rune hunter

Chapter 224 Scythe Claw Demon

Chapter 224 Scythe Claw Demon

In theory, it is a sensible choice to let Blackbeard out and work together.The robbers in the brown earth hills are obsessed with the treasure of the Thief King far beyond the level of personal grievances. This is the real reason why Roger can integrate the elite personnel of all the southern forces without worrying about their rebellion.

After thousands of years of historical precipitation, the matter of finding the treasure of the king of thieves has become a belief and long-cherished wish similar to the spiritual pillar for all robbers.Even if the hatred between Blackbeard and Roger is irreconcilable, they have to work together in this matter.Even if both of them knew that if they found the treasure, they would immediately become life-and-death enemies again, but before that, their alliance was still unbreakable.

Of course, this is the idea of ​​the robbers, and El has reservations about it.Thinking that when he was in the mountains, it was not that he had never done robbery, and he had a deep understanding of the nature of this business.Even if he saw the robbers miraculously united with his own eyes, he would never think that these scumbags deserved a sliver of trust.

In order to prove that the grass snake is not poisonous, so you stretch your finger to bite it?That's what a watery-headed idiot would do.When Blackbeard came to his team, El put 80.00% of his attention on him.In addition, Pallanti also clenched the scabbard tightly, ready to kill violently at any time.Laurana half-closed her eyes and hid behind El, pinching a slender medicine test tube with her fingertips, aiming at Blackbeard's feet intentionally or unintentionally.

Facing the undisguised murderous intent behind him, even though Blackbeard was tough, he couldn't help wiping the cold sweat off his brow. He looked at El with embarrassment, and said with a dry smile: "General El, let's It's a grasshopper on the same rope, why take it so seriously?"

"Stop talking nonsense and lead the way." El said in a cold voice with no expression on his face. He had no interest in the filth among robbers. No matter what agreement Roger and Blackbeard reached, all he had to do was complete this expedition. , and returned safely with his soldiers.

As for the legendary treasure of the Robber King, it would be a lie to say that he has no interest at all, but if he had to make a choice, El would rather give up all the treasures in exchange for the lives of his men.In such a dangerous situation surrounded by enemies, no treasure is worth fighting for, otherwise it will be self-inflicted.

El has never lacked self-knowledge. With his current ability and a thousand or so elite fighters in his hand, where in the world can he not make a living?He has long been bored with this ghostly place called the brown earth hills. As long as the contract with Roger is completed, he will not stay here for a second even if it is a discount.

"Roger is really smart, he can use the power of the Night Watchman and you to suppress the law of chaos here with the order of the regular army, and reduce the pressure on his subordinates..."

Blackbeard, who has recovered his strength, is obviously more adaptable to the second layer of ruins than others. Of course, this may also be the reason for his rich experience.In short, while El's perception was still in a distorted state, he had already walked forward as if nothing happened.

He said while walking: "But sometimes being too smart is not necessarily a good thing. Exchanging interests and compromising conditions is a trick that noble gentlemen are best at playing, and it is not a rule recognized by robbers."

"No matter how you say it, even if the golden scimitar is in your hands, he is the real king of robbers now." El glanced at the golden scimitar in Blackbeard's hand, and couldn't help but sneered.

"The king of robbers? This seat is not that simple." Blackbeard looked back at the bandit team behind him, with an inexplicable smile on his lips, and said meaningfully: "If you don't have strong strength, you can rely solely on external forces to support you." When? This is not a place for children to play house, and he will soon understand that."

"If there is any danger ahead, I hope you can make it clear in advance." El waved his hand to signal his soldiers to move forward.The street in front of me was so wide that it could almost accommodate four carriages in parallel.Compared with the ruins on the first floor, the surrounding buildings are much richer and more luxurious, so it should be the residential area of ​​the upper class.Although the impact of the chaotic rules can be clearly felt here, it can still be supported by the will of the fighters of Istaren.

El is only responsible for directing the direction, and the real tactical actions must be arranged by the middle-level officers.Under the simple commands of Timmy and Arlette, the soldiers quickly arranged their defensive formation and followed in the footsteps of Al and Blackbeard.Seeing that his troops had entered the state, and there were no abnormalities that affected their actions, El secretly breathed a sigh of relief.He turned his head and said to Blackbeard: "My warrior doesn't mind fighting monsters, but if you dare to have any wrong thoughts, we'll break up at once, and at worst we will die together here."

"Haha, General El, I have to say that you are too cautious and lack the bearing that a general should have. There is indeed a big gap between you and Roger on this point."

