rune hunter

Chapter 234 The Black History of the Thief King

Chapter 234 The Black History of the Thief King

When Erdang killed people and fled in embarrassment, Roger had already arrived outside the temple of the Dark Moon Brotherhood.Although he was also alone, he had obviously anticipated this situation, and did not give up his original purpose because of it.

The robber kings of all dynasties have carried out unremitting exploration of the treasure of the king of thieves. From the beginning of aimless exploration to the determination of the real goal, generations of robbers have stepped on the bones of their predecessors and continued to advance. The accumulated experience is naturally extremely rich. .By the time of Blackbeard's generation, the exploration was gradually coming to an end.

Thieves King Adrian hid his legacy in the ruins of the city-state for the purpose of selecting a qualified successor, so the clues he left were also full of his own style.The secret room hidden in the Dark Moon Temple is the first test.If you are not careful enough, it is impossible to find the location of the secret room.

And the second test is this mysterious phantom that appears from the void.If you can answer the correct answer to the question, you can enter the trial of the dream—although Laurana still has doubts about this, but with the eyes and insights of a robber, she can only regard this as a bizarre dream.

This is a dream about the last memories of the city-state of Demient, starting from the return of Lucius from slaying the dragon, and ending with the demon summoned by the council to destroy the city-state.As outsiders, they just need to stand aside and watch the development of the historical trajectory, and at the same time look for clues about the buried treasure of the Thief King in this dream.

What are the consequences of trying to change the behavior of characters in a dream?Someone tried this kind of thing many years ago, and was hunted down by phantom just like El.If they deliberately sabotage the development of the plot to a certain extent, this dream will only accelerate its collapse.

As for the mysterious weapon in Xuying's hand, some people tried to snatch it, but after succeeding, they found that this mysterious weapon could not be brought out from the dream, even if it was used in reality, the weapon would quickly turn into powder disappear into thin air.Even with the records collected by the Night Watchman, there was never any clue about this weapon, so in the end it had to be given up.

The reason why Roger didn't mention this step of the trial to El was not because he deliberately wanted to deceive people, but because this step was really not dangerous. Although it looked very real, it was actually just a fictional world, and in It has been thoroughly researched many years ago.Even if El made such a frenzied attempt to kill people in the street, it would not affect him to follow the steps to complete this step of the trial.

According to the records explored by the predecessors, Adrian the Thief King stayed in the Dark Moon Temple this day, and left his legacy here.What Roger has to do is to rush here, observe carefully as a bystander, and look for key clues to the next trial.

These accumulated records are stored in the golden scimitar, and only the robber king holding the golden scimitar is eligible to inherit.When Roger followed Blackbeard here for the first time, he was keenly aware of the key to solving the puzzle.But at that time, Blackbeard was the dominant player, and he was not qualified to get close.

Although Blackbeard also followed in this time, he didn't appear here, because the development of the plot here was no secret to him.Roger knew that Blackbeard would definitely have his own little thoughts, such as looking for new clues elsewhere, but this might not be bad for him.No matter what clues he finds, the ultimate goal is still the same as himself.

Roger stepped into the Dark Moon Temple and observed the surrounding environment.It should be said that it is indeed the temple of the Darkmoon Church. It has hardly changed after thousands of years—even in the prosperous period 1000 years ago, the hall was empty and poor, and even thieves had no motivation to patronize.

The existence of this temple is too thin, and there are only a few records in the historical records of the night watchman.If it wasn't for Laurana's discovery, Roger still wouldn't know that this place is actually the temple of the Darkmoon Church.According to rumors, the followers of the Dark Moon Church are all ascetic monks who are good at honing their bodies and tempering their will in the most difficult environment.Except for the most basic dietary conditions, there are almost no material needs.

From the perspective of other believers of the Gods Sect, these Dark Moon believers are purely self-abuse perverts.It was hard for Roger to understand how the legendary Adrian the Thief King, who was known to eat, drink, prostitute, and gamble, could have anything to do with such a church.The last time Blackbeard came in alone, he only dared to hide and peep from a distance, barely seeing Adrian's true face, this time he finally got his wish.

There are believers praying in the hall of the temple. At a glance, they are all ascetic monks wearing tight black monastic uniforms. The reason why they can be confirmed to be ascetic monks is because these old men are all skinny. , It looked as if it was going to die in the next minute, even the wild dogs in the brown earth hills would not be so shivering.

