rune hunter

Chapter 235 The real clue

Chapter 235 The real clue

The streets of Dimiant soon returned to bustle and bustle, and the citizens who got the news rushed to the central street, wanting to witness the heroic appearance of Lord Lucius returning from slaying the dragon with his own eyes.Everything returned to the predetermined track again, as if everything that happened just now was an illusion in the mind.

Lucius on a white horse walked through the central street unhurriedly, waving his hands to greet the surrounding citizens. His most loyal partner, the great knight Peter, followed closely behind him, holding his sword hilt tightly without anger. Wei, the handsome face caused the girl to scream one after another.

Two suspicious figures in cloaks stood between the emotional crowd, silently watching Lucius pass by.Although the knights around Lucius were on full alert after the assassin's assassination and ambush, they turned a blind eye to these two suspicious-looking figures and walked over without looking sideways.

Quietly retreating to the secluded place where no one was there, El pulled back his hood and looked puzzled at Laurana beside him.He was very sure that his arrow shot directly through Lucius' head. This man was already dead, so what was that guy on the horse now?
"It's about the same as I expected..." Laurana showed a thoughtful look on her face, she didn't respond to the miracle of the resurrection of the dead, she just nodded with her chin in her hand.

"What did you expect?" Al asked curiously.

"Are you sure you want to hear it?" Laurana asked back, tilting her head.

El recalled his past experience, and said to Laurana very seriously: "Just tell me the conclusion of your guess, and there is no need to explain the process."

"You know it's speculation, so I can't guarantee the authenticity." Laurana sighed helplessly, and pulled El into a deeper alley.Although Lucius came back from the dead, they were not sure whether that phantom was still monitoring the situation here.

"There are many ways to make up the world we live in, but if we infer it based on the information collected so far, the most likely one is - the illusion in the mirror." Although he said it was a guess, but Looking at the affirmative expression on Laurana's face, one can tell that this speculation is infinitely close to the truth.

El really wanted to ask what the mirror world was, but in the end he kept his mouth shut.Although Laurana didn't mind explaining the relevant theoretical basis to him, those things were pure torture to him.

"There used to be an ancient fairy tale about a down-and-out aristocratic little girl who discovered a magical mirror while cleaning up her ancestors' inheritance. Inside the mirror was a world completely opposite to the outside. This is the so-called Mirrorland. Of course, the real 'mirrorland' is a code word among magicians, referring to the half-plane world they created themselves."

Knowing that El was completely at a loss about this, Laurana patiently explained.

"In the history of ancient times, there was an artifact called the Mirror of Erised. The effect of this artifact was to engrave a certain period of space-time coordinates in the mirror to form an illusion in the mirror. As for the specific effect, it is like our What you see now is an infinitely close to the real world.”

"What's the use of this artifact?" El was even more confused about Laurana's explanation.If this is an illusion created by the Mirror of Erised, he can understand it.But other than that, is there any use for this thing?Who the hell made such a weird thing?

"If you have this magic mirror now, you can record the space-time coordinates of the day before the destruction of Estalon, that is, before Tika died... Even if you know this is just an illusion, will you use it?" Laurana Looking at El with cold eyes, he asked.

Al was silent.

"Of course, I'm just giving an inappropriate example. If you think about it from another angle, if you can record the space-time coordinates of the day Istaron was destroyed, and then lure your enemies in, they will only have a dead end."

Seeing El's silence, Laurana raised her eyebrows, changed the subject calmly and continued.

"The Mirror of Erised has long been lost in the long river of history, and it is basically impossible to appear here, but the illusion in the mirror we are in now is not much different from the Mirror of Erised in essence."

"Roger didn't specifically talk about this illusion with us before this, indicating that this illusion itself is not a threat. We just need to watch the historical process of this time-space coordinate point, that is, the development of the plot, and look for clues to the Thief King's treasure. If I guessed correctly, Roger should have arrived at the Temple of the Dark Moon Church where we were before at this time, and Adrian must have left a very important clue at this point in time."

