannot be replenished and become lifeless, and the demons born from this are also difficult to fully evolve. The enemies we face will be more powerful than expected. Even weaker. As for the bad news... this should be the last discount we can enjoy in the first-floor ruins." Laurana whispered with a giggle.

"What's the difference between what you said and what you didn't say?" El rolled his eyes and asked angrily.

"I just want to remind you, don't underestimate the danger of the second layer of ruins." Laurana pulled the hem of El's clothes and shrank to the side close to the cliff, whispering: "Up until now, this team The losses suffered are within an acceptable level, even if Roger still seeks help from both us and the night watchmen, that means the danger of the second layer of ruins will far exceed our imagination.

During the journey through the first layer of ruins, El's troops basically didn't suffer too much loss, which made him faintly feel that it was nothing more than that.After being reminded by Laurana, he suddenly realized how serious his delusions were.

Roger spent a lot of money to hire Eastalen fighters, not because he brought people over for free.So far, the Istaron fighters have not had the opportunity to fully demonstrate their strength, which means that on the road ahead, there must be existences that require them to deal with them with all their strength.

Although this road is long, it will eventually come to an end. When the team reached the entrance of the second layer of ruins, El really felt what Roger said—the meaning of chaos.

If before this, El, a semi-literate person, still had a literal understanding of the "rules of order", now he can finally deepen his understanding.Because in this place, he clearly felt the fading of the rules of order.

The real reason why the second layer of ruins of the ancient city-state sank deeper into the ground was that the order in this land had been replaced by chaotic forces.From here on, the order and rules of the human world have been completely destroyed, replaced by the source of chaos from hell.

Al raised his hand and clenched his fist, only to find that he couldn't feel the muscle strength.He turned his head and saw that Laurana's face was changing, and the beautiful girl became hideous, looking like she was going to choose someone to eat.

His perception was distorted.

 the second
(End of this chapter)

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