rune hunter

Chapter 241 The Curse of Pain

Chapter 241 The Curse of Pain
The underground cavity that seals the seal of the center of the earth is actually a naturally formed cave, shaped like a huge egg.Although there is a drop of 50 meters from the top of the cave to the ground, the distance gradually decreases at the edge of the cave.And there are many stalactites hanging down from the roof of the cave, but they cannot be found because of the darkness.

At the moment when El's attention shifted, Blackbeard's body still rushed forward, but a gap suddenly opened at the shinbone behind him, and a strange black mist spewed out.Because he was originally hiding in the darkness, this black mist did not attract attention. At the same time, the black scimitar in his hand also melted into the black mist and floated over El's head.

When El raised his head, Blackbeard's original body shrank suddenly, turning into a hay doll entwined with black air, and Blackbeard in mid-air also showed his figure.This is exactly the voodoo puppet substitute technique he wanted to use when he was fighting El, but the substitute he prepared was bought by Roger that time, and the result fell short in the end.

Although he didn't prepare a substitute in advance this time, just a short-distance transposition wasn't too troublesome for Blackbeard.He grabbed the stalactite on the top of the cave with one hand, stabilized his figure, and immediately jumped down towards his real target.

"You're looking for death!" El snorted coldly, the muscles all over his body tightened suddenly, and the rock under his feet shattered with a bang.With a low growl, he backhanded out the ax at his waist, jumped up and struck at Blackbeard.

The ax and the scimitar collided with each other in mid-air, and Blackbeard's arm holding the knife suddenly exploded a wound from the wrist to the shoulder, the flesh rolled up, and blood flew everywhere.But at this moment, the two poisonous snakes that flew out from the black scimitar also nimbly bypassed El's body, and rushed towards Laurana behind him.

The faint blue light in El's eyes soared, his body trembled violently, and he had already entered the state of a storm attack.Everything around him slowed down instantly in his eyes, while his own action speed suddenly accelerated.He fell back in mid-air, raised his foot and kicked away Blackbeard's wrist holding the knife, while chasing the two poisonous snakes with his head down.

Although his reaction was fast enough, the two poisonous snakes released by Blackbeard were equally tricky. He only had time to stop one of them with the axe, but he couldn't prevent the remaining snake from getting into Laurana's chest.

Blackbeard felt a movement in his heart, and he knew that he had finally succeeded this time, and he also knew that what he would face next moment might be El's furious counterattack.That's why he didn't like to fight. After a successful blow, the black scimitar turned into a long whip, rolling towards the stalactites on the top of the cave, and was about to escape.

As long as the girl can be controlled, the young boy has to accept this threat, even if they are not in a relationship, just from the so-called "chivalry morality", he can't ignore the girl's life.Blackbeard has been playing this kind of coercion and temptation all his life.But the first thing he has to do now is to avoid El's counterattack. It is difficult for people in a state of anger to make sense. Only after he regains his composure can he have a chance to negotiate.

But... can he escape this time?
Seeing El turning back to try to rescue, Blackbeard relaxed a little, but then became nervous again.He suddenly remembered that this kid's most powerful method was not melee combat, but the ferocious strong bow in his hand.Although the dark environment of this underground hollow is not suitable for archers to play, but this kid's vision does not seem to be affected by the darkness.

Distance yourself from a sharpshooter with night vision?Is this because you think you didn't die fast enough?

These thoughts just circled in Blackbeard's mind, and he soon realized his mistake.However, in the blink of an eye, El had turned around and pulled the Dragon Tooth Bow into a full moon, and two faint blue runes melted into the arrow from his fingertips, and then the long arrow had nothing Leaving the string hesitantly.

The bowstring had just returned to its original position, and before it stopped trembling, there was a muffled sound above the head.The spinning arrow sank into the stalactite wall with astonishing force, and a strange hay doll pierced through it.At the critical moment, Blackbeard once again performed the stand-in puppet technique, avoiding El's fatal arrow.

But at this time, El's perception field has been fully expanded, and under deliberate precautions, the escaping Blackbeard immediately has nowhere to hide.He had just emerged from the corner behind El, when he looked up and saw El pounced like a tiger.

Blackbeard hurriedly scrambled and scrambled sideways against the wall to escape, trying to take advantage of his familiarity with the terrain to create distance.But before he ran a few steps away, he heard the sound of wings beating in his ears, followed by a stench rushing towards the door.Blackbeard was taken aback, and hugged his head without thinking.In this dark environment, his eyesight was actually inferior to El's, and he couldn't see what was flying over in a hurry.But just by hearing the sound, one could guess that it must be the half-human, half-scorpion monster that El kept.During the days when he was captured, he stayed with this little thing day and night, and he really experienced her power, especially the tail hook with paralytic toxin, which made him very impressed.

