rune hunter

Chapter 233 Dimient's History

Chapter 233 Dimient's History

"One thousand and forty-six years ago, Caseros, a pioneering knight from a declining noble family in the south, led an expedition team composed of refugees, criminals and mercenaries, and discovered extremely valuable treasures in this barren land. The mine veins, which made him rich overnight. Caseros did not monopolize all the benefits, but distributed the benefits to all his subordinates, and promised them that he would establish a free and equal city-state on this land."

"With the joint efforts of all people, after 20 years, the city named Dimiant was finally established. The lord of the city, he fulfilled his promise without hesitation, imitating the system of the southern silver city-state, and established a city-state council that symbolizes fairness and democracy during his lifetime."

"However, the cruelty of reality poured cold water on his beautiful ideals. Shortly after Caseros' death, the city-state council, which lacked a perfect supervision system, inevitably degenerated. Bureaucracy and corruption spread quickly. In the end, the parliament that was supposed to represent the rights of the people fell into endless prevarication and delay. The residents of Dimiant were deeply disappointed with the degeneration of the parliament, and then pinned their hopes on Caseros's grandson, Lu, who had just grown up. Hughes."

"Lucius has shown unusual wisdom and bravery talent since he was a child, and was evaluated as a young hero who is not inferior to Caseros. After he became an adult, he inherited the legacy left by his grandfather without hesitation, and became Di The future Ming Lord in the hearts of the people of Miante."

"At this time, the MPs presiding over the parliament have already tasted the sweetness of power. They are unwilling to admit their failure, let alone hand over power to a young man with a milky smell. So they began to use various means to obstruct and frame The growth of this young man, but Lucius seems to have been favored by the gods, and never let their tricks succeed."

"The open and secret struggle between the two sides continued until the summer of the year of the red maple leaf. In the name of protecting the city-state, the parliament asked Lucius to conquer the magic dragon lurking in the mountains. In the eyes of ordinary people, this is an almost impossible task. But Lucius set out resolutely with his knights, and after a desperate fight, he successfully killed the dragon, and then raised his prestige to the same level as his grandfather's back then."

"When Lucius returned to Dimiant with the head of the dragon, the conflict between him and the council had reached an irreconcilable level. The desperate council chose to give in on the surface, but secretly turned to the Demon Cult for help. The latter, after receiving the unconditional support of the parliament, frantically opened the portal of hell. That night, the army of demons swept out of the portal and destroyed the entire city-state..."

"The above is about the last history of the ancient city-state, which is the city we are hiding in now, Demient." Laurana took a sip of water, cleared her throat and said in a low voice.

"It's a bit too detailed. Where did you get so much information?" El's stunned expression has not changed since the girl spoke, and now he feels the soreness of his facial muscles after he recovers.No wonder he was so surprised. You must know that although the residents in this world look like normal people, they are actually puppets without self-awareness.One can imagine the difficulty of digging out information from their mouths.

"This is the information I found from the night watchman..." Laurana covered her mouth and said with a grin, "As a troop that has been stationed here for thousands of years since the end of the war, it can control some of the city's The historical heritage is not surprising. I collected information about this period of history just out of curiosity, but I didn’t expect it to be useful.”

"The night watchmen keep historical books thousands of years ago? What's the use of them keeping this thing, and it can't be eaten." El shook his head in disbelief, expressing that he couldn't understand the thinking mode of these martyrs.The bounden duty of soldiers is to fight, and it would be too difficult for them to do these delicate tasks.

If it were the old gangsters in Istaren, let alone thousands of years ago, they might not even be able to remember the glorious history of their own family 300 years ago. Soldiers, but there is no guarantee of a [-]% literacy rate. Illiteracy is a normal phenomenon. Reading and writing to study history?It would be more enjoyable for you to let them wipe the neck directly.

"Speaking of... don't you think the pioneer knight in this story is a bit too philanthropic? He is simply the perfect representative of ancient chivalry. How could such a great character waste his youth on the brown earth hills?" Some kind of place?" Facing El's doubts, Laurana just smiled, and suddenly blinked her eyes and asked back.

