rune hunter

Chapter 243 The Choice of Thieves and Knights

Chapter 243 The Choice of Thieves and Knights
Adrian's face was very ugly, because he just realized that he, the king of thieves who had never had a record of mistakes, was actually cheated by an old thing with a tasteless expression and a hideous face.

"You never said there would be such a big trouble." He looked at the old ascetic and said with a wry smile.The main material world constructed by the rules of order suddenly showed traces of the laws of chaos, and one didn't need to think about it to know that this was causing great trouble.

Although he lost the bet with the old ascetic before, it was because Adrian himself had no intention of winning.Although the name of the Thief King is resounding, it is also a heavy burden.After so many years of struggling in the mortal world, all kinds of grievances, hatred, life and death parting made his heart feel deeply tired.

In private, he has also been looking for a more decent way to retire, such as this kind of bet, after losing, he will join the Dark Moon Church, inherit the duties of the old ascetic monk, and spend the rest of his life guarding this dilapidated temple... like this The ending is not difficult for a legend to accept.

"If there is no trouble, why did the Church of the Dark Moon purposely build a temple here?" the old ascetic asked confidently, almost vomiting blood out of Adrian.But after calming down, he also knew that the old ascetic was not lying.The Dark Moon Church has always been rejected by the sects of the gods as "unbelievers", because they do not believe in any gods except Dark Moon itself.Since you don't believe in gods, what's the point of building temples?
Adrian rolled his eyes. At that time, he only noticed that the location of this temple was relatively hidden, and the outside scenery was also very good. It was an old place for the elderly, but he didn't think of such unplanned factors at the time.In fact, the temples established by the Dark Moon Church are not common in Kanilas. Almost every temple has a clear purpose, the most important of which is...

"The seal of the center of the earth?"

Thinking of the abnormal fluctuation of the chaotic law that he felt just now, Adrian involuntarily crossed this word in his mind, and then couldn't help but get a headache.The ascetic monks of the Dark Moon Church never rely on external things, even their own temple is so poor that even thieves don't care about it.If there is anything worthy of their attention, it is undoubtedly the seal from the center of the earth from Dark Moon Babylon.

As the origin of the world, Darkmoon Babylon represents absolute order. It is not that no one has coveted such a powerful force. At that time, even the gods were defeated.Exactly what method Dihuang used to bring back this stone from the dark moon is now impossible to verify.But the Seal of the Center of the Earth is definitely a veritable sacred object for the Dark Moon Church.

Near the several known seal places on the mainland, there are temples specially built by the Dark Moon Church, which have been determined for thousands of years...or to guard the seal of the center of the earth with all their heart.However, compared to the vast history of human civilization, this little obsession of the Dark Moon Church is so trivial that Adrian hadn't thought of it before.

"You old man, you dare to trick me?" Adrian yelled, gnashing his teeth. Why didn't the accident happen sooner or later, and it happened when he took over this ruined temple?
The seal of the center of the earth itself has no value, because it is just a stone, constructed by the law of absolute order, so it cannot be affected by any way in the mortal world.If the world is compared to a house, then Dark Moon Babylon represents the foundation. No matter how hard the people living in the house are, even if the house is burned, the foundation will not be affected.

Of course, it is impossible to destroy the seal of the center of the earth with the power of the mortal world, and no one will be so stupid as to steal this thing home.The really terrible problem is that the function of the seal of the center of the earth itself is to suppress the order nodes of the leylines. If the seal of the center of the earth is moved, it will have a serious impact on the order nodes.

Two-thirds of the reasons for several large-scale invasions of alien planes in human history, including the wars of hell demons, can be traced back to the emergence of the seal of the center of the earth.

"Perhaps this is the arrangement of fate..." The old ascetic monk sighed, shook his head and said, "We have been guarding the seal of the center of the earth for thousands of years. At that time, this area was still a wild black forest area. The traces of human civilization have only gradually appeared in the last 100 years. When the Knight of Caseros arrived, we knew that this day would eventually come. Although he provided us with a place to live and swore to strictly guard the center of the earth The secret of the Seal, but human ambition is always more terrifying than beasts."

"So you're trying to shift the responsibility to me?" Adrian said angrily, "I'm telling you, if you don't give me an explanation, I will really break the contract! Anyway, no one now You know the bet, don't you?"

"Don't worry, we are not unprepared, but it will take some time to call for reinforcements." The old ascetic said solemnly: "The current problem is not serious, and you should be able to solve it easily with your ability."