The underground world of brown earth hills also has traces of landwalker activities. Little Langa’s race is not difficult to guess, but the internal branches of the landwalker tribe are also ever-changing. Might recognize where she came from.

Little Langa, as a larva of the royal family, does not have any restrictions on the evolutionary bloodline.The kobold geomancer once said that the royal larvae must go through constant wars to complete their evolution. However, after El adopted little Langa, he almost never stopped fighting along the way, so the little guy's growth rate is also far away. Exceeded Apache's psychological expectations.

The current Little Langa has evolved not only the paralytic toxin and adrenaline stock solution of the scorpion tail hook, but also the two-handed blade and cicada wings of the Mantes scout, and various physical qualities have also been significantly enhanced.Although the overall strength is still not up to the standard of the high bronze rank, but if it is used properly, it can release a blow equivalent to the level of a strong silver rank.

What is the right time?It is to appear in places where the enemy does not expect it.Blackbeard knew that El always hid little Ranja in his arms, so he was on guard even when attacking.But he didn't notice that as early as when he followed the speaker to the side of the magic circle, El also secretly released little Lan Jia, let her fly into the air to eavesdrop on the conversation, and then teleported back with a mind link to communicate with himself The words heard corroborate each other.

Now Xiao Lanjia turned back and just blocked the black beard.After she stretched out a tail hook and was dodged by Blackbeard, her hands turned into sharp knives at the same time, slashing at Blackbeard's head and face.Most of Blackbeard's attention was on El, and he was almost panicked when he was attacked by little Lanjia unexpectedly.By the time he realized that this little guy couldn't cause fatal damage to himself except for the tail hook, El had already caught up.

"Wait a minute! You don't want..." Blackbeard said hastily, but Al didn't want to hear him.Although Laurana was plotted against by him, El believed that the eldest lady could not be completely defenseless. Blackbeard's ghostly trick to control an alchemist was a bit ridiculous.No matter how vicious the poisonous snake is hiding, it will never reach the level of direct death, at most it will only suffer a little.

What really made El angry was that Blackbeard dared to attack the woman next to him again and again. This was not only slapping him in the face, but also exposing his scars.It's fine that Pallanti didn't catch up that time, but now he's doing the same trick again, so be prepared to pay the price.

The ax and the scimitar clashed again, but this time Blackbeard suffered a terrible loss. He was harassed by little Lanjia, and the strength in his hand did not fully explode, and El immediately followed the trend.He kicked Blackbeard's calf, and the clear sound of bone cracking caused Blackbeard to kneel on the ground involuntarily.Then his second kick caught Blackbeard in the jaw, causing his head to jerk up, ejecting two bloody teeth.

"Is that all you have, General El?" Blackbeard licked the blood from the corner of his mouth, and grinned.

El remained silent, turned his fists into claws, clasped Blackbeard's shoulders, lifted him up into the air with a little force, and fell down heavily.The uncontrolled fall of nearly two meters made close contact with the ground, causing Blackbeard's body to stir up a cloud of dust. Before he could rebound, El stepped on his abdomen, causing the blood in his mouth to spurt out involuntarily. come out.

"That sounds like something, hahaha." Blackbeard fell to the ground with a vague smile and said, "Don't you want to know what curse I put on that girl? Actually, I wanted to tell you earlier... All the pain on my body will be borne by her!"

"I believe in your evil!" El firmly stepped on Blackbeard, raised his ax and aimed at Blackbeard's head.Seeing El's unrelenting attitude, Blackbeard sneered, and silently recited the voodoo spell in his heart.

Suddenly there was a girl's scream from behind, and El turned his head sharply, seeing Laurana lying limp on the ground as if her bones had been pulled out.

"Don't worry about me...I can handle it myself, kill Blackbeard!" Laurana's voice suddenly appeared in her mind, she didn't speak directly, but used little Lanjia's mind link.Although El wanted to believe in her ability, he still couldn't help hesitating for a moment at this moment. When he turned around, his feet were suddenly empty, and Blackbeard had already fled away.

Just when El turned her head away, Laurana, who was lying on the ground, gritted her teeth, two slender thorns and vines suddenly popped out from her cuffs, tore at the poisonous snake that got into her chest, and threw it far away. out.

(End of this chapter)

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