"It's really strange to hear you say that... This person's lofty ideals and good morals are like a saint. This kind of self-sacrificing spirit is really rare." A certain magic flashed through El's mind. He subconsciously shook his head in the image of a teacher girl. He noticed the meaningful look in Laurana's eyes, and suddenly he blurted out: "Could it be someone from the Truth Society?"

"It's hard to say." Laurana raised the corners of her mouth and smiled with her cute little tiger teeth: "After the demon army was defeated, Adrian, the thief king, sneaked into hell and completely sealed the passage. Since then, this land has been completely sealed. Abandoned, logically speaking, there is no danger here, why did the Night Watchmen of the Truth Society have to stay here for a thousand years?"

"You think that General Hank has other plans?" Al asked, frowning.

"We little shrimps shouldn't and don't need to get involved in the problems that this army can't solve after spending thousands of years. I just introduced the background setting of this world. The most urgent thing is to solve the problems we have to face now. .”

Laurana shook her head and did not continue the topic just now.She walked to the door, peeked out through the gap, turned around and whispered to El: "According to my observation, the time we are in this space should be the time when the city-state of Demient was destroyed. The day the demons will perish."

"If you look at the history you said before, it's true." El put his hands behind his head and said with certainty: "I saw Lucius enter the city just now, and the people next to me said that it was the butcher. The dragon returned, and I accidentally killed him."

"Uh...huh?" Laurana turned her head sharply, her eyes widened, and her face was full of disbelief.Having the opportunity to see the young lady's gaffe, El felt that this trip could be regarded as earning some interest.

"Why did you kill Lucius... No, no, it's fine if the person is dead, what happened after that?" Laurana asked subconsciously, and the reaction came to her mind immediately.Regardless of whether the historical Lucius was strong or not, in this place, it didn't take much effort to kill him.Because in the "rules" of this world, outsiders like them are not recognized.

El briefly described the situation that happened at that time, especially mentioning the strangeness of the phantom. Although he could judge the phantom's ability, he only knew what it was but didn't know why. If he wanted to truly analyze it thoroughly, A wise man like Laurana is still needed for further research.

"According to my previous observations, that phantom does not seem to be a real phase creature. It looks closer to some kind of soul projection. Although it has basic thinking and judgment ability, it is very blunt in adapting to changes. It is really worth noting, It is the weapon in his hand, a weapon that can directly cut space in the mortal world, even if it is called a divine weapon, it is not an exaggeration."

"If it was a genuine artifact, those bandits would have started snatching it long ago. It is impossible to keep it until now." El expressed his concerns.

Then he immediately felt Laurana's disdainful gaze.

"Actually, you don't know what the word artifact means, do you?" Laurana pouted.

"Why do you have the illusion that I know what it means?" El also rolled his eyes helplessly: "Although I don't understand, but it sounds very powerful, so that's fine."

"It's my fault..." Laurana sighed weakly, and then explained: "The so-called artifacts can be divided into three categories in the usual sense, but I don't think it makes sense to explain to you too much. Briefly In other words, what artifacts have in common is the ability to change the rules of reality, and this is the domain that gods can master. For example, the blood-red weapon we saw can cut space, essentially changing space the rule of."

"So... ordinary people can't use it?" El vaguely heard the meaning of Laurana's words.

"It's not that it can't be used, but that it needs to be used correctly, the most basic of which is the understanding of the rules." Laurana gestured with her hands on her chest, and said to El: "Can you understand the concept of space? If you can't, you can't use that artifact. Even if you snatch it, you will be backlashed by the artifact itself. For example, spiders are edible, and they are rare and delicious in the eyes of experts, but if you don't If you know the real way to eat it and put it directly in your mouth, you are committing suicide."

"I think I know how the skeletons in the secret room came about." Al wiped the cold sweat off his head and said with a dry smile. Laurana can always find the most vivid example to impress him. For a semi-literate person, this is the most appropriate way of education.

"If nothing else happens, this world should repeat the tragedy of demons appearing and destroying city-states...or this is a stage play, repeating this script, and what Roger has to do is to find the king of thieves in this script. The clues left by Adrian." Laurana held her cheeks in her hand, frowned slightly and began to think in her heart.

"Actually, there are already clues, don't you?" El grinned and said, "Do you still remember the phantom question? What is real eternity?"

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(End of this chapter)

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