rune hunter

Chapter 244 A Magical Plot Turn

Chapter 244 A Magical Plot Turn

The seal of the center of the earth is actually just a palm-sized disc, which is placed in the center of the stone tower.This stone tower is not a real stone tower, it is just an ordinary rock affected by the rules of the seal of the center of the earth.But it is precisely because these rocks are affected by the seal of the earth's core that the vicissitudes of life for thousands of years cannot change them.

In fact, what has changed is the underground cavity. The stone tower under the seal of the earth center is the most original appearance in the past thousands of years of history.

Lucius' long sword accurately pierced into the gap between the Seal of the Earth's Center and the rock below. There shouldn't be any gaps here, and the Seal of the Earth's Center has long been integrated with the stone tower below.However, the magic circle of the Demon Order found a loophole in the rules, and used this loophole to move the seal of the center of the earth a little distance.

This distance may be less than one millimeter in length, but for a sacred object like the seal of the center of the earth, the gap between the two states of "moving" and "moving" is already very different.Relying on the little distance moved by the seal of the center of the earth, Kemal successfully summoned the demon from hell.

But now, judging by what Lucius did, it was clear that he wanted to widen this gap again!
The seal of the center of the earth comes from the dark moon Babylon, the origin of the world, so it also inherits its mystery.Only the silver moon and the red moon appear in the sky every night. Only at the moment when the three moons meet, ordinary people can speculate the existence of the dark moon with shadows.The dark moon itself is unobservable, and all attributes are outside the observable range.

Although no one knows how Dihuang used the fragments of Dark Moon Babylon to create the seal of the center of the earth, but this sacred object from the dark moon is also unobservable, even if it is taken away by the gods, it has no meaning.Because the gods are also creatures born in this world, even though they have become rules, the rules themselves also come from the dark moon, and they do not have the ability to go back.

Can the Seal of the Center of the Earth be moved with mortal weapons?This question is obviously a joke.If the goal can be achieved so simply, why did the demon sect led by Kemal take pains to set up a huge magic circle at an astronomical cost?Just when El was still surprised by Lucius's abnormal behavior, the sword he inserted rebounded with a more determined attitude. The sword that had cut off the head of the dragon broke into two parts in an instant. The tip of the sword passed beside Lucius' head, drawing a line of blood.

However, at the moment when the sword broke, a bright light burst out from the broken part of the sword.Even Laurana didn't know what kind of power that ray of light belonged to, but this kind of power magically adhered to the gap in the seal of the center of the earth.Although Lucius' sword was broken just now, it was accurately inserted into the gap before it was broken, and an insignificant space was raised, but this space was immediately filled by the burst of light, and could not be completely closed. .

Such an ending was clearly within Lucius' expectations. He didn't care to wipe the blood from the blade of his ear, and his other hand quickly stretched out, grabbing the edge of the seal in the center of the earth. .

A raging flame suddenly burned in his hand, and that weird feeling looked more like a devil's trick. El, who was hiding in the distance, clearly felt the interaction between the law of chaos and the rule of order at this moment. Shock, this kind of shock is far more obvious than the effect brought by the demon cult summoning the demon from hell just now, and I don't know where this guy got such terrible demon power.

Black sludge spewed out from the fire, and flowed along Lucius' arm to the gap in the seal of the center of the earth.Lucius' face looked extremely ferocious under the light of the fire, and there was a bit of viciousness in the ecstasy, which made people shudder.If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes at this time, no one would be able to connect his current image with the brave and fearless future lord just now.

"What on earth does this guy want to do?" El gasped, subconsciously holding Laurana and taking a few steps back into the secret passage.It's not that he doesn't know what Lucius is doing. After Laurana's explanation, he also understands the importance of the seal of the center of the earth, and he can see now that Lucius wants to move the seal of the center of the earth. Obviously, he is also on the side of the devil, and his real strength is definitely much stronger than the members of the devil's order.

But the question is, why would he do it?In fact, Lucius is now the victor. He has already defeated his enemies, occupied the castle, or regained the leadership of Dimiant.Starting today, this city-state will become his private property... So, what's the point of him wanting to summon demons now?Are you making fun of yourself?

"Let's see?" Laurana's tone was also very puzzled. At this moment, even she couldn't figure out what kind of trick Lucius was playing.Although he knew what he was doing, it was really difficult to guess what the purpose of doing this was at this moment, and it was completely impossible to understand this guy's motives with a normal person's logical thinking.

