rune hunter

Chapter 230 Unreal and Real

Chapter 230 Unreal and Real

Before entering the Chamber of Secrets, Roger once said to El that he should use his strength and Laurana's wisdom, but he was vague about the specific plan.Alben thought that his reservations were for other purposes, but he soon learned that some things are really difficult to describe in words.

After Roger answered that question, the phantom suddenly exploded.El didn't feel the danger in advance, so he didn't take special precautions.There was a flash in front of his eyes, and when he opened his eyes again, he found that he had come to a strange place.

Looking at the bustling streets in front of him, El subconsciously thought that he had returned to Istaren, but when he saw the magnificent rock buildings around him, he suddenly realized that he had actually come to the prosperous ancient city-state in the past!

Just a blink of an eye, can you go back to the city thousands of years ago?Even if El didn't understand the principles of magic, he knew that this idea was too absurd.However, at this moment, he is standing on the street in the busy city, looking at the people coming and going around him, hearing the sound of bargaining in his ears, and smelling the mixture of cow dung and mud on the road in his nose... everything feels like nothing. It was extremely real, but it gave him a strange sense of disobedience.

El looked at himself, he was still wearing the broken velociraptor leather armor, which was still stained with demon blood.He stretched out his hand and put it in front of his eyes, one after another faint blue runes floated up and down around the palm of his hand. The power of the runes was not restricted, which showed that he himself was also a real existence here.

The only weird thing is that standing in the downtown area with his outfit of the rest of his life, he didn't attract anyone's attention, and everyone around him seemed to ignore his existence.

El tilted his head, tilted his body to the side, and bumped into the pedestrian next to him on purpose.He clearly felt the collision of his body, the pedestrian was bumped and staggered, but when he turned his head back, his eyes passed directly through El, looked around blankly, and cursed a word keep going.El just stood there, but he seemed to regard El as air.

"This is really... very interesting." El said to himself, walked to the fruit stand on the street, picked up a good-looking apple, and took a bite. The juice was abundant, and the taste was sweet, crisp and tender. , even tasted better than the apples he had eaten before.The fruit peddler was leaning on the fruit basket to chat with a customer, completely ignoring El's behavior.

While eating the fruit, El quietly used the Eye of True Sight to spy around. To his surprise, although the Eye of True Sight could be used, he couldn't find a single flaw here.Even under the power of the runes of insight, the world remains the same as it appears to the naked eye.

The question that Xuying once raised was - what is eternity?And now El's question is - what is real?Just like the apple in his hand, it has the taste of an apple, the aroma of an apple, the appearance of an apple and the weight of an apple, and it will cause hiccups in the stomach... So, why is it not a real apple?

There was a squirm in the chest, and Xiao Langa poked her head out of her arms, looking around curiously.After that blink of an eye, El was left alone in this place, and even Laurana, who had been by his side, disappeared, and finally only this little guy was left by his side.

El couldn't help but sigh in his heart. Many times when he thought he was at the end of the road, only this little guy stayed by his side. It would be too far-fetched to insist that it was a coincidence.Hunters often regard their beast companions as lifelong best friends, and the bond between this little guy and himself may not stop there.

"They're all dead..." Xiao Langa opened her big eyes and looked around for a long time, then said suddenly.

"Oh? Are they all dead?" El raised his eyebrows, threw the apple core behind him, and asked calmly in his heart, "Why do you say they are all dead?"

"'s too quiet." Xiao Langa raised her head, looked into El's eyes, and said as a matter of course.

The street where El is located happens to be a lively market. Both sides of the street are full of popular shops, pedestrians and carriages are constantly flowing, and there are noisy and harsh sounds everywhere. Even the fruit stand next to El, the fruit seller The hawkers are all scratching their necks and giggling, how can such a place be called quiet?

Hearing is just a dispensable thing for Landwalker. The quietness that Xiao Langa said is of course not a sound in the literal sense. What she can hear is the tremor of the heart.

El was silent for a moment, walked up to the fruit vendor in two steps, suddenly raised his hand and slapped him on the cheek.The peddler was just an ordinary person, even though El deliberately controlled his strength, this slap knocked him out.The peddler screamed, and fell into his fruit basket involuntarily, crushing the entire basket of apples to pieces.

El stood there with his arms folded, completely lacking the self-awareness of committing a crime in the street. He watched coldly as the peddler got up in embarrassment while covering his swollen cheeks, looked around in a daze, and packed up the fruit basket while cursing. , and then continued to chat with the guests waiting on the side, as if nothing had happened.

