rune hunter

Chapter 223 Blackbeard's Comeback

Chapter 223 Blackbeard's Comeback
Among the adventure stories of heroes sung by bards, the most popular ones are plots such as leading friends to defeat the demon army and saving the world.In short, in the story, the heroes are basically omnipotent, and the villains are the stepping stones of the heroes. Hell can come and go freely like a back garden.

There are many young and ignorant teenagers who once dreamed of becoming heroes, but it is impossible for them to know how dangerous and terrifying the real hell is.

The mortal world where human beings live is constructed by order and rules, but the hell where demons are born is the embodiment of chaos.If an ordinary person suddenly travels to hell without preparation, all the rules of order supporting his body will disintegrate in an instant, and the only end waiting for him is death.

The team led by Roger encountered a similar situation in the ruins on the second floor.

Just as he was worried, although the bandits were brave and fearless, they were actually a mob without systematic and effective organizational training.There are many robbers who seem to be rebellious, but they lack spiritual support in their hearts and are actually extremely fragile.

This kind of person usually doesn't see anything strange, but once he feels pressure, he will show his feet.Under the oppression of the chaotic laws of the second layer of ruins, many robbers began to lose control of their emotions.Even though they knew that they were surrounded by their comrades-in-arms and brothers, they never even had the most basic trust.It's just that there was a slight error in perception, but they drew their swords at the people around them without hesitation.

In the beginning, only a few bandits had outbursts of extreme emotions, but under their influence, the uneasiness quickly spread.

"Don't come here! Don't come here!" Xi Ya's scream caught El's attention. He raised his head and saw the girl screaming and escaped from the original team. She had activated the biological armor on her body , The carapace-like armor covered the girl's head, only two bright yellow eyes without pupils were exposed, and rows of sharp bony spurs grew from her limbs, looking like a porcupine with fried hair.

Two thieves with slanted mouths and obviously abnormal mental state rushed up from behind, trying to push Xi Ya to the ground.Even from El's perspective, their pure malice could be seen, and Xi Ya's reaction was even more intense.With a flick of her hands, two bone spurs shot out, and they were accurately inserted into the eyes of the two robbers, but she herself jumped backwards and climbed onto the rock wall with only the strength of her limbs.

"It turned out to be the blood of the Landwalker Sword Spider. Although it is low-level, it is indeed very useful." Laurana saw the strange twisting of Xi Ya's limbs and joints, and said in a low voice, "But I am really curious, that Annie How did Ms. Si get this bloodline?"

"Now is not the time to study this kind of thing. There is something wrong with this place." El secretly wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, carefully watching the movement in the surrounding darkness.The Istaron fighters under him have already formed a defensive formation, so there is no need to worry too much about their psychological quality. The advantage of the regular army lies in its strict discipline. The better the soldiers, the more they will strictly obey orders.

And order itself is an absolute order.

After arriving at the second layer of ruins, the nightmares in the sky immediately scattered away.The robbers breathed a sigh of relief, but Al and Roger's faces were not very good-looking.The departure of the nightmares did not mean that they had given up on their goals. Seeing how they turned back without hesitation, it was more like fear of the second layer of ruins.

Even with the chaotic nature of demons, they will instinctively obey the strong. The remaining demonic power in the second layer of ruins far exceeds that of the first layer of ruins. From a certain point of view, it also proves that the demons lurking in the second layer of ruins are more dangerous.

"We have to go through this city to reach our destination quickly before more monsters are alarmed, otherwise it will be very troublesome." Roger pulled the crazy Siya off the rock wall, cut off the bone spurs on her body, and put the little girl With the girl in her arms, she walked up to El and said in a deep voice.

"Since this is the case, don't talk nonsense, let's go." El was also very anxious in his heart, and his tone of voice was a little impatient.

"If we go on like this, my team will soon become a mess. So now you need your troops to go forward, and the power of order in your body can help us last a little longer." Roger turned a blind eye to El's face, because this Sometimes he asks others.

"Let's go ahead? Where are we going?" Al almost laughed out of anger after hearing Roger's words.He didn't mind his troops walking ahead and facing danger, but he was an outsider after all, how could he find the right direction in this ghostly place just by looking at the map?

Although Roger knew the way, he couldn't leave his team and run to El as a guide.Looking at the ghostly appearance of the gang of robbers under him, if he didn't keep an eye on it himself, they would probably disperse in less than 5 minutes.The robber kings of all dynasties spent a lot of manpower and material resources on expeditions, and the biggest problem they faced was never the devil in the dark, but their own subordinates.

