rune hunter

Chapter 238 Demon Sect

Chapter 238 Demon Sect
In the legend about the destruction of the city-state of Demient, the city was swallowed by the demon lord "Gluttony". After the gluttony was killed, his body turned into a rock, and the city sank underground.This legend may have some credibility in ancient times, but it can only be said to be nonsense in the prosperous period of human civilization 1000 years ago.

With the continuous expansion of human civilization on the mainland, a large number of wild black forests disappeared, and the order and rules of the mortal world were further improved.In the era of historical records, although the battle between humans and demons has never stopped, it still tends to be stable on the whole.A powerful existence at the level of a demon lord, because of the suppression of the rules of order, has rarely come to the mortal world in person.

The real reason why Demyant fell deep underground was because the city-state itself was built on an extremely unstable stratum.The underground of the lord's castle in the central area turned out to be a naturally formed underground cavity.

El and Laurana cautiously followed behind the speaker, and walked all the way down the secret passage in the meeting room for about ten minutes before they suddenly saw something.

Judging from the length and inclination of the secret passage, this place is still underground in the castle, but what El saw was a huge hollow that was wider than the castle on the ground.The distance from the top of the cave to the ground is at least 50 meters, and the distance at the other end of the cave is more than 200 meters as far as the naked eye can see. It is not known how much is hidden in the darkness.

In the center of this underground cavity, a rock rises abruptly, as if something is trying to break through the ground, and it looks like a bamboo shoot-shaped spire from a distance.Around this stone tower, burning torches were erected in twos and threes, illuminating the limited space around them.

Dozens of mysterious people wearing pointed hoods and holding staffs gathered in this space, each dealing with the work around them.They squatted halfway, and tapped the ground with the staff in their hands like embroidery needles, drawing lines of unknown meaning on the ground with pure magic power.

If someone looks down from the top, they will find that this is actually a super large magic circle with an area of ​​nearly [-] square meters, and the job of those mysterious people is to patch and perfect the lines in the magic circle bit by bit.This huge magic circle spread out from the center of the stone tower, and countless lines twisted into ancient and mysterious symbols.

Although those symbols are still in a static state, just their own shape reveals twisted madness. Even ordinary people who know nothing about magic will know that this is definitely not a good thing just by looking at it.

The speaker walked slowly to the edge of the magic circle. Looking at the scene in front of him, he couldn't help but frown. Since ancient times, the complexity of casting magic has always been directly proportional to the cost. In order to complete this huge project, he spent all these years His human and material resources have already been severely overdrawn, otherwise the parliament would not have been tied up and retreated steadily in front of Lucius.But looking at the situation in front of him, the work progress here was obviously lower than his psychological expectation.

"Why hasn't the work been completed yet!" The speaker walked up to a mysterious man who was working with his head bowed, and asked in a low voice.

"The last process has been basically completed, and there are still about 5.00% of the finishing work. If there are no accidents, we can start tomorrow." The mysterious man raised his head and pulled back the pointed hood, revealing a bald head with a drawing on it. A hideous blood-colored tattoo.

If he dared to walk on the street in this attire, he would be sanctioned by the believers of the gods sect immediately. In this world, there is only one kind of person who will shave his head and get a tattoo on his head. , that is the notorious Demon Sect.Of course, in the eyes of most people, there is no essential difference between them and neuropathy.

The Demon Sect, as the name suggests, is a mysterious organization that advocates the law of chaos and believes in the power of demons. Although it also calls itself a sect, it is different from the neutral Dark Moon Sect. The followers of the Demon Sect are a group of outright anti-human and anti-social elements.Their free and divergent thinking has no logic at all, and they cannot communicate normally at all.

In many stories sung by bards, the demon cult is a hidden villain behind the scenes, always planning to destroy the world, and then finally defeated by the hero, stepping on [-] feet... But as far as the actual records in history Speaking, this organization really likes to plan similar conspiracies, but they often play off themselves.To these believers in the laws of chaos, so-called "planning" is as meaningless as toilet paper.

In fact, as far as the lower limit of the human race itself is concerned, the lunatics of the Demon Cult are far from being the most vicious representatives.The filth in the social circles of the upper class nobles in many countries is far more disgusting than the novels and stories made up by bards.

