rune hunter

Chapter 232

Chapter 232

Seeing that the knights under Lord Lucius are so well-organized, he must not be weak.Since ancient times, any real army who wants to gain support must have the strength to match it. From the perspective of leading the knights, he should at least be a strong man who has reached the silver level.

It was such a strong man who was shot through the head by El with an arrow. This was a ridiculous joke for both the murderer and the victim.It wasn't because El was too strong, he just shot an arrow tentatively, wanting to see the guy's reaction, he didn't even use the power of the rune.

It wasn't because Lucius was too weak. That time just now was not an act, but a genuine assassination, but he dodged it with ease. Not only did he not panic, but he took the opportunity to make a speech. The strength has enough self-confidence.

But he couldn't see the arrow shot by El at all, so naturally he didn't have any defenses. Even an invincible strong man couldn't keep vigilant at all times, let alone an attack that he couldn't detect, so he died baffling.

This Lord Lucius is obviously an important person. From the conversations of the onlookers, it can be known that he is going to ask the unknown parliament to fight for the power of the city.If you secretly follow behind his ass, you may be able to see the further development of the storyline, and you are more likely to get clues about the Thief King.

But El was not interested in the clues of the Thieves King. Although the crowd of onlookers around him made it difficult for him to breathe, he knew that none of this really existed.In order to prove the judgment in his heart, in addition to Xiao Langa's spiritual link, he also needs to break the current deadlock.

Killing Lucius—is a very effective method. Once this person dies, all the upcoming plots will definitely come to an abrupt end. Of course, the written script must be overthrown and restarted, and these reactions will be like this The manipulators behind the world leave trails of clues.

Al soon gets the answer he wants, and the answer turns out to be more dangerous than he ever imagined.

The surroundings fell into a strange silence, and all the civilians watching were dull-eyed, without panic or disturbance, as if they had become unmanned puppets in an instant, and the knights gathered on the road also did not take any action, as if He just received the order to stop, but he didn't notice the strange death of his commander at all.

Only the big knight Peter hugged Lucius's body tightly, with a sad expression on his face, crying out loudly while crying Lucius' name, it seemed that he could not accept such a cruel reality.However, no matter how real his acting skills are, with the weird and quiet atmosphere around him, he also seems to be full of ironic joy.

El suddenly felt something, subconsciously took two steps back, and found that the two civilians standing beside him just now were staring at him with strange eyes.Seeing their abnormal reactions, El knew that he had attracted the attention of the manipulator behind the scenes of this world.

Among the two civilians with strange eyes, a young man in apprentice clothes suddenly contorted his face, and his whole body became as soft as slime like a melting candle.Under El's horrified gaze, the young man swayed from side to side in a movement that violated the rules of common sense, and then suddenly rushed towards him.

El subconsciously wanted to kick him away, but after he took a closer look, he immediately turned around and ran away without saying a word.In the blink of an eye, the young man had turned into the phantom he had seen before, stabbing towards him with a blood-red sharp blade in his hand.

Phantom's speed is very fast, but his movements are a bit stiff, probably because he is not used to this body yet. When he slashed over with a knife, El had already rushed to the roof of the building behind him in two or three steps.He was not afraid of this phantom, but the weapon in his hand.Just now he saw the weapon directly cut the space with his own eyes, which made Laurana's eyes widen in fright.He really didn't want to get stabbed if it wasn't necessary.

In the blink of an eye, El has already made a judgment in his heart. Human fear comes from the unknown. As long as he knows that this phantom is playing tricks behind the scenes, his heart has already been half relieved.No matter how this world appeared, as long as there is no cognition beyond the conventional sense, Laurana will definitely find a way to break it.In this regard, he has always expressed his unconditional trust in the young lady.

The wind whizzed behind him, and he didn't need to look back to know that the phantom had already caught up. El quickened his pace, bent his legs slightly and jumped up suddenly, drawing a simple arc in midair, and fell to the roof at the other end of the street .Perhaps to increase the authenticity, the rules of order in this world have not been suppressed, and El can also exert his full strength without any scruples.

Even in this world, the phantom's body is still in a phase state. He doesn't have to jump up and down if he wants to move. He can get rid of gravity with just one thought, hover in mid-air and slide over.However, because of this, his way of moving also lost his explosiveness, and he watched El disappear into the endless block buildings after a few ups and downs like a rabbit.

