rune hunter

Chapter 231 Assassination on the Street

Chapter 231 Assassination on the Street
If a person wants to attract the attention of a hundred people, he must have real talent. If he wants to attract the attention of a thousand people, both internal and external conditions are indispensable.If he wants to attract the attention of tens of thousands of people, there is only one necessary condition, that is, supreme power!
Slowly coming from outside the city, the knight in white on a tall horse looks handsome and personable, and even El can't help but feel jealous of that sharp face, but he also knows that this guy can The reason for the commotion on such a scale was definitely not because of his face, but because of the heavily armed knights following behind him.

"Look! That's Lord Lucius' Flaming Steel Knights!"

"I saw it, it was the great knight Peter! They came back alive!"

"I heard that Lord Lucius's expedition this time is to slay dragons?"

"Are you an outsider? How come you don't know about this? According to the previous request of the parliament, as long as Lord Lucius can kill the dragon in the mountain, he will return the power to him and recognize him as the lord of the city. They probably I thought it was an impossible task, but Master Lucius succeeded! Hahaha, I really can't wait to see the expressions on the faces of those old dogs!"

A well-dressed wealthy businessman stood in the crowd, chatting and laughing loudly without any scruples, he didn't notice it, and he didn't seem to care about other people's eavesdropping.Standing beside him, El noticed that the guards maintaining order in front looked a bit ugly, as if he didn't take the wealthy businessman's nonsense seriously.

"This plot seems interesting..." El showed a meaningful smile on his face. Although he could not analyze the key information in a few words with his IQ, based on what he observed, the The city seems to have planted a hidden danger of instability.

Seeing that Lord Lucius' mount was about to approach him, the old guy was still waving to the cheering crowd on both sides, his mouth parted to reveal his snow-white teeth, and he smiled brightly.Maybe it was because of his coquettishness that made people angry. At this moment, a rain of arrows burst out from the building behind the onlookers. Nearly thirty powerful crossbows aimed at Lucius and let go of the bowstring.

This Lord Lucius is not a simple character either. He stretched out his hand to pat the mount, and the horse under him suddenly took a big step forward, avoiding all the bows and arrows aimed at him.Seeing that the sneak attack failed this time, the assailant didn't have the slightest intention of fighting, so he turned around with a whistling sound and was about to run away.

But at this time, the Knights behind Lucius also launched a counterattack.More than a dozen knights drew their crossbows from their horsebacks and started to counterattack without any hesitation.The attackers were unable to escape, and were all nailed to the wall by this wave of crossbow bolts.

The two knights wanted to rush over to kill the attackers, but Lucius stopped them.He rode his horse and took a few steps forward, spread his hands and faced the two groups of onlookers, and said loudly with a smile: "Dear people, this is what you have seen with your own eyes, and those parliamentarians who are eating vegetarian food have no way to stop us Gaining legitimate power, so they started to use all means, and wanted to kill me at all costs!"

"But they can't do it! Even a shameful assassination like this one can't hurt me! Is it because of my superior strength? No! I'm just an ordinary person, and my strength comes from your support! As long as I stand On the side of the people, they can't hurt me! Freedom belongs to the people, power belongs to the people!"

Lucius' impromptu speech, dancing with hands and feet, immediately ignited the crazy enthusiasm of the onlookers.Without the need for the knights to be dispatched, the onlookers acted spontaneously, knocking the attackers who were trying to escape to the ground, ignoring their pleas at all, and completely submerged them with countless feet.

After listening to Lucius' speech, El was sure of at least one thing, and that was that this guy was definitely not a good bird.From ancient times to the present, guys who deliberately incite public opinion like this are all ambitious conspirators.It is not in this world that there are no sages who truly guide the people, but someone as handsome as him certainly does not belong to the latter.

El was sure that his judgment was not affected by the negative emotions of envy, jealousy, and hatred. A thought suddenly came to him, wanting to see if his arrow could kill this boastful birdman.

For reasons of being completely ignored, no matter what he does now, he will not attract attention, which is simply the assassin's favorite environment.El looked back and found a roof and climbed up quickly, took out the Dragon Tooth Bow from behind, aimed at Lucius' head from a distance, took a deep breath and set the bow and arrow.

Lucius was still riding on his mount, and kept waving to the surrounding civilians.A cold light flashed in his eyes, and he seemed to be paying attention to the disturbances around him inadvertently, obviously not as calm as he showed.But even so, he didn't notice El who was so close to him at all, as if he was transparent air.

For a sharpshooter, a distance of 30 meters is basically a restricted area of ​​life that must be hit.If the target he was aiming at was completely defenseless against him at this time, then this arrow would never miss.

Just as Lucius turned around, the smile on his face froze suddenly. A long arrow hit his temple and pierced through the other end. There was still pink brains hanging from the arrow, which completely lost the value of rescue.

His eyes were full of disbelief, but his body was already stiff. He just wanted to turn his head subconsciously, and fell off the horse involuntarily.

Lucius' body fell on the street, kicking up a cloud of dust, and the whole street was instantly plunged into deathly silence.The civilians watching, the guards maintaining order, and the knight following him all lost the ability to think at this moment, and just stared blankly at Lucius' body, their minds blank.

"So it can really kill." El nodded while rubbing his chin. Since just now, he has been trying to figure out how to kill a person, and then he is observing the reactions of other people.Ordinary people definitely can't do it. If the fruit vendor was slapped and his head was blown away, the customers who chatted with him just now would probably forget about him immediately and continue with their own behavior patterns.

It's fine if you don't make a move. Once you make a move, you have to choose a character with enough attention to test.After killing Lucius with an arrow like now, he was very curious about the reaction of these onlookers.Key plot characters die suddenly, how can these people continue to act?

El was very curious about the reaction of the onlookers, but what he finally got was not the answer he wanted.The sudden death of Lucius made all the witnesses fall into a state of sluggishness strangely.

"My lord! My lord Lucius!" The great knight Peter, who was following Lucius, suddenly came to his senses, with an expression of grief and anger on his face.He rushed to Lucius' side in one step, hugged his body and cried loudly.

El watched the big knight's performance suspiciously, and couldn't understand what kind of drama he was performing, and suddenly felt something strange around him.He took two steps back calmly, looked to both sides, and found that the two civilians standing beside him just now were staring back at him with dull and strange eyes.

El sighed secretly in his heart, he was finally discovered.

(End of this chapter)

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