"I want to have this time to train the ladies, isn't it good?" Adrian said, but he still stood up and cleaned up the work in front of him.Although he was unwilling to take this hot potato from the bottom of his heart, the change of the seal of the center of the earth was not a trivial matter.If he still wanted to spend his old age safely in this city, he had to intervene this time.

Just when Adrian made up his mind, the battle in the underground cavity gradually came to an end.Humans and demons are enemies of life and death, and there is no room for compromise.Under the leadership of Lucius, the human knights exerted [-]% of their combat power, quickly defeated the summoned demon army with fearless passion and absolute numerical superiority, even the demon summoned directly from hell In the end, he was not spared.

A strong attack regardless of the cost naturally means a heavy price.After the battle, the corpses of human knights and demon cultists almost covered the entire space.Nearly fifty knights died in battle, and more than two hundred people were seriously injured. This can be said to have consumed one-fifth of the combat power of the knights under Lucius.In the process of his dragon slaying, he has never experienced such serious consumption.

However, the result of the heavy casualties was not satisfactory. Although all the demons were wiped out, the most important figures—Kemal and the speaker—sneaked away without anyone noticing.When Lucius suddenly appeared here, Kemal knew that the situation was over, and he already had the intention of retreating.Scenes like "You're killing yourself" after that are just posturing.

"These two cunning bastards!" Lucius punched the edge of the stone tower with a sullen face. The stone tower did not move, but his fist was instantly bloody.But this bit of flesh and blood pain was far from enough to dispel the anger in his heart.Letting these two guys escape means that all his previous efforts have been in vain, and the heavy casualties have also become meaningless.Although all the demon cultists were killed, anyone with a discerning eye knew that they were just abandoned pawns.

"My lord, we have packed up the fallen brothers, what should we do with the corpses of these demons?" A knight walked up to Lucius and asked in a low voice.

"Don't worry about this, just get our brothers out." Lucius shook his head, with a dejected expression on his face.He patted the knight on the shoulder, and said in a deep voice: "This is our last battle. Although that damned old thing ran away, he lost his last hole card, so there is nothing to be afraid of. Tonight we There will also be a grand celebration banquet in the castle, and all the brothers will be there!"

"We can't wait, my lord." The knight's smile was a bit forced. They really couldn't wait to celebrate the victory, but in the battle just now, dozens of comrades were separated from life and death. To be as happy as when I was in town.

"Leave first, I want to be quiet here." Lucius leaned on his sword, sat under the stone tower, and said a little tiredly.

The knights have no objection to the lord's order. In fact, it is easy to clean up their own corpses, but it is not so simple to deal with the corpses of demons. Demons, the manifestation of the law of chaos, even after death, their corpses and studies can still be destroyed. pollute the land.If you want to completely remove this pollution, you must rely on the help of the priests.

Anyway, this is already the last battle, so it doesn't matter if you put it there and clean it up later, the knights have to adjust their mood to participate in the celebration banquet at night, who is in the mood to deal with these demon corpses?
After a while, Lucius was the only one left in the underground cavity.Of course, there are bystanders who are not of this world.El hugged Laurana and hid far away in the entrance of the secret passage, keeping silent all the time.There was also Blackbeard who ran away immediately after the sneak attack failed. Although he could not be seen, El knew that he must not have left.

This guy wants to attack Laorana at any cost, which means that there must be some benefits that he wants to monopolize here.But the plot has developed so far, and El has not seen any clues that can be connected to the treasure of the Thief King.Although the black history of Diminte is wonderful, what is the significance to the onlookers 1000 years later?

Just when El was hesitating, Lucius stood up suddenly.Holding a corner of the stone tower behind him, he jumped to the top of the stone tower.

El intuitively felt that something was wrong, so he quickly used the power of the insight rune to take a closer look. What surprised him was that there was still a deep sadness on Lucius' face at this time?That is obviously full of ambition and madness!

The stone tower standing in the center of the underground cavity looks like a rose in appearance. The pillars under the tower are twisted and twisted together, and when they gather at the top, they bloom suddenly, and the seal of the center of the earth is hidden in the stamen .

Lucius held the sword in his backhand, his face was constantly changing at this moment, he hesitated for a moment, as if he had made up his mind, took a deep breath, and plunged the sword straight into the seal of the center of the earth!
 There was a problem with the router yesterday, I am very sorry!
(End of this chapter)

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