rune hunter

Chapter 228 Dark Moon Church

Chapter 228 Dark Moon Church
Roger supported Xi Ya's body, helped her lie against the wall, turned around and counted the hands of the people following him, his face was very ugly.

When they entered the ruins, they would inevitably attract the attention of the monsters. It was only because those monsters had no commanders and did not have enough experience and wisdom, so there was no real danger.However, nearby monsters kept gathering, and if they were not cleaned up in time, they would soon become out of control like a snowball.

Regardless of whether this exploration is successful or not, if he wants to retreat completely, he must keep the road behind him unimpeded, so he must disperse most of his people outside.Of course, it would be the best choice if there were death squads that could lure the monsters away, but obviously the bandits were not yet enlightened to that level.

Although he had made psychological preparations before departure, the current casualties still made Roger frown, and seeing the meaningful smile on Blackbeard's face inadvertently made his face even more gloomy.He felt almost the same as El, and didn't feel the deadly threat of the monster, but the problem was that the robbers under him failed to display their due combat effectiveness.

The combat effectiveness of the Istarenians has also declined significantly, but their tight protection, armed to the teeth, has increased their chances of survival, and even if there are casualties, it is within an acceptable level.On the other hand, the robbers under him can only use their flesh and blood to fight the monsters to the death, so naturally they will suffer a dull loss.It remains to be seen whether they would have reached their destination without the warriors of Istaron leading the way.

"Block the door! Hurry up and block the door! Those monsters are about to chase us!" The robber who ran in at last screamed in shock. He was covered in blood. It was obvious that he had gone through a fierce battle and hadn't calmed down yet.The other robbers looked around subconsciously, but there was really nothing in this hall, not even a single stone, so what could be used to block the door?

"Don't be nervous, this is a neutral zone, those monsters won't chase in." Roger said in a deep voice, holding the panicked robber's shoulder.

"That's right, it's very safe here... But it's only a relative term for the time being. Every minute wasted, the danger outside will increase by one point. To waste time is to waste your own lives." Blackbeard leaned against the corner and laughed. .

"Why won't the devil come in? Is there magic protection here?" El asked curiously. He searched the place again with the Eye of True Sight, but found no valuable clues.

"Hey, it's actually very simple to say, this place is a religious building for us, but it's disgusting like shit for demons." Blackbeard folded his hands and smiled strangely.

"A very appropriate metaphor." Before El could react, Laurana nodded and said: "Although this temple is not protected by any gods, the building itself represents the most basic law of order. As long as the devil approaches here, It's no different from the feeling when we approached the second layer of ruins... So that's it, I know where this is!"

Laurana talked to herself for a while, then suddenly her eyes lit up, she clapped her hands and laughed, "If it was a real temple, it must have been destroyed by the demons long ago. The only ones that can build a temple here and preserve it so far, I think it only symbolizes the neutral camp." of—the Church of the Dark Moon!"

"Dark Moon Church? Why does this word sound so familiar?" El scratched his head and couldn't help asking.

"You must have heard another name for him—Dark Moon Brotherhood!" Laurana half-closed her eyes and whispered.

"Uh..." The corner of El's mouth twitched, and the figure of a girl in black flashed across his mind. How could he not be impressed by a sturdy woman who dared to confront quasi-gold-rank monsters head-on?
"That's right, Adrian the Thief King was also the Master Assassin of the Dark Moon Brotherhood, and the treasure he left behind is hidden in this temple." Roger walked over, nodded to El and Laurana, and then turned to He looked at the black beard who was hiding in the corner and snickered, with a solemn expression.

"What are you looking at me for? As agreed, I'll bring you here, and then you will be free." Blackbeard shook the golden scimitar in his hand, flipped his hand and inserted it into the gap in the wall against which his back was leaning.There was only a low muffled sound, and the wall behind him moved rumblingly, and a huge passage opened in the blink of an eye.

"Gentlemen and ladies, welcome to the treasure-hiding land of Adrian the Thieves King." Blackbeard stepped aside and bowed exaggeratedly, with a malicious smile on his face.

El narrowed his eyes subconsciously, and took a half step back cautiously.The design of this mechanism is very concealed, coupled with Blackbeard's deliberate concealment, he didn't notice the abnormality at all just now.When he saw this impoverished hall, he knew that this was definitely not the final destination. There must be hidden secrets such as organs and secret passages, but he did not expect that this secret would require a golden machete as a key to unlock it. open.

With a wave of Roger's hand, his cronies entered the passage one after another, then he turned his head and smiled at El: "General El, I hope you and Miss Laurana can help me. Your bravery and Miss Laurana's wisdom is the help I need most."

"In our covenant, there doesn't seem to be such a condition, and our friendship has not yet reached the point of mutual trust." El shook his head and said, "Like Mr. Blackbeard, I will stay here, I wish you success this time around.”

God knows what dangers will exist in that damned passage. To be honest, El has always been pessimistic about Roger's exploration this time.For thousands of years, the robber kings of all dynasties have not been able to complete the task. Even if he is a generation of heroes, what qualifications can he say that he is better than his predecessors?
Besides, in this environment, man-made disasters are better than natural disasters. Unless the brain is flooded, who will trust the robbers?Even if he did dig out the treasure of the Thieves King, El would rather hide in his army and survive.No amount of treasure is worth more than his own life, he firmly believes in this truth.

"With your help, I think we can get twice the result with half the effort. Regardless of success or failure, at least we can save a lot of time." Roger was not surprised by El's rejection, but patiently explained his reasons.

"If we all go in and leave Mr. Blackbeard outside, it will really make people feel uneasy." Laurana's eyes shifted, and she chuckled softly: "Actually, I'm also quite curious about the ruins of the Dark Moon Brotherhood How about, why don't you let me go with you, and General El stays to organize the troops and recharge their batteries?"

"Then let's go together, we are so lively together, hehe." Er smiled dryly, and gave Laurana an angry look, wondering what the hell she was thinking when she suddenly jumped out at this time.

(End of this chapter)

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