rune hunter

Chapter 242 Summoning the Devil

Chapter 242 Summoning the Devil
Blackbeard's sneak attack this time cost a lot of money. He used three substitute puppets alone. It is unknown when he made these hay dolls.However, after changing positions these three times, he was obviously exhausted, and he didn't dare to continue entanglement, and escaped far away.

At this moment, El couldn't care less about tracking his whereabouts, and hurried back to Laurana. The girl lay on the ground, with blood gushing from the corner of her mouth, and she didn't seem to be all right as she said.El picked her up carefully, and retreated to the corner. Seeing her pain, he couldn't help but blame himself.

Because of Laurana's shrewd and cunning image, El almost ignored her own level of strength. In fact, she was far from meeting the needs of the combat environment.After all, her identity is just an alchemist, so she should hide in the tower and study behind closed doors, instead of coming out with herself to show her face.

Although she does not lack weird self-defense methods, she still lacks adaptability compared to Pallanti, who has received military training since she was a child.Although Pallanti is young, no one can deny that she is an elite fighter.Even if you are attacked by the enemy, injured or even dying, you can still fight to the end.And even though Laurana is knowledgeable, she is still a pampered young lady. Even if her will is strong enough, her body is probably more fragile than ordinary people.

"It's okay, I've expelled the power of the curse, and Blackbeard's little trick can't hurt me." Seeing El's heavy face, Laurana couldn't help but chuckled softly.Although she said so, the weakness in her voice and the blood at the corner of her mouth were not convincing at all.

"Shut up, don't move around." El hugged the girl's shoulders, helped her wipe the blood from the corner of her mouth, and then reached out to grab her wrist. He had noticed before that Laurana seemed to have all the alchemy items he carried with him. Hidden in the two cuffs, this method is quite similar to the pocket on Tiana's body, and it is said to be some kind of space magic.

"Don't rummage around! I told you I'm fine. The so-called curse is actually just a mental illusion. As long as you know the truth, there is nothing terrible." Laurana pushed El's hand away in embarrassment, and took it out of her cuff. He took out a bottle of colorless medicine and poured it into his mouth, and the complexion on his face quickly recovered.

While El was taking care of Laurana, the battle in the underground cavity also entered the most intense stage.

Lucius commanded his knights, put on heavy weapons and smashed the magic shield to the point of collapse. The demon cultists who maintained the magic shield were bleeding from all their faces, and seemed to have fallen into a state of serious overdraft.In the magic circle, the guidance work of other demon cultists has also come to an end.

The magic circle that had already bloomed with bright light suddenly flashed, and the strange light suddenly expanded several times.Kemal, who was maintaining the operation of the center of the magic circle, snorted, with blood dripping from the corner of his mouth, but there was a clear smile on his face.

A deep and powerful roar sounded in everyone's ears, the voice was full of anger and tyranny.Lucius' expression changed, and he was about to order an intensified attack when he suddenly felt a tremor on the ground, which made him stagger a few steps involuntarily.When he looked back again, a huge blood-red vertical eye had suddenly appeared from above the magic circle, and the pupils of the eyes jumped strangely and then slowly opened.

Two thick and powerful crimson sharp claws protruded from the vertical eyes, the muscles of both arms suddenly swelled, and a low growl violently stretched the vertical eyes that had not yet been fully opened.Immediately afterwards, a scorching wind full of sulfur breath gushed out from the vertical eyes, blowing the unsuspecting knights outside the magic circle to their knees.

A demon with a height of two meters and a body as strong as a brown bear jumped out of the opened vertical eyes. Seeing the panicked human beings in front of him, he opened his mouth and let out wild laughter like a wild beast roaring.He took a step forward, grabbed a knight who had no time to dodge, easily lifted him into the air, grabbed two legs and tore them apart, and the fully armed knight was torn in half before he could scream.

The demon brought one of the knight's thighs to his mouth, revealing his mouth full of sharp teeth, and chewed the whole thigh to pieces in one stroke, crunching the bones.In the ears of the other knights, this miserable voice was like a spell urging them to die. Even though they had experienced many battles, they couldn't help being frightened at this moment.

"You sinners! How dare you summon demons in this sacred place! Sin is unforgivable!" Lucius pulled out the sword at his waist with a bang, and the long sword shone with a sharp cold light in the darkness. Enchanted advanced items.He stepped forward and raised his sword high, shouting loudly: "Knights! Come with me to destroy these villains and send the demons back to their hometown!"

