rune hunter

Chapter 240 The Prodigal Alchemist

Chapter 240 The Prodigal Alchemist

Blackbeard didn't choose El as the target of the sneak attack because he had a head-to-head confrontation with El, and he knew that although this young man looked inconspicuous, he was a ruthless and tough character, otherwise he would not have become an army General.And this guy is very vigilant, if you attack him rashly, you will fall into a hard fight if you are not careful.

Relatively speaking, the girl next to him looks much weaker. Although women who dare to show their faces these days are not to be underestimated, this girl is obviously a think tank who relies on brain power to make suggestions.Blackbeard secretly observed her performance along the way, and found that she did not show a particularly outstanding combat response. When fighting against demon harassment, the only means she relied on was throwing a burning potion.

Blackbeard, who was born and raised in the brown earth hills, definitely didn't know the meaning of "alchemist", but he knew the black-red burning potion.It is a kind of blazing glue, and you can often see similar alchemy products in the smuggled goods of Thomas the Goldsmith. It is usually used to mine underground mines, and occasionally it can be used to make assassination traps. The advantage is that it burns efficiently, and the disadvantage is It's painfully expensive.

But anything that has something to do with alchemy, no matter whether it is really technical or not, the price will be skyrocketed.Even in the list of smuggled goods in Golden Hands, the price of this thing is prohibitive enough.Purely from the perspective of the battle results, the blazing glue thrown by Laurana did cause effective damage to the demon, but in Blackbeard's view, this is the waste of the absolute prodigal.

If the blazing glue she threw was converted into gold coins, the price would be enough to hire hundreds of hard-working men in the brown earth hills, and the killing efficiency would definitely be hundreds of times better than that of a little girl.

Of course, the actual situation certainly cannot be calculated in such a simple way. If the problem can be solved only by relying on crowd tactics, the robber kings of the past dynasties have already bulldozed the ruins of this ancient city-state countless times.Even the tough bandits carefully selected by Roger now find it difficult to adapt to the chaotic laws of the second layer of ruins, and the outcome of ordinary people coming in can be imagined.

Laurana's appearance of being alive and kicking here is really beyond Blackbeard's expectations, but in other aspects, this girl is still an ordinary person who doesn't know how to fight, and she is also a very oily fat sheep .Maybe her clever mind can quickly sort out the situation, but at this time, she still has to rely on strong force to fight.

Seeing El turning his head to look in his hidden direction, with a strange blue light flashing in his eyes, Blackbeard's heart tightened, and he immediately realized that his intentions had been exposed.But even so, he didn't intend to back down, but chose to rise up violently.He held a scimitar in both hands, and drew two intersecting arcs in midair.

The golden scimitar bloomed with dazzling light, and it bloomed in the darkness for an instant, making it impossible for people to look directly at it.But this is not Blackbeard's real killer move. Although the golden scimitar is a magical weapon, its own publicity is not suitable for the robber's unscrupulous style of coming and going like the wind.Like Roger, Blackbeard also has his own truly dedicated weapon, the black machete he wears on his body.

With the cover of the golden blade glow, the black machete turned into a ferocious poisonous snake, scurrying out against the ground.Blackbeard's knife is not just a weapon, but actually has the ability of a voodoo sacrificial vessel. As long as he has a thought, he can perform an unstoppable voodoo.

Blackbeard's plan is not to kill Laurana, that will only provoke El's crazy counterattack.But if he could use voodoo to control that girl, he would have the leverage to negotiate. If done properly, it would not be impossible for El to work hard for him.Manipulating the puppet and intimidating and luring, this is Blackbeard's favorite method all the time.

But with Pallanti's lessons learned, how could El make the same mistakes again?The principle of being a hunter is to remember the lesson and never make the same mistake again.When he saw Blackbeard holding a knife in both hands, he knew that this bastard had malicious intentions. He stretched his fingers on the bowstring and shot an arrow with all his strength. He copied back and took out three long arrows, and shot it without thinking. Round salvo.

Although Laurana's intuition is not as sensitive as El's, her thinking speed is flexible enough. When she saw El suddenly turn around and draw his bow and arrow, before her body could react, the image of Blackbeard appeared in her mind , and further deduced his purpose.

The goal is yourself!
Having figured this out, Laurana didn't waste time looking back. She just took a step forward and hid herself behind El's figure. At the same time, she also had two blue medicine test tubes in her hand.

Blackbeard held a golden scimitar in his hand and waved a brilliant blade in front of his eyes, trying to block the flying arrows, but at this distance, El's arrows would not give him any time to react.He only had time to block the first fully charged arrow, the golden scimitar collided with the arrow's edge, there was a sudden pause, and even his whole body involuntarily paused, and then three arrows directly hit his face superior.