If this is not the historical record that happened 1000 years ago, Laurana will definitely ask El to prevent Lucius from going crazy.Whatever his purpose, the consequences would be an unbearable disaster.But now... the two of them can only hide and enjoy the development of the plot.

Just when the two were about to enter the movie-watching mode, the hero who saved the world suddenly appeared.

Blackbeard's figure fell silently from the darkness on the top of the cave, just like he had sneaked up on Laurana, but the target was changed to the unsuspecting Lucius.For the characters in the plot, onlookers who do not belong to this world do not exist. He does not need to be so cautious if he wants to kill people. The reason why he is entrenched on the stalactites on the top of the cave is mainly to avoid El's sight.

Just like El's last assassination, Lucius was completely defenseless against Blackbeard's attack.All his attention was focused on his hands, seeing the river of cold sweat streaming down his face, it showed that the burning flame seemed to be a heavy burden to him.Lucius took a deep breath, clenched his teeth and exerted force suddenly, the muscles on his arm instantly tensed to the maximum limit, traces of blood oozed from his arm and flowed into the flames, which stimulated the flames to become more vigorous and directly spread to the Above the surface of the seal of the center of the earth.

This time, the seal of the center of the earth finally showed obvious changes. Under the burning of the strange flame, it finally gradually separated from the ground.Although the Seal of the Earth Center itself is not afraid of any mysterious energy, the stone tower below it is still an ordinary rock in essence. The print itself is more practical.

Just when Lucius was about to extinguish the flame and grab the Seal of the Center of the Earth, a black scimitar suddenly pierced through his chest.With a sneer, Blackbeard drew out his scimitar, kicked Lucius on the ass, and kicked him off the stone tower.Then the black beard turned around, and the black scimitar turned into a poisonous snake, tightly wrapped around the upturned seal of the center of the earth, and sent it into his arms.

In a blink of an eye, Lucius was assassinated for the second time, and Blackbeard became the ultimate victor.Although the seal of the center of the earth is only a disc the size of a palm, its weight far exceeds all the substances in this world.Heibeard took it into his hand, his expression changed suddenly, he turned over and jumped off the stone tower without caring about his face.When his body fell to the ground, the dull sound produced continuous echoes in the underground cavity, and the rocky ground under his feet actually shattered every inch of it.

Blackbeard grunted, and fell forward involuntarily. The seal of the center of the earth in his hand fell to the ground with a plop, directly smashing a deep hole, almost sinking two-thirds of his body into the ground.In the eyes of ordinary people, the rock is extremely hard, but it is softer than soil when it encounters the seal of the center of the earth.

"It's not the first time he's killed someone, but it's the first time he's snatched the Seal of the Center of the Earth." Laurana, who had been paying attention to the changes in the situation, suddenly whispered, "He wants to lure that phantom out here."

"What good does it do him?" El asked puzzled.Now he already knew that this was an illusion, which meant that apart from people like himself, everything else in this world was a fictional illusion.It was not the first time that Blackbeard had entered this illusion, so it was impossible not to understand this.Then why did he snatch the seal of the center of the earth?

"Do you still remember the first clue? What is the real eternity?" Laurana suddenly raised her head and said, "In this illusion, if there is anything that is absolutely real, it is the space in the hand of the phantom. Other than artifacts, there is only the Dark Moon Holy Relic, the Seal of the Center of the Earth!"

"Since we deduced before that the record of this illusion came from the Seal of the Earth's Core, it means that the Seal of the Earth's Center was finally obtained by Adrian and placed in his own treasure trial. And 1000 years ago that In a war of demon invasion, the work of finally sealing the passage of hell is also indispensable. Since Adrian hid his treasure in the Dark Moon Temple, it shows that he must have a close relationship with the Dark Moon Church , then it is logical to deduce that the so-called Treasure King’s Treasure is likely to be a sealed place 1000 years ago.”

Although the appearance of the black beard made El more confused, it made Laurana make countless conjectures in an instant. Although there is no evidence to support her, her conjectures can generally be said to be infinitely close to the truth .

While she was muttering secretly beside El, Lucius' corpse had slowly stood up. Although his posture seemed a little stiff, his eyes were full of strangeness, and he looked straight at Blackbeard on the other side of the stone tower.

Lucius' body melted like a burning candle, and a phantom emerged from his body. Holding a blood-red sharp blade, it turned into an arc and rushed towards Blackbeard!
 Sorry for the late post due to personal reasons!

(End of this chapter)

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