"I originally planned to go directly to the temple to see the excitement, but I don't know the exact direction." El said with a bit of resentment, if it wasn't for his sudden whim, he should have found his destination by this time.But then again, he wouldn't be able to touch Laurana that way.

"There is also the issue of time. We were originally very tight on time, but the record of this illusion will obviously not end in a short time. Generally speaking, the time of this illusion and the real world will be enlarged by an equal ratio. Like when we sleep and dream, a long time seems to pass in the dream, but in reality we only sleep for a few hours."

"That is to say, we spend the day here, maybe only ten minutes have passed outside?" This time El heard it very clearly, and quickly made an inference.

"Theoretically speaking, it should not exceed this time, but if it is converted according to this ratio, the carrying capacity of the illusion in the mirror itself must be limited. Simply put, the slower the flow of time, the slower the world will be." Vulnerability. Killing an important historical figure like you did just now will cause serious damage to the operation of the illusion. That's why the phantom appeared to prevent your destructive behavior."

Laurana's analysis is clear and well-organized, and of course El also knows that this is deliberately reducing the difficulty of explanation in order to take care of his IQ.At this moment, even if there are a hundred thousand reasons in his mind, he dare not ask rashly, because it is impossible for him to understand the answer.But now that he knew the general situation, he had a clear idea in his heart.

"Why don't we make a fuss and kill that Lucius again?" El suggested enthusiastically.

"Why the fuss? What good does it do us?" This time Laurana was dumbfounded, completely unable to keep up with El's jumping thoughts.

"You just said that if the illusion is destroyed intentionally, it will cause serious damage to this illusion. If the illusion is damaged, can't we return to the real world immediately? Since time is so tight, why do we stay here to waste?" El looked sideways at Laurana and said with a playful smile.

"Although this is true in theory, if we rashly destroy this illusion, it is likely to affect Roger's side..." Laurana subconsciously wanted to persuade El, but she suddenly reacted in the middle of the sentence , half-closed his eyes, a flash of understanding flashed in his eyes.

"So, whether that guy can find the treasure has something to do with us? We can send him here, in fact, we have fulfilled our promise. If we really want him to dig out the treasure of the Thief King, what good will it do us? If we let him get something vicious, we might suffer even more." Although El had a smile on his face, his eyes were extremely cold.

He clenched his fist and slammed it on the wall beside him, and said in a low voice, "In retrospect, Roger asked Blackbeard to follow him in with us, maybe it was to prevent us from taking advantage of the time difference to attack him outside." Black hand. Since he has already prepared himself for this, if we do nothing, wouldn't it be a waste of his kindness?"

Laurana looked at El with wide eyes, as if she had known this person again. The rich meanings in her eyes made El couldn't help but twitched the corners of her mouth, and said angrily: "What are you looking at, what are you looking at? What kind of look is that? I'm just uneducated, not brainless!"

"It's nothing, your idea is indeed correct. If you think about it differently, Roger will not show mercy." Laurana withdrew her meaningful gaze, nodded and said in affirmation.But she quickly raised her head again, with a standard commercial smile on her face, and smiled at El: "But besides causing damage, don't you want to get some benefits before leaving?"

"No benefit is more important than your safety." El patted Laurana's head and said solemnly: "But if you really have this idea, you can talk about it and discuss it."

"I found that after staying with these robbers for a long time, your integrity has indeed become more and more limitless." Laurana snorted coldly, pouted her lips, and walked forward quickly.

"Everyone, each other, let's learn from each other and improve each other." El followed closely, and asked with a smile: "What are your plans, let's briefly talk about it."

"Compared to the Dark Moon Temple, I think there is another place where more important clues will be left." Of course, Laurana was not really angry, she was just being coquettish, and she immediately became serious when she got down to business.

She pointed to the direction of the inner city, and said seriously: "According to historical records, after the disaster ended, Adrian sneaked into hell with his partners and completely closed the passage to hell. If you look at it from another angle If you look at it, in this period of history, the only thing that can connect him with Dimient is not the Dark Moon Temple, but that passage!"

(End of this chapter)

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