rune hunter

Chapter 225

Chapter 225

Strictly speaking, monsters like sickle claw demons cannot be regarded as demons. They are the product of the failure of evolution of the lowest lemurs. Although they have huge claws on their limbs, their bodies are extremely fragile compared to other demons.However, this kind of monster can occupy a place in the second layer of ruins, and naturally it also has an advantage, that is, the number advantage.

The little lemurs that appeared in the first-floor ruins were usually in groups of three or four. If three No. 50 gathered together, it would become a threatening tribe.Demons are the embodiment of the law of chaos. They naturally lack the awareness of unity and cooperation. Unless they are led by a lord, it is difficult to coexist peacefully. However, the scytheclaw has broken this common sense.

The sickle claw demons ambushing on both sides of the street swarmed up, and there were hundreds of them just visible to the naked eye, and behind them, there were more sickle claw demons emerging from the shadows, I don't know how many more The monster is about to move behind.The law of chaos itself has no rules at all, and the ability to produce monsters that act in groups like the scytheclaw is, from a certain point of view, a manifestation of its infinite possibilities.

"We must rush over as soon as possible. The scytheclaws will not leave their territory. As long as we pass through this block, we can get rid of their harassment, otherwise we will easily be trapped and die here!" Blackbeard said loudly.

"All speed up, let's rush out!" Although he knew that Blackbeard must have bad intentions, El could only give such an order at this time.Scytheclaw won't leave his territory?I'm afraid I dare not, right?I have never heard of demons possessing the talent of modesty and prudence. The only thing that can stop them is a more dangerous existence.

El knew this well, but at this time he couldn't tolerate him making other choices, so he had to bite the bullet and sprint forward.It was only at this time that the Istaren fighters finally cheered up and started to deal with it with all their strength, and they immediately showed their differences as soon as they made a move.

The formation of Istaron warriors began to trot neatly, and the speed of the peripheral warriors holding steel tower shields weighing tens of kilograms did not slow down at all, while the Shannai hunters hiding behind the tower shields also followed the team and began to move and shoot.There are hundreds of enemies around, and they hardly need to aim, as long as they shoot arrows, they can hit the target.

The scytheclaws run as fast as a pack of wolves, and the few kin that were shot by the arrows couldn't delay their charge. In just a few breaths, the crazy monsters rushed up like a tide and hit the defense formed by the tower shield. above the array.The warrior with the shield grunted and took a half step back involuntarily, but there was still no mistake after all.

Although the tower shield must be inserted into the ground to support it in order to exert its strongest protective power, but it is used for cavalry charges. Although the scytheclaw's attack is fierce, it is far from the power of human heavy cavalry.Just as the wave of monsters' impact slowed down, dozens of long spears pierced through the gaps in the tower shield, and blood and flesh flew across the two sides of the troop formation instantly.

The sickle claw demon's formation is too dense, or there is no formation at all. It has no power to dodge under the counterattack of the Istaron warriors, and its thin body cannot withstand the piercing of the spear. It became a gourd.Almost all spears pierced more than one monster.

But even so, the speed of the Istaron fighters was inevitably affected.

"Don't hide it at this time, let your little girl lead the way!" Blackbeard shouted.

"Give us a demonstration first, Mr. Blackbeard!" El grabbed Pallanti, who was eager to try, and said to Blackbeard calmly: "You know, if she yells out, it is estimated that the whole The monsters in the ruins are startled."

"Now is not the time to show off our cleverness, we must try our best to rush over! Take care of your wings, and I will cooperate with that little girl to clean up the monsters in front!" Blackbeard took out his spare hand with the other hand. With a black scimitar, he dashed out of the formation of Istaron warriors and came to the front.With a loud shout, the muscles in his arms suddenly swelled, and he raised the two scimitars high, and suddenly drew two crossed sword lights forward.

The golden half-moon-shaped knife light still flew out with an indomitable momentum, and rushed towards the monsters blocking the way.And another black knife light, as if gaining life, hovered close to the ground like a poisonous snake, firmly restraining the monster in front of it in place.

There is an old saying that soldiers use weapons to understand each other, and this principle is basically applicable to the truly strong.After that battle, Blackbeard was still a little unclear about El's methods, but he already knew a lot about Pallanti's skills.So at this critical juncture, he would rather have Pallanti's cooperation than El's intervention.

Pallanti had already bent down and prepared for the sword flashing technique. As soon as El let go of her hand, she jumped into the air, two silver lights burst out from under her feet, and her body turned into a silver light and flew forward. .In the blink of an eye, Pallanti's figure returned to the ranks of Istaren warriors, and behind her, two almost parallel sword lights split all the scytheclaws along the way in front of her into two .

"Very good, that's it, this little girl has a bright future!" Blackbeard laughed loudly, turned out a scimitar in his hand, and pointed at the monster rushing up beside him, the black saber light flashed again, this time They didn't cut any monsters, but a dozen scytheclaws stopped suddenly. The red light in the eyes of these monsters flickered a few times, and they turned around and killed their own clansmen, causing chaos immediately.

Using two ultra-long-distance reverse flashing swordsmanship in a row, even with Pallanti's physical fitness, she couldn't bear it. She stopped and took a breath, took out the lion's tooth horn hanging around her neck, took a deep breath and played it. stand up.

The long sound of the horn echoed in the dark space, bringing back layers of echoes.The lion's tooth horn is a secret treasure inherited by the White Lion family. It itself contains a symbol of order. Under the influence of the sound of the horn, the sickle claw demons screamed in horror, and the momentum of attack was also stopped.

Meanwhile, a white translucent halo was quietly cast on the body of the Istaron warrior.The sound of the lion's tooth horn brought them infinite confidence, their morale and strength increased significantly, and the troop's sprinting speed suddenly accelerated.

"This baby is not bad..." Blackbeard looked at Pallanti's lion's tooth horn, a look of greed flashed in his eyes, but he blinked quickly, and calmly averted his gaze.Turning back to El said: "Although it can speed up our speed, it may also attract the attention of some big guys."

"Anyway, we will meet sooner or later." El's attention has never left Blackbeard, and he naturally noticed the change in his eyes, but seeing that he endured it, he naturally wouldn't try to disrupt the situation at this time.

There was a slight tremor on the ground, and El seemed to look back. Although his sight was obstructed in the darkness, his intuition told himself that Roger finally couldn't bear to make a move.

 Chapter 2 will be uploaded as soon as it can be coded
(End of this chapter)

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