rune hunter

Chapter 237 The Chairman's Decision

Chapter 237 The Chairman's Decision

The so-called space-time coordinates are the intersection of the two major elements of time and space. In fact, it is very simple to say, it is a fragment of a certain place in a certain time.

If one day of the entire city-state of Dimiant is used as the time-space coordinate, then Adrian's act of burying his treasure on this day is as insignificant as a drop of water in a lake compared to the entire time-space coordinate.Whatever significance this event may have in future history, it is of little importance at this moment.

If you just want to set up a trial for your own treasure, Adrian only needs to intercept the space-time coordinates related to himself. It is enough to include all the city-states of Dimient into the space-time coordinates like now, which makes people feel Some intentions to cover up.

What happened in the city-state of Demient on this day?The irreconcilable conflict between the powerful heir to the lord and the council, and the army of demons descending suddenly from hell, these are undoubtedly turning points in the fate of the city.But what connection do these things have with the treasure that Adrian himself hid?
Why would Adrian hide such complicated space-time coordinates in his treasure?What is the unknown connection between Demyant's destruction and his personal treasure?None of these questions have clear answers, and Laurana still grapples with the paradox she discovered.

"The basic principle of space-time coordinates is irreversible, that is to say, it is impossible for Adrian to record the past space-time coordinates. If he deliberately records this space-time coordinates now, it means that he knew in advance the disaster that will happen. But if he knew in advance If there is a disaster, why not eliminate the disaster at the source, but wait until the end of the war before sacrificing your life..."

The two walked in a secluded alley, keeping a parallel route with Lucius on the central street.There is no need to deliberately observe Lucius' forward speed, the loud cheers outside the street can be heard clearly even a street away.Seeing that Laurana had fallen into the dead end he had created, and his brows were getting tighter and tighter, El quickly took her hand and said in a low voice: "You think too much."

"Yeah, without enough clues, wild thinking can only lead to a dead end." Laurana sighed, shook her head, and woke up from the daze.

"It seems that we are about to reach the inner city ahead, and I don't know where this Lucius is going." El couldn't help but said when he saw the towering wall in front of him.According to the map in his memory, the inner city in front was the second floor area of ​​the ancient city-state ruins they had reached before.

"This guy walks so slowly on purpose to fully increase his popularity, and at the same time to put pressure on the council." Laurana listened to the noisy movement in the distance, and said decisively: "We can't follow him to waste Time, go directly to the third floor to have a look."

The third floor of the ancient city-state ruins, which is now the central area of ​​the city-state of Demient, where the lord's castle is located, was occupied by the parliament after Caseros' death.The original group of members were all old subordinates of Caseros, and they almost never borrowed the castle except for important meetings.But after they left the council, they settled down with peace of mind, without any feeling of discomfort at all.

Now that the real owner of the castle is about to take back his property, the MPs immediately became aware of the danger.They have tried everything possible to try to retain their power and status, but none of those unscrupulous schemes have been able to be realized.Step by step, Lucius gradually won the support of the people by relying on his open and open schemes. Now that he has grown wings, he has begun to show his fangs, making the congressmen feel like they are sitting on pins and needles.

The weather in summer is exceptionally clear, with the sun beating down on the white marble walls and creating a scorching heat.The wind blowing in from the window was so hot that people couldn't breathe, but the congressmen sitting in the room felt cold in their hearts.

They've tried all sorts of things over the past few years, but nothing bothers Lucius.This time, he returned to Dimiant with the head of the dragon in his hands, and he made no secret of the prowess of his knights.Ordinary citizens may still be immersed in Lord Lucius' personal charm, but in the eyes of the councilors, this move by Lucius is nothing more than an obvious threat of force.

In fact, many people have already prepared for this severe situation.When the parliament asked Lucius to hunt the dragon, the two sides had already torn faces.The council hoped that Lucius would lose all his troops in the process of slaying the dragon. If he himself was eaten by the dragon, that would be good news worth celebrating.However, they overestimated the strength of the dragon this time, and greatly underestimated Lucius' trump card.

Now that Lucius is back victorious, even the dumbest senator knows he won't let it go.In fact, what they have to worry about now is not just confrontation and revenge.With Lucius' current strength and reputation, even if he does nothing, the council has been pushed to the edge of a cliff, and there is no room for compromise.Next, it will be time to see each other with a dagger. Frankly speaking, the parliament has almost no chance of winning at present.