"It's okay, we still have a suitable guide." Roger looked at his ugly subordinates, hesitated for a moment, and said unwillingly.

Of course the guide Roger was referring to was not the night watchman. Although the night watchman had drawn a map of the second layer of ruins, they didn’t know much about the place Roger wanted to go to. Only Roger, who was holding a golden scimitar, knew the history The Robber King explores the path out.

And here, there is another big man who has mastered the golden scimitar and organized more than one exploration, that is the previous king of robbers-Blackbeard.

According to the unwritten rules among robbers, if the new king of robbers wants to take the throne, he must kill the previous king of robbers to establish his prestige.But after Roger got Blackbeard from El, he never made a move. Instead, he fed him with delicious food and drink, and brought him to this ruins together.

Compared to the prestige of the so-called Bandit King, Roger puts more emphasis on Blackbeard's residual value—such as his last experience in entering an ancient city-state.This was originally just a dark move, and if possible, Roger would not be willing to use the black beard's hole card, but the current situation could not allow him to continue to hide his secrets.

If you want to find the treasure of the king of thieves, you must use all available power, even if you are in danger of burning yourself, there is no choice at this time.

Al was really taken aback when he saw Blackbeard coming out of Roger's team.He didn't expect that Roger would dare to bring Blackbeard by his side so grandly.Although Blackbeard wore special shackles on his hands and feet, everyone knew that these things could only serve a symbolic meaning.

No matter how strong the shackles are, it is difficult to trap a strong man of the silver rank. As long as Blackbeard is willing, he can escape at any time.And the reason why he didn't do this is probably because he reached some ulterior deals with Roger.

"Hehe, we meet again." Seeing the astonished expression on El's face, the black beard suddenly opened his mouth and laughed. He wiped his beard habitually, turned to look at Roger and said with a smile : "Little devil, do you now realize that this place is not fun? When you escaped by chance, you underestimated this place from the bottom of your heart."

"So many robber kings have fallen here in the past 1000 years, how dare I have the heart to underestimate them?" Roger smiled bitterly, pulled out the golden scimitar from his waist, twirled a knife in his hand, and went I fell to the ground.The golden knife flashed, and the shackles between Blackbeard's legs broke with a sound.

"Boy, do you really dare to return the golden scimitar to me?" Blackbeard stared at Roger coldly, then slowly bent down to pick up the golden scimitar on the ground, put it on his wrist and gave it back, and released the shackles on his hands. Pry it open and throw it aside.Under the watchful eyes of everyone, he puffed up his chest and let out a loud laugh, and the aura of the former king suddenly appeared.

"As long as I can find the treasure of the Thief King this time, it doesn't matter if I return the golden scimitar to you." Roger tilted his head, with a confident smile on his face: "I snatched it from you once, and I can snatch it from you once." the second time."

In front of all the robbers present, the old and new robber kings silently looked at each other, their sharp eyes almost sparking sparks in the air.Blackbeard snorted coldly, held the golden scimitar tightly and turned to leave.

"This is simply... full of domineering aura." Al, who had witnessed everything the whole time, couldn't help admiring in a low voice. Compared with Roger, the bandit leader, he suddenly felt that he was really petty.

From head to toe, this guy shines with light that cannot be seen directly. He is simply the protagonist template in the story. If it is placed in other places, the achievements may be far more than what it is today.

"What's the matter? General El? Have you also felt the charisma of Ghost Wolf Roger?" Blackbeard walked to El's side, with a teasing smile on his face, hehe said with a strange smile: "Do you think this The kid is big enough to do things, as long as you hang out with him, you will have a future?"

"I'm an asshole with him, let's do something quickly." El rolled his eyes, put away the envy and jealousy in his heart, and turned his attention back to Blackbeard.Compared to Roger, who likes to negotiate deals, this guy is more of a threat to him, because he is a real, unscrupulous gangster.

"Don't rush, don't rush, you can't be impatient in this place. Calm your mind, the more anxious you are, the easier it is to be seduced by the devil in your heart." Blackbeard said mysteriously.

He picked up the golden scimitar, held it tightly in the palm of his hand, and slowly lifted it up to point straight ahead.He maintained this movement for nearly ten seconds before taking the first step cautiously.

"If you want to leave this ghost place alive, you'd better listen to my advice." Blackbeard's voice became low, and although he didn't turn his head, El knew he was talking to himself.

"No matter what you see or hear, don't act rashly. The air you breathe is saturated with demonic powers, which will gradually eat away at your body, paralyze your mind, and cause hallucinations and delusions. Either way, You have to keep in mind at all times - who you really are!"

 One more three thousand today

(End of this chapter)

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