Even El, who was full of malicious speculations, had to admit at this time that this guy was too dazzling, just like the hero in the story.Under the influence of his personal charm and prestige, the morale of the knights quickly recovered, and more troops poured in from the secret passage behind him, and immediately entered the rhythm of defensive counterattack.

Lucius took the lead and slashed the sword in his hand with all his strength. A stream of snow-white sword energy shot out from the edge of the sword, piercing the precarious magic shield.The demon cultist who was struggling to maintain the operation of the magic shield trembled at the same time, blood spurted wildly from his mouth, and the shield immediately shattered.

"Don't be so naive, Lucius! Do you think you can stop demons with mortal strength?" Kemal smirked grinningly and slammed his staff on the ground, ignoring the cold sweat on his bald head.

The demon cultists who had just maintained their protective shields had no time to fall down, and suddenly grabbed their throats and screamed sharply.Their thin bodies swelled rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye, two curved horns grew from the top of their bare heads, and their legs became anti-jointed sheep's hooves.

These severely overdrawn Demon Cultists were useless in this battle. Kemal immediately sacrificed their lives and souls, and summoned more demons with the power of the Demon Eye.The other demon cultists who maintained the magic circle were not at all afraid of this, but showed a disappointed expression on their faces as if they hadn't got candy.

For the truly crazy demon cultists, being able to summon demons at their own expense is a supreme honor, and those of them who survived were immediately ranked first in front of the demons transformed by their companions, and had to bow their knees.The surviving demon cultists quickly gathered inside the magic circle, and tapped the ground with their staffs like Kemal, making rhythmic knocking sounds.With their concerted efforts, bloody ripples rippled from the magic circle.

Ordinary human knights can immediately feel the loss of power in their bodies when they come into contact with the bloody ripples, but when a demon comes into contact with this kind of bloody ripples, his body continues to swell like a tonic.Under the ebb and flow, human knights fell into the quagmire of fighting again.

Order and chaos, the mortal world and hell, humans and demons have been uncompromising life and death enemies since ancient times. As for the demon cultists, it can only be said to be a weird accident.The battle between the two sides entered the most intense state at the first time. After all, the space in the underground cavity is limited, and there is no room to adjust the formation. The human knight collided with the unknown demon, and they did not hesitate to use their weapons and claws. Insert into the opponent's body.

The city-state of Demient was still in a joyful and peaceful atmosphere. The people took to the streets, singing and laughing to celebrate the return of the new lord. No one knew that their future lord was fighting the devil in the dark cave.If the history of this city-state can continue, perhaps this period of heroic epic will be submerged in the long river of history and will never be known.

However, the act of summoning demons by the demon cultists has quietly cast a shadow over the originally intact law of order in this land.

The leyline nodes suppressed by the seal of the center of the earth are the hubs of the laws of order that maintain the stability of this continent, but from another perspective, it is precisely because there are too many laws of order gathered here that it brings A heavy burden, in short, this is also the most vulnerable part of the main material plane.

The Devil's Order took advantage of this loophole and forcibly opened a gap next to the seal of the center of the earth. Although it was not big, it was enough to break through the barrier of the law of order and connect to hell.Their behavior is like dropping a drop of ink on white paper. Although the area is small, it is extremely conspicuous, and soon attracted the attention of interested people.

In the secret room of the Dark Moon Temple, Adrian was slowly constructing his magic circle, inserting lines condensed out of thin air into the phantom body of his avatar.Suddenly, he raised his head consciously and glanced in the direction of the lord's castle. The unrestrained smile on his face gradually narrowed.

"Did you feel it?" Adrian turned his head and asked the old ascetic who had been silent by his side, "What is that?"

Hiding aside, Roger, who was already drowsy, gave a jolt and jumped up.What Adrian did just now was the trial step of arranging the treasure. If it can be analyzed thoroughly, there shouldn't be any difficulty in leaving this dream to complete the trial.It's a pity that Roger can't understand it, and no one in the history of robber kings can understand it.The inherently barren environment of the brown earth hills is destined to be a barren land forever. Bandits are good at destroying but don't know how to build. It is impossible for any seeds of wisdom and civilization to germinate here.

Roger hoped that the girl next to El could come here at this time. With that girl's knowledge, she might be able to find important clues.But neither Al nor the girl appeared, nor did Blackbeard...

He suddenly realized that he might be going in the wrong direction.

(End of this chapter)

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