Blackbeard cursed secretly, twisted his body desperately at the last moment, managed to dodge an arrow, and bit one in his mouth, but the last arrow flew past his neck and took away his neck. A whole piece of flesh and blood spewed out from the artery.

Blackbeard hastily retracted his black scimitar, and swung it towards the wound on his neck. The black scimitar spewed out a mass of foul-smelling mud, which stuck to the wound with a slap, miraculously stopping the bleeding.At this moment, his body was still rushing forward, but out of the corner of his eye, he peeked at the poisonous snake in the shadow.

Blackbeard's crazy attack attracted all of El's attention, and he didn't notice the poisonous snake sneaking over from the corner at all. When Blackbeard hit the arrow, the extremely flexible poisonous snake also crawled to El's side, but just At this moment, there was a crisp sound of "pop" on the ground.El looked down and saw a blue potion test tube shattered at his feet.

The water-blue potion burst out from the shattered test tube, and the surrounding ground was immediately covered with a layer of frost visible to the naked eye.Just as the poisonous snake controlled by the black scimitar was about to pounce from the corner, it was frozen into a long popsicle by the icy breath.

Feeling the biting chill around him, El shivered subconsciously, and looked down at his feet.Fortunately, the place where he was standing was not eroded by that frosty breath. Laurana also held a test tube of medicine in her other hand, and poured transparent and colorless liquid at the feet of the two of them without any haste. potion.This kind of clear water-like liquid does not seem to have any tricks on the surface, but it makes the icy breath around him spread out, as if it is afraid to avoid it.

Although he didn't understand what kind of routines these were, but looking at these miraculous effects, they were no less powerful than the magic power he had seen before. Even if he didn't have to think about it, he knew that what was thrown out was a lot of gold coins.

At this moment, El's thoughts reached an agreement with Blackbeard's—this kid is really a prodigal!

Thinking the same question in his heart, Blackbeard's aggressive stance didn't shrink at all. In the blink of an eye, he had stepped onto the ice-covered ground, and the icy breath on the ice immediately spread to his feet. But he didn't care about it, still grasping the golden machete and stabbing El's chest.

El's reaction was also not slow, the fifth arrow flew out almost as soon as it hit the bowstring.Although the dragon tooth bow is not suitable for rapid shooting, but that is only relatively speaking, its own tension is strong enough, and there is no need to fully draw the bowstring within this distance.

The golden scimitar in Blackbeard's hand was still nearly five meters away from El, and the fifth arrow had already been precisely inserted into his eye socket.The momentum of the arrow pushed Blackbeard's head back, almost breaking his spine, but El's face became serious.

As a hunter, he knows his every arrow like the back of his hand.With the current distance between Blackbeard and him, it happens to be the most embarrassing area for hunters. Long-range bows and arrows can't exert their power, and melee weapons can't fight hand-to-hand. Even his fifth arrow just now didn't give too much effect. Expectations are just tentative restraints.

But this arrow actually hit the target?

If it were someone else, El might believe it, but who is his current enemy?It is Blackbeard, the robber king who has been roaming the brown earth hills for decades!How could that old, cunning bastard die so easily?

After seeing the black beard in front of him being shot by an arrow, the skin on his face suddenly began to twist and shrink, becoming wrinkled like a shriveled orange and losing moisture.Without continuing to observe, El knew that the thing in front of him must be a substitute.So where did Blackbeard go?
El was sure that his attention was always on Blackbeard, and only at the moment when the poisonous snake next to him jumped out, he averted his eyes. In just the blink of an eye, it was impossible for Blackbeard to run away, or he Now that he has chosen to do it, it is impossible to give up so easily.

The icy aura around him has not yet dissipated, and if he attacks rashly, he will only be frozen like his double. I believe Blackbeard knows this very well, and what method he will choose to deal with.

El's heart moved, and he suddenly raised his head.Because the underground cavity was too empty, the ceiling was 50 meters below the ground, which made him subconsciously ignore the threat from above.

There was no torch above his head for lighting, so it was naturally pitch black, but the darkness couldn't hinder El's vision. His eyes glowed with a faint blue light, and he had a panoramic view of everything in midair.

As he expected, a humanoid monster was falling silently from mid-air, but seeing where he landed, it didn't aim at El, but entangled Laurana who was hiding behind him.

"You're courting death!" After realizing Blackbeard's real goal, El's eyes turned cold.

(End of this chapter)

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