rune hunter

Chapter 229 Eternal Babylon

Chapter 229 Eternal Babylon
Laurana's whim made El fall into a very passive situation. No matter how cunning the eldest lady was, El could not let her go down alone with Roger.He wanted to bring his soldiers with him, but compared to the wide hall in the temple, the hidden secret passage was very narrow, obviously not suitable for troops to enter.

Roger actually wants to use El's power more, but he also has to consider another issue, that is, if he and El both leave, who will monitor Blackbeard's movements.In order not to waste time, the two sides quickly reached an agreement, not only Laurana and El, Blackbeard must also go together.

"You're too curious, little girl." The black beard who was forced into the secret passage, looked at the enthusiastic Laurana with a sad face, and said with a sigh: "Actually, we don't need to go in, let that boy Roger Go play. You have nothing to do with this matter, why bother to bring me in?"

"I'm so sorry, knowing that this is the temple of the Dark Moon Brotherhood, I can't help but be curious." Laurana shook her head helplessly, and said with a helpless smile: "As the saying goes, alchemists die of curiosity." , I didn’t expect that I could escape this fate.”

El rolled his eyes vaguely. He was very experienced and would never believe a single word that the eldest lady uttered from her mouth at this time.He knew very well that Laurana belonged to the kind of wise man who made plans before acting. Even if he was really interested in the Dark Moon Brotherhood, he would not act so willfully.

It's just that in the current situation, what is more worthy of her attention than her own life safety?

El prefers to cooperate with Tiana, because the goal of the magician girl has always been clear, as long as she knows the real goal, she can let herself develop the process during the period.But Laurana is different. I always feel that my IQ can't keep up with the rhythm when I am around her. Until the last moment, I don't understand her real purpose at all, and I feel like I am being played by the applause.

It's fine in normal times, watching her tease others is not a pleasure, but in this ghost place, El is also responsible for the lives of hundreds of people under his command, so how dare he let her mess around.

Since he couldn't figure it out, El didn't bother to guess. He patted his chest calmly, and directly asked Laurana his question by using the soul link of Little Langa.

"It's just that I have some immature guesses about the treasure of the Thieves King. If there is a chance, maybe we can get some benefits this time?" Laurana responded in her heart with her lips curled up.

"Please, do we want to benefit? The most important thing is to go back alive." El was a little out of breath.

His tone was a bit hasty, and little Langa withdrew her eggshell with a whimper in fright, but even if she didn't use the mind link, Laurana could guess what El was thinking now, she just shook her head and didn't speak.

The secret passage hidden in the wall is not too long, only about a hundred and ten meters away.El and Laurana followed behind Blackbeard, and after only exchanging a few words, they walked out of the secret passage, and their eyes suddenly lit up.

At the end of the secret passage is a circular hall with an area of ​​about [-] square meters. There are no doors and windows around it, so it should be an underground building.The robbers who came to explore the way first had fixed the torches on the brackets on the wall, making the entire hall brightly lit.This hall also continued the architectural style of the outside, and it was a mess of simplicity, except for the circular altar in the center of the hall, there was nothing left.

Of course, there is not nothing here. Beside the altar in the center of the hall, there are fragmented skeletons everywhere. Looking at the rotting clothes on their bodies, it seems that they are not good people.

"Aha, I really didn't expect that there would be a day when I would see these old things again." Blackbeard walked up with a click of his lips, picked up a skull from the ground, and gently placed it on the bone frame next to it.

"This is Dozo the gray-haired hyena. Look at his hair. Even after being dead for so many years, it's still as hard as a hedgehog. And that one, the guy with the scar on his head is Seraph the Headsplitter. His head is really It's so different, you can recognize it at a glance, hahaha... Boy Roger, I don't plan to be with these old guys, are you ready?"

Every name that Blackbeard mentioned made the faces of the robbers who followed him pale, because those names were really familiar to the aborigines living in the brown earth hills.

The robber kings of all dynasties have basically organized activities to find the treasure of the thief king, but not everyone can escape unscathed.The two people Blackbeard mentioned were famous heroes and heroes hundreds of years ago. All the robbers grew up listening to their legends when they were young, but no one knew that they all died in this humble secret room among.Blackbeard only called out the names of two people, but beside the altar, there were far more than this number of skeletons lying on the ground.