It turns out that they can't see themselves, but that they only have the most basic action thinking, just like puppets on strings, they can cry and laugh, run and jump, but they can never leave the range fixed by the rope.Seeing the peddler's reaction, El had already reached a conclusion in his mind.

If Laurana was by his side, he would probably be able to solve the mysteries of this world at this time. El knew that he didn't have that kind of IQ, but as long as he found similar abnormalities, he could always find the real goal in the end.Although he was in a completely unfamiliar environment, at least he hadn't forgotten the original purpose of this trip - to find the treasure of the Thieves King.

If this is really an ancient city-state, no matter it is real or an illusion, the place that can be connected with the treasure of the Thief King must be the temple of the Dark Moon Brotherhood.The clue was obvious, but the problem for Al now was that he didn't know where he was.

The area of ​​the ancient city-state in its heyday was several times larger than that of Istaron, and it was not for nothing that it was called a "city-state".Although El still remembered the map of the ruins drawn by the night watchman, it was already the terrain after the destruction, and there was no reference to his current location at all.

Residents in the city are playing their roles dutifully, and even if they are almost beaten to death, they still ignore El's existence, which makes it impossible for him to find anyone to ask for directions or get any help.El was thinking about whether he should climb to a high place to overlook the surrounding environment, find out the direction of the inner city, and then go blindly to kill the mouse, when he suddenly heard an unusual noise coming from the other end of the street behind him Voice.

A shirtless burly man stumbled over and shouted, "Lord Lucius is back! Lord Lucius is back with an army! I swear I saw him enter the city with my own eyes!"

The noisy and noisy market suddenly fell silent, like a magic that had been released to silence people, but this silence lasted less than two seconds before it was instantly broken by high-pitched screams and exclamations.No matter men, women or children, they were all excited after hearing the news.The eyes of the fruit vendor, who was still covering his face, burst out with excitement, and he ran out, waving his fists and yelling, regardless of his own fruit stand.

He was not the only one who lost his composure. Both the shopkeeper and the customer forgot what they were going to do at this moment. They all put down the bargained goods in their hands and rushed to the same direction. Gathered into a raging crowd.The bazaar, which was crowded just now, became deserted after a while, and only El was left standing on the street in a daze.

"What's the situation?" El blinked, and suddenly became curious about this "Lord Lucius".If it follows the kind of stories bards like to tell in the tavern, the big characters who suddenly appear at this time and attract all the people are usually very important plot characters.Either a life mentor who gives the protagonist equipment and girls, or the ultimate villain hiding behind the scenes...

Whether to spend time looking for the Temple of the Dark Moon Brotherhood, or to follow along to see the excitement, El chose the latter almost without thinking.He has never had an unrealistic covetous heart for the treasure of the Thieves King. It is good if he can find a bargain, but it doesn't matter if he can't.

The person who should be more anxious in this regard is Roger. This is not the first time he has come here, and he must have been prepared for a long time. Even if he rushes over now, he may not be of much help. Why not follow the development of the plot? Watch the fun.

With this in mind, El walked into an unattended butcher shop, took out a few pieces of steaming roast meat from the pot, put them in a greased paper bag, and squeezed into the crowd while eating with Xiao Langa .

In the past few days since entering the Barrens, El has hardly eaten any decent meals, and struggles with Mr. Wesley's hodgepodge of nightmares every day. Now that he suddenly has such a blessing, he can't miss it.No matter how full this stuff is in the stomach, at least the taste really whets the appetite.

Although the crowd was turbulent, El's strength far exceeded that of ordinary people. Holding the oil paper bag, he swung his butt from side to side, and the people on both sides were pushed aside abruptly.In normal times, this kind of bad behavior would definitely be cast aside, but now no one has come forward to criticize, even if they are squeezed, there is no response.Al almost rushed to the front with a rampage.

Squeezing out of the crowd with ease, the outside suddenly became clear. It turned out that there were soldiers guarding the streets on both sides, and pedestrians on both sides were not allowed to pass through.When Al squeezed out, he saw a procession slowly approaching the end of the street.The leading knight kept waving his hands to greet both sides of the street, causing earth-shattering cheers. It seemed that this knight was the "Lord Lucius" as others called it.

El curled his lips, and cursed secretly in his heart, he really is a handsome guy.

(End of this chapter)

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