rune hunter

Chapter 236 The Paradox of the Illusion

Chapter 236 The Paradox of the Illusion

The best way to know where Adrian hid his treasure is to ask him directly.This statement sounds ridiculous, but it is not difficult to achieve.Adrian left such a dream very thoughtfully, unsuspectingly showing the means he used back then to the latecomers.

But even so, Roger's face was still ugly.

There is also a secret room in the underground of the dark moon temple, just under the circular altar. I don’t know if it’s because of the extreme lack of daily entertainment activities in the church. Then hide in the cave without eating or drinking, dormant like a tortoise, it is said that practicing like this can isolate the hustle and bustle of the world.

"Since you don't want to be affected by the hustle and bustle of the world, then don't build the temple in the city." Adrian expressed incomprehension and contempt for this, and Roger, who followed him, fully agreed with this point of view.These ascetic monks of the Dark Moon Church have a completely different way of thinking from ordinary people, and they are completely crazy.

Regarding Adrian's sarcasm, the old ascetic just laughed and said nothing.He patted the round altar a few times, only to hear a loud bang, and the altar was split into two from the middle, revealing the secret room hidden at the bottom.

Adrian bent down and looked at the space of the secret room, nodded and said with satisfaction: "Yes, the place is big enough, so I'll just hide it here."

He didn't continue to go down, so he squatted on the edge of the steps, took out a gold-painted silk woven money bag from his arms, untied the tie rope at the mouth of the bag, and shook the mouth of the bag toward the bottom vigorously.

The golden light illuminated the entire underground hall in an instant, making people unable to open their eyes.Countless gold coins poured out of the palm-sized purse in Adrian's hand, and fell into the secret room below.There were also interspersed among them gems of many colors, jewels of various designs, and other kinds of valuables, too numerous to pass before one's eyes upon careful observation.

Roger's face was already covered with a golden color by the light of the gold coins. Even though he has been king in the brown hills for these years, he thinks he has seen a lot, and it is difficult to keep calm in front of this endless wave of gold coins .

Although the treasure of the King of Thieves is buried in the brown earth hills, the legend of the King of Thieves is not limited to the Kingdom of Auckland.The title of Adrian the Thief King is not self-proclaimed, but a legendary title recognized by the world in that passionate age 1000 years ago.

He was once jointly wanted by the kingdoms, and the highest reward reached millions of gold coins. There was even a great lord who hated him deeply, and even offered a price for the canonization of the territory.But even so, in the years before his self-sacrifice, there was never a record of being captured by mistake, and he was certainly the veritable king of thieves.

Compared with this thief king, the aboriginal bandits in the brown earth hills are like the difference between a soil turtle and an eagle, and there is no possibility of comparison.

The secret room, which is large enough to accommodate 20 people and covers an area of ​​more than [-] square meters, was gradually filled with gold coins, and the money bag in Adrian's hand did not show any signs of drying up.Roger was already dazzled by the gold in front of him, and his mind went blank. He dared to swear that he had never seen so many gold coins in his life.

But Adrian's expression remained the same. For him, the king of thieves, the amount of gold coins was meaningless.Seeing that the entire secret room was about to be filled, he stood up, threw down the money bag that hadn't been emptied, then stretched out his foot and kicked the edge twice, and the round altar slowly closed.

"If only such a little thing is left behind, will future generations question my ability as the king of thieves?" Adrian said to himself with a bitter face.His eyes rolled away, and a malicious smile appeared on his face again.He stretched out his hands, his nimble ten fingers moved in mid-air as quickly as playing a piano, slender blood-red lines condensed out of thin air, and slowly landed on the altar.In the blink of an eye, he actually carved an extremely complex and mysterious magic circle on the round altar with his bare hands.

Roger stared dumbfounded at Adrian's miraculous means, and his mind, which had just been stunned by the massive amount of gold coins, was severely shocked again.

In fact, the last time he came to explore the Dark Moon Temple, Blackbeard had made the best preparations. Although he had paid a heavy price, he had successfully made it to the last step, but the final result was still a failure.Roger has always had doubts about this. He has never figured out the reason for Blackbeard's failure. In the end, he can only attribute the problem to personal factors.But now he finally knew the real answer. It was actually very simple to say, but it was unacceptable.