Roger's face didn't change much. After coming to this hall, his mood relaxed instead, like a gambler who has pushed out all his chips. At this time, everything can only be resigned to fate, and there is no point in being nervous.

He followed Blackbeard into this hall 12 years ago. When he entered, there were 39 brothers, and only four of them came out in the end.Now that he is making a comeback, it is naturally impossible for him to be unsure. He was not moved by Blackbeard's malicious reminder, and just looked at the golden scimitar in Blackbeard's hand coldly.

"Oh, that's right, you still need this, right?" Blackbeard put the golden scimitar in his hand on the altar with a strange smile, then spread his hands and took a few steps back, staring at Roger He smiled and said: "This is your challenge, and you have to start it yourself. I guess, at that time, you have already secretly memorized the formula. Do you want me to repeat it?"

Roger ignored the black beard, jumped onto the altar, pulled out the golden scimitar and raised it high, while signaling his cronies to surround the altar.He glanced back at El and Laurana who were standing on the sidelines, took a deep breath, and shouted loudly: "Allah Huakbath Medah!"

There was silence—nothing happened.

"What does this mean?" El asked Laurana blankly. He didn't feel the magic wave, which meant that this sentence was definitely not a spell, but it was definitely not any language he knew, and it sounded meaningless. Yelling.

"This is the secret code of the Dark Moon Brotherhood. They don't rely on magic or magic power..." Laurana's eyes seemed to be a little uncertain, but she explained in a low voice.

"I knew you idiot didn't learn it, hahaha, you need to use retroflex!" Blackbeard laughed loudly.

As soon as he finished speaking, the air in front of Roger suddenly twisted violently, and a sharp blade shining with blood-red light suddenly appeared from the void, and slashed down leisurely, even touching the face of Roger. A gap was torn open in the space.Roger took a step back subconsciously, the sharp blade narrowly passed by his eyes, and then, an illusory black shadow came out from the gap in the space.

That black shadow wasn't walking fast, but with the eyesight of an ordinary person, he couldn't see his real face clearly no matter what.His figure does not seem to exist in this world, no matter what angle people look at, it is a flat phantom, only the blood-red sharp blade in his hand can feel a strange reality.

A blue light flashed in El's eyes, and he cautiously peeked at the phantom with the Eye of True Sight, but only saw a blood-red sharp blade floating in mid-air.It really wasn't an illusion, except for the mysterious weapon, the phantom was not real, it looked more like an optical illusion that Tiana was good at.

"Phase walking... This is a unique skill of the Dark Moon Brotherhood." Little Langa's voice suddenly sounded in his mind, and he didn't need to guess to know that it was the language of Laurana.

El recalled the girl in black who was elusive, and suddenly had a feeling of enlightenment. Although he didn't understand what Laurana said about phase walking, it sounded very powerful.

"What is true eternity?"

The phantom that suddenly appeared looked at Roger for a moment, and asked suddenly.Although its appearance does not look realistic, the sound sounds like a hard stone, which hurts people's ears.

This is a rather esoteric question. If Laurana went up to answer it, she might spend three days and three nights citing scriptures.Of course, it is impossible for the bandits in the brown earth hills to have such a high level of education.But this is another question that has to be answered. If you can’t answer it or answer it wrong, you will naturally have to bear the corresponding risk.However, robbers also have their stupid methods, as long as they dare to try, they will always find the correct answer. Among the bones under the altar, there are many seniors who dedicated their lives to this.

After thousands of years of experience, this question is no longer difficult for Roger. He stared at Xu Ying's eyes without squinting, and said in a deep voice: "Dark Moon—Babylon"

What is true eternity?From a subjective point of view, everyone's answer may be different.For the disciples of the Truth Society, their slogan is that everything in the world is illusory, and only the truth lasts forever, but this answer obviously does not conform to the philosophy that the Dark Moon Brotherhood insists on.

For the members of the Darkmoon Brotherhood, this question is not even a question, at most it is just a password.But they didn't leave any clues in their own temple. One can imagine how much energy those robbers spent to discover the answer.

Xu Ying nodded, and his body suddenly exploded.

(End of this chapter)

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