Roger collected himself, and immediately identified Adrian's identity, because among the group of gray-haired old men, there was only a middle-aged man with a ruddy complexion sitting in the corner, with a straw stick in his mouth, looking quite Leaning against the wall indifferently, he seemed to be dozing off with his eyes closed.

His appearance can't be said to be very outstanding, but against the backdrop of this group of dying old men, he can be called handsome.If there is any clue to confirm his identity, it is the meticulously groomed horn beard around his mouth.Roger once saw an unofficial legend about Adrian in the classics collected by the night watchman, which specifically described that his playful moustache has attracted the hearts of many women who are dissatisfied... …

Adrian was also wearing the iconic tight-fitting nun uniform of the Darkmoon Church. The style was no different from others, but the material looked obviously different.Judging by Roger's professional vision, it is very likely that it is the legendary dark pattern silk, the top-grade cloth passed down from the emerald sea, even among the elf tribes, it is a top-notch luxury.It seems that although this Thief King chose to believe in Dark Moon for some unknown reason, he has no intention of wronging himself.

Roger stood quietly, waiting for the ascetic to finish his prayers and leave in twos and threes.This dream lasted for a whole day, but in reality it didn't take twenty or ten minutes, so here he didn't have to worry about time.

When everyone left and sat at the front, the oldest ascetic monk slowly turned his head and saw Adrie's slack, couldn't help sighing and coughing lightly.

"Is it over?" Adrian's ears moved, he opened his eyes in a daze, stood up, patted his buttocks, stretched his waist, heaved a sigh of relief, and lamented sadly: "When I think of the future Life has to be spent day by day like this, and there is no desire to live at all."

"For an ascetic, living in such a prosperous city-state is already too much luxury." The old ascetic ignored Adrian's complaints, as if talking to himself.

"Understood, there is really no other way. I'm willing to admit defeat. I won't run away." Adrian moved his body with a bitter face, suddenly raised the corners of his mouth, with a malicious smile on his face, and walked to the old bitter man. The monk said: "According to the previous bet, I will give up my status as the king of thieves and inherit your goddamn temple. That is to say, from now on, I am the owner of this place and can do whatever I want?"

"As long as it doesn't violate the teachings of Dark Moon..." the old ascetic said indifferently.

"Don't worry, no one will come even if I want to hold a party in this ghost place." Adrian couldn't help but sighed as he looked at the empty hall. He pays for it himself.For a thief who is used to getting something for nothing, it is simply mental torture.

"Since I have decided to give up my previous identity and start to believe in the dark moon, the wealth I have accumulated over the years is useless. Why not just hide in this temple and give future generations a surprise. I remember that there is also an underground secret room here , It's really suitable." Adrian had a malicious smile on his face again.

The old ascetic looked at him pitifully, his old face all contorted into a ball.Although in theory, Adrian's handling of his wealth is not against the doctrine, but if he really did this, wouldn't he bring unwarranted disasters to the temple?
"Everyone knows that the Darkmoon Church is poor and careless, and even beggars don't come here to beg for food. But if you think about it the other way around, isn't this the best place to hide treasure? Oh, I'm such a genius, Why didn't I think of this wonderful idea before? If even I can't think of it, it's basically impossible for anyone to think of it!"

Seeing the embarrassed face of the old ascetic, Adrian became more and more excited.How can a man who can be called the king of thieves have a peaceful personality?Just between these few words, he has already made a plan, and he can't wait to start to realize it.

The Darkmoon Church asked its believers to break free from the shackles of mortal matter, and he did.It is already the most pious expression for the majestic king of thieves to resolutely give up the wealth he accumulated in the first half of his life and be willing to become an ascetic monk.However, in the teachings of the Dark Moon Church, there is no rule that prohibits him from having some fun for himself - such as designing a treasure that all younger generations dream of but cannot obtain in the second half of his life.

Adrian's face was full of "I just want to cheat people" expression, which made Roger, who was standing by and watching, have blue veins on his forehead.At this moment, he really wanted to kick Adrian's wretched face hard, so that he could deeply experience the resentment that had been accumulated for thousands of years.

 Still ask for a recommendation ticket! ! ! !


(End of this chapter)

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