While escaping, he observed the direction of the inner city from a height, and El immediately ran towards his estimated target position.For the method of jumping from the roof, he has accumulated a wealth of experience when he was fighting the obsidian puppet. Compared with the invulnerable monster with infinite power, the phantom chasing and killing him is far from reaching The point where El can deal with it with all his strength.Apart from the weapon in his hand, his own strength has obviously not reached the silver level.

Such a frustrating monster actually held such a powerful mysterious weapon in his hand, it was almost like showing off on purpose.It's not that El didn't think about it, but he quickly realized that the bandits on the brown earth hills were definitely more professional than himself in this respect.If they haven't snatched it after 1000 years, there must be unknown tricks in it.Before he knew the situation, he didn't dare to act rashly.

"You don't know what you're missing...that's the key, the key that opens the door to the treasure..."

Al stopped abruptly, almost bumping into pedestrians in the alley.Just as he was thinking about the blood-red sharp blade, the familiar voice sounded in his ears again, this time the voice was very clear, as if someone whispered softly against his ear, scaring him Big jump.

"I have never had the problem of auditory hallucinations. If you want to pretend to be a ghost, you are looking for the wrong person." El's eyes bloomed with blue light, carefully scanning the movement around him, and at the same time whispering to himself Said.What frightened him was that he couldn't find the source of the voice no matter what. Even if Xiao Langa used psychic powers to spy secretly, he still didn't get half of it. The voice seemed to appear out of thin air, and only He alone can hear it.

El just hesitated for a moment, the eyes of the passerby who was almost hit by him suddenly became strange, seeing his body began to shake abnormally, El rolled his eyes, turned and ran away.He had just rushed out less than 20 meters away, when there was a strange whistling sound of wind behind him.

Maybe it was because he caused too much damage, that phantom is still relentless even now, after losing his trace, he even borrowed the body of another passerby to chase and kill him.Judging from this situation, it seems that all the residents in this city are under his control. At the same time, he can also use the sight of ordinary people to monitor the whole city, and then change his body at will.

This thing is so weird that it is a headache. Although El quickly observed his action mode, he knew nothing about the principle of this ability. Seeing the phantom chasing him, he could only throw his hands Legs hug head mouse flee.

"Coward! Coward! Just a shadow! Take the key from him!"

"Aren't you a coward? There's nothing else to do besides rambling! You can grab it yourself!" El cursed back, not sure if the owner of the voice could hear it.He rubbed his palms, summoned the growth rune and slapped it on his legs, and the speed on his legs suddenly accelerated.Seeing that there was a dead end in front of him, he jumped up and kicked on the left and right walls, ejected himself into the air with the recoil, and jumped over the wall with a forward roll.

On the other side of the wall is a large-scale shop. From the window at the back, one can see that the employees in the shop are still working diligently and seem not to be affected by Lucius' death.El cursed bad luck, there are so many people here, and he will be discovered again if he is not careful.He wanted to go over the wall again, but he was afraid of being caught by the phantom chasing after him.I don't know the purpose of this damn city, but all the buildings, regardless of high or low, are built with rocks. If you want to hit a wall to open a road, you are going to make trouble with your own bones.

El was quickly thinking about the plan to run away, when the door of a warehouse in the yard was suddenly pushed open, making a strange creaking noise.He screamed in his heart that something was wrong, and was about to turn around when he suddenly saw a familiar face.

At this time, it was too late to think about it, El nodded, put his fingers around his mouth to make a silent movement, and then jumped into the warehouse.The dilapidated wooden door closed quickly behind him, and only a few seconds later, a strange wind howled in the yard, followed by phantoms flying across the sky without stopping.

"How did you provoke this thing?" Laurana lay on the crack of the door, watching the phantom leave motionlessly, and after a while, she turned around and let out a sigh of relief, seeing that El was not in a good mood complained.

"It's a long story... I still want to ask why you hid here?" El lay down on the straw pile, stretched himself, and finally recovered.Although the phantom looked stunned and seemed to have some IQ defects, his own weird ability really made El suffer a lot of fright.

At the beginning, he wanted to make a big commotion, and one of the purposes was to make Laurana notice the commotion here, so as to reunite with him as soon as possible, but he didn't expect that this young lady would hide in such a place, if it wasn't for the accident I bumped into it by mistake, and I don't know how much unjust effort it will take.

"If you want to hide it, of course you have to choose the place you are most familiar with." Laurana pulled down the hood on her head, sat next to El, and said with a smile: "Don't you think this is very similar to my home? ?”

 Ask for a recommendation ticket~~~~

(End of this chapter)

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