"It's not the last moment, we shouldn't give up!" A member of parliament said in a deep voice.Although his tone was very earnest, there were very few responders.Everyone has shouted too many slogans, and now everyone understands that this is just a self-deceiving fantasy.

"Lucius won't let us go." Someone said to himself. Although his voice was small, it was very clear in the quiet room.

"Actually, there is still a little room for maneuver. That guy will take his reputation into account, so he won't look too ugly." Another congressman said with some uncertainty.

"Before we completely tear ourselves apart with him, there may still be this possibility. But now...he will never come back to the negotiating table. It is we who have squandered the most basic trust."

The speaker sitting on the rostrum knocked on the table with a gavel, and said with a sullen face: "I know that many of you already have thoughts in your hearts, and want to run to Lucius to beg for mercy. Now our form is indeed Severe, it is understandable that the hearts of the people are unstable... But do you think that Lucius will accept your surrender so easily? Don't forget the things we have done, if you would have swallowed this breath?"

The speaker's speech made everyone quiet again. Some people turned their heads subconsciously, not daring to meet the speaker's gaze, but this did not mean that they would really feel ashamed in their hearts.

Although the parliament and Lucius are irreconcilable, the members of the parliament may not be like this.The members who can enter the parliament are basically the old subordinates who started with Caseros back then, and after these years of development, they have grown into the largest vested interest group of Dimiente.But since ancient times, as long as interests are involved, there can never be a distribution plan that satisfies everyone, and conflicts arise from this.

The conflict of interest between Lucius and the parliament is already irreconcilable, but for the families represented by some members of parliament, at this time, it is not wise to stand on the opposite side of the victor.On the other hand, if Lucius' understanding can be obtained at a certain price, it is very likely to participate in Diminte's future reshuffle.

The speaker silently observed the reactions of the congressmen, feeling more and more disappointed.The current situation has become clear, and anyone with a discerning eye can see that the parliament has been powerless, and even the congressmen themselves have lost confidence.If Lucius pressed forward at this time, these fools might even tie themselves up and send them out to claim credit.Considering the integrity and downline of these colleagues, the distance between this vision and reality is not far away.

These people can no longer be trusted, I can only rely on myself.The speaker said to himself inwardly.

With everyone's current state of mind, even if they got together, they couldn't discuss any valuable suggestions, so the secret meeting only lasted less than 10 minutes before it ended hastily.Those congressmen who had ghosts in their hearts couldn't wait to get up and leave, and the others saw it and didn't make any gestures.In fact, if they also have connections, their performance at this time will not be much better.

The speaker sat quietly in his seat, waited patiently for everyone to leave, stood up, walked to the edge of the wall, pressed a hidden mechanism, and a secret door at the corner slowly opened, revealing A secret passage without light.

The president hesitated for a moment, but finally made up his mind.He stretched out his palm, released a cluster of burning flames from his palm, and stepped into the secret passage.If a congressman turned back at this time and saw this scene, he would be shocked.Because they have been using the meeting room in this castle for decades, but they have never discovered that there is a secret passage hidden here.It is also impossible for him to believe that this highly respected speaker is actually a hidden magician. This is a secret that no one has ever heard of!

This is indeed a secret that no one has ever known. In the past decades of his life, the speaker has never revealed his identity as a magician.And after today, Dimiente was destroyed, and even the historical records would no longer contain information about this person.Compared with the historical environment of the entire world, the so-called speaker of a remote place like him is not even a small shrimp.

But he also didn't know that on the last day of Dimiant, someone recorded the complete space-time coordinates of the city for some unknown purpose.

The speaker's figure had just disappeared into the secret passage, and before the secret door was completely closed, a black figure that no one noticed came out from under the table, quickly followed the speaker's footsteps, and followed him into the secret passage.

Coincidentally, this scene happened to fall into the eyes of two other onlookers.

"Blackbeard? How did he come here?" El got out from behind the pillar, looking at the secret passage that was about to be closed, a little puzzled.If he hadn't pulled Laurana to hide out of caution just now, he might have been discovered by Blackbeard, but with that guy's cunning and cunning, it's hard to say whether he turned a blind eye on purpose.

"It's not the first time he came in, and he must have more clues than us, which shows that we are looking in the right direction." Laurana said happily.

(End of this chapter)

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