In the history of mankind, there has never been a lack of noble forces who secretly collude with the demonic order. However, most of these ambitious nobles turned into jokes after dinner.Although they don't mind using the power of the Devil's Order, these lunatics don't have any spirit of contract, and it's common for them to cheat teammates.Over time, the Devil's Cult became a rat crossing the street and was jointly suppressed by all forces.

It's not surprising that the Demon Sect appeared in the city-state of Demient, because this is a newly developed frontier land, and it has not yet been included in the sphere of influence of the Sect of the Gods, and the folk customs are simple and simple, so it is not difficult to fool around.

To be honest, the Speaker is also unwilling from the bottom of his heart to be with the Devil Cult, because the record of these crazy dogs cheating teammates in the past is really unreliable.But now there was no room for relaxation between him and Lucius, so he could only hold on to the last straw.The idea in his heart is actually very simple, anyway, there is no room for retreat, why not take a gamble and try.

Even an idiot would not be able to gamble without a chance of winning. Of course, the one who finally made him make this decision could not be the Demon Sect’s reputation that has no credibility at all, but their leader in this area, because At the same time, he also has the status of aristocrat, which can barely be trusted by others.

"We don't have time, Mr. Kemal." The speaker said with a sullen face, "Lucius has come back and is on his way now. We have to have a showdown with him today."

"You and I both know that there is no room for mistakes in magic, not to mention the magic of summoning demons, and you must be cautious." Kemal pulled up his hood, and the calmness in his voice did not sound like a real demon cultist at all. group members.He looked back at his subordinates, sighed and said: "Mr. Speaker, isn't it because of this caution that you choose to cooperate with me? Falling into the hands of the devil. Only I am using the power of the devil, so I can dominate and stay sane. Only the power of the devil that can be controlled will help us, otherwise we are digging our own graves.

"You are right, Mr. Kemal, but we really don't have time." The speaker said with a sad face: "Lucius is the grandson of that person, and I believe he knows the secret here. If he comes back today If it’s a castle, we’ll be able to discover our layout soon.”

"You are really impatient and confused, Mr. Speaker. It's only a day, how can you delay it?" Kemal showed an impatient look on his face, and said with hatred: "First, retreat to advance, Surrender to him, prepare him a big celebratory banquet. Get some girls to get him drunk... Do you still need me to teach you how to do these things?"

"It's not that simple. He will cut off my head as soon as we meet." The speaker shook his head and smiled bitterly: "There is no room for buffer between us. If we meet, it will be the end of life and death."

"Although it is not suitable for me to comment on your parliament, I have heard about those things. At this time, I have to tell you one more thing. This is your own death. In In other territories of the Oakland Kingdom, even the families that have had feuds for hundreds of years have not really quarreled with each other to the extent that they are truly endless. There is actually no unresolvable feud between you and Lucius, why did it end up like this? How far?" Kemal curled his lips and said helplessly.

"Hahaha, I also really want to know the answer to this question, Mr. Speaker?" A loud voice suddenly sounded from the darkness in the distance, causing all the demon cultists at work to raise their heads vigilantly.

Under the horrified gaze of the speaker, Lucius' fully armed figure slowly stepped out of the dark shadows, and behind him were his loyal Knights, who spread to both sides without deliberately commanding.Hearing the sound of footsteps in the dark, more troops are coming one after another.

"This is impossible! You are still on the way! Where did you come in from?" The speaker pointed at Lucius' face and screamed fiercely. The sudden change made him completely lose his composure, and even his body couldn't help it. Live in a slight trembling.

As surprised as he was, there were visitors who did not belong to this world.

Blackbeard followed the speaker majestically, carefully listening to every conversation between the speaker and Kemal, while observing the surrounding environment, trying to find valuable clues.For Lucius' sudden appearance, even with his cunning and cunning, he couldn't help showing a shocked expression on his face.

El and Laurana hid in the secret passage when they came here, and they also regarded Blackbeard as the object of observation.With El's hearing ability, of course, he doesn't need to eavesdrop and think like Blackbeard. He only needs to retell the conversation between the two people, and naturally there is a humanoid library beside him to analyze and study.

He knew why both the Speaker and Blackbeard were shocked, because according to Lucius' previous traveling speed, he should have just entered the inner city at this time.Even if he hurried to the castle, it was impossible for him to break into the ground immediately...

So where did this Lord Lucius come from?

 on Monday!Ask for recommendation vote support! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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