Because the true strength of Adrian, the king of thieves, is far beyond what he can imagine.

He was only the king of robbers in the brown hills, and Adrian was the man who was honored as "king" by the whole world.How can a thief who can enter and leave the secret vaults of the palaces of various countries like no one is a simple person?
In such a short time that Roger was shocked, Adrian had already arranged his own mysterious magic circle.He bit his finger and smeared a drop of his own blood on the center of the magic circle. As the blood dripped down, the lines that made up the magic circle began to glow faintly from the center.

Adrian nodded in satisfaction, his body suddenly twisted weirdly, and a translucent shadow squeezed out from his body.The shadow looked like an incorporeal ghost, but Adrian reached out and grabbed him, throwing him into the core of the circle.

"Although this is not worth mentioning, it is the inheritance of the Thief King after all. If the juniors are allowed to take it away easily, wouldn't it be to make them laugh at the incompetence of the seniors." Adrian had a worried look on his face , but there are still more malicious expressions.Even if he didn't know what he was like before, he could tell from this expression that this guy was determined to make his younger generation suffer.

The shadow has been fixed in the magic circle, and Adrian repeats the old trick again, continuously condensing thin blood-red silk threads out of thin air, constructing more complex magic.This kind of technique is completely out of common sense, even if you stand by and observe, you can't see why.Roger didn't know what trap he was setting, but he saw him smirking and taking out a blood-red sharp blade and stuffing it into Shadow's hand.

All this looked more and more familiar, and the shadow holding the sharp knife gradually overlapped with the familiar image in Roger's mind.Countless robbers once fell in front of the phantom guarding the treasure, and piled up bones under the round altar.And now Roger finally knew that it was just a guard made by Adrian.

"Adrian, the Thief King, was one of the most famous legendary heroes in that chaotic era 1000 years ago. Judging from the various legends left behind by him, this person's strength must have reached the golden rank."

While following Lucius far away towards the inner city, Laurana was still analyzing the existing information.In the eyes of ordinary people, these bits and pieces of information are just irrelevant things, but after being collected and re-analyzed by Laurana, many important clues can be refined.These clues may not play a decisive role in the current situation, but if they accumulate, they will gradually approach the truth.

"Would a big man at the gold rank go around stealing things when he's full?" El was skeptical about this conclusion. All the strong men at the gold rank he had seen were all important men.Such as the land princess Langaria, what an arrogant and domineering existence.Another example is Leonard, the Golden Lion King. Listening to his previous stories, he is also a big man who is domineering and domineering.

With Er's level of education, after barely reaching the silver rank, he can get a high-level position in Eastalon.Although there are other subjective factors in this, it can also show that as long as you have real strength, you absolutely don't have to worry about power and status.

"This is a matter of personal pursuit. The height of the station is different, and the way of thinking about the problem is of course different." Laurana shook her head and smiled: "Think about how stingy you were when you were doing things in our company. Please do me a favor and lure him for profit. How long has it been since our General El can face the treasure of the Thieves King without changing his face."

A narrow-minded woman——Er rolled his eyes and cursed secretly in his heart, but he didn't dare to express any opinion on Laurana's teasing.He has deeply experienced the sharp teeth and sharp mouth of the eldest lady.He can't take advantage of bickering over such trivial matters.

"If I'm not wrong, the phantom chasing you is likely to be Adrian's own projection. If he has the strength of the gold rank, it is not surprising that he can create such a powerful projection. As for the seemingly The blood-red sharp blade of the artifact may also be his sidearm, so his own projection can also be used. Including the illusion we are in now, it is all created by him." Laurana continued to speak without caring about El's expression.

"Such an awesome person, what kind of nerve is wrong to want to be a thief..." El couldn't help but sighed again.

"However, if these inferences are true, there will be a very serious paradox." Laurana said suddenly.

"What paradox?" El carefully recalled Laurana's inference just now, and found nothing unreasonable.

"The paradox is this illusion in the mirror." Laurana pointed to the land under her feet, with a dazed expression on her face: "If that phantom is controlling this illusion, then it must be Adrian's design. But If it was designed by him, who recorded this space-time coordinate point?"

(End of this chapter)

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