Hearing what El said, Blackbeard laughed instead of anger.He patted his chest and said disapprovingly: "If killing the monsters can solve the problem, the night watchmen should have cleaned up this place 1000 years ago. The main reason why they can't do this is because they lack the ability to purify the power of demons." Means. As long as the power of the demons is not completely eliminated, the monsters here will be endless. And all we have to do is hurry."

Unlike Roger, who was impulsive, Blackbeard had done a lot of preparatory work to find the Thief King's treasure during the years when he dominated the Brown Earth Hills.His own familiarity with this ruin is even more authoritative than most night watchmen.In the following journey, Blackbeard unreservedly contributed the intelligence and experience he knew, allowing the team to travel a long distance without any danger.

Although the map markings of the Night Watchman are detailed enough, they are just simple terrain markings.For their own practical needs, they only drew the terrain, and simply indicated some dangerous areas, but did not have further information.But Blackbeard knew the situation here very well. On the way the team was marching, there were a total of six or seven dangerous areas where a large number of monsters gathered, all of which were pointed out by him in advance.

Led by Blackbeard, El led his warriors quietly through the dangerous areas along unobtrusive paths, hardly attracting the attention of the monsters.However, no matter how scheming Blackbeard is, it is impossible to completely predict the behavior of monsters.Human beings representing the law of order are like bright lights in the dark amidst the ruins filled with the law of chaos, and it is difficult to cover their tracks.

Just passing through a remote alley, El's ears suddenly moved. His perception ability was greatly weakened in this ruin, and he vaguely felt that he seemed to hear something, but it seemed to be an illusion.

"You're finally here..." An ethereal voice seemed to whisper in his ear, he raised his head and his eyes glowed with a faint blue light, and looked around cautiously, but found nothing.

Not finding anything doesn't mean there is no danger. El is not sure if his rune ability is also restricted. Although he can't see anything of value, the wild intuition in his body is faintly warning.

"Is there any problem? General El?" Blackbeard keenly noticed El's abnormality, an inexplicable look flashed in his eyes, but he asked calmly on the surface.

"It's nothing, it just feels a little bit wrong, isn't it a bit too quiet around?" El shook his head, raised his ears and listened carefully to the movement around him.

"It's really not a good thing to be too quiet, but we can try it out." Blackbeard held the golden scimitar backwards, took a deep breath, his movements seemed slow but with an unstoppable momentum, and waved his backhand to the corner of the street ahead .A half-moon-shaped golden knife light bloomed from the blade, instantly illuminating the darkness of the street.

A shrill scream came from the shadows, and the monsters lurking in the buildings on both sides were almost blinded by the sudden burst of golden saber light, and their bodies were exposed the moment the saber light passed by.

"There is an ambush! Be on alert!" El shouted, and pulled the bowstring. The soldiers around him took a well-trained step back, erected their tower shields and began to form formations.

"This is the scytheclaw! They don't pose much threat to your troops, but their numbers are astonishing. Don't get entangled with them. Let's move on!" Blackbeard said anxiously, reaching out to block El.

"We rushed over, what about the people behind?" El asked in a deep voice.It's not that he feels pity for the robbers behind him, it's just that at this moment, everyone is still standing on the same front, even if they want to strangle each other to death, they must cooperate with each other when needed.If you only listen to Blackbeard's blind instructions here, causing heavy casualties to the robbers behind, the road ahead may not be so easy.

"That's not something you should worry about, General El." Blackbeard waved his hand, and said with a smile: "Roger, that boy has been here with me before, and he knows what to do. Nearly two hundred brothers died, this time with you leading the way, the price he needs to pay may be reduced... I just don’t know if that clever guy has the decisiveness at this time.”

"These words sound sour. Didn't you learn enough when you underestimated that guy last time?" El saw the flickering eyes of the black beard, and was rarely in a joking mood.

Blackbeard grinned, and was about to refute, when he heard a clicking sound from his head.El raised his head suddenly, and saw bone spurs growing out of his limbs, and Xiya, whose limbs became more and more slender, crawled quickly from the rock layer above her head, and her speed was even faster than humans running on the ground.As expected of the sword spider blood of the ground walker, when she regained her sanity, she immediately displayed the talent of increasing the speed of underground movement.

"Perverted General, Roger wants me to send a message to speed up, and he will handle it later." Xi Ya shouted to El while hanging from the ceiling.

"So it wasn't a fluke that this guy was able to squeeze you down, was it?" Al turned to Blackbeard.

 The update was interrupted yesterday because of physical reasons. Toothpaste admitted its mistake and will continue to fight for [-] from tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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