rune hunter

Chapter 245 Time Leap

Chapter 245 Time Leap
According to Laurana's inference, the two things closest to reality in this illusion are the blood-red sharp blade in the phantom's hand, and the seal of the center of the earth that Lucius tried to steal. Judging by Blackbeard's actions, it is obvious that he wants to Both of these things are up for grabs.As for what he plans to do next, El intends to wait and see.

Faced with the phantom's sudden attack, Blackbeard was not surprised, or it was a trap he had designed, but now there were two more uninvited guests in his plan, which added a lot of variables.However, in Blackbeard's view, as long as such variables are brought under his control, it will be able to add more help.

Blackbeard didn't continue to pick up the seal of the center of the earth, and ran towards El as soon as he turned around, shouting in his mouth: "General El! As long as you can help me kill this monster, I will undo the curse, and we will be here from now on." Both grievances and grievances are settled!"

"Eh? Didn't he notice?" El asked Laurana quietly.When the curse on Pallanti was successfully expelled, Blackbeard immediately sensed it, and immediately tried to escape, but was blocked by Al and Ahmed in the end.

This time Laurana also solved the problem of the curse, but Blackbeard didn't seem to feel anything unusual, and thought he had something to rely on.Is he out of his head or is Laurana lying?

Seeing Laurana's pale face, El was more inclined to the second possibility, but Laurana pinched his waist fiercely, and said in a low voice, "I tampered with that curse." , He won't notice it for a while, and this is just for him to see. As long as he dares to rush over, you can give him a hard blow, and then throw him to the phantom to deal with it."

"Actually, I think we have another choice at this time." Al looked at the scheming smile on Blackbeard's face, and said in a low voice.He smiled at Blackbeard, then stood up suddenly, hugged Laurana in his arms, turned and fled into the secret passage.

"Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhssesses?" Laurana opened her eyes wide, yelling inexplicably.

"Because I don't like to fight on the battlefield prepared by the enemy." El's swift speed erupted under his feet, even if he was hugging the girl's body, he ignored it, and rushed in without feeling any burden. Among the spiraling upward secret path stairs, the black beard who was unable to react in time was left far behind.

Blackbeard also didn't expect El to retreat so decisively. He stopped after chasing outside the secret passage, his face was cloudy and uncertain, and the power of curse was silently mobilized in his heart, but he disappeared like a stone sinking into the sea.At this time, he finally knew that his voodoo technique had been cracked, but he was also puzzled—why didn't El take the opportunity to counterattack?
The phantom behind him had already chased him down, so he couldn't allow him to think too much.Blackbeard took one last look into the dark shadows deep in the secret passage, and then spread his legs and galloped.Although these two uninvited guests made him spend a lot of unplanned energy, but now everything is back on the track he expected. Compared with the variables of those two people, how to kill this unrelenting phantom is his Now for the toughest question.

"Because I don't think Blackbeard will succeed this time!" El said to Laurana while running.

"Since Blackbeard dares to do this, he must have something to rely on. He is absolutely capable of killing Xuying." Laurana pouted and said, "The blood-red sharp blade in Xuying's hand can be seen as not ordinary. It is impossible for the Bandit King who came here to be unmoved. When the phantom appeared, neither Roger nor Blackbeard paid special attention, which shows that they already know this weapon very well."

"Fact [-] that can be deduced from this: Someone must have tried to snatch this weapon and successfully killed the phantom, and then they will be disappointed to find that this weapon is not as beautiful as it looks, at least it must not be able to carry The place where the treasure is sealed can't even bring out this illusion. And it won't help solve the problem of the next trial, otherwise Roger and Blackbeard should focus on this place from the beginning .”

"Fact [-] that can be deduced from this: Blackbeard appeared here, but Roger did not appear, and he should still be groping for Adrian's story line at the Dark Moon Temple. These two story lines must be at this time today There is an intersection at the point, and Blackbeard has already experienced the first story line completely, so he deduced the important clues on this side in reverse, and now it is certain that it is the seal of the center of the earth. His purpose now is to gather the core of the earth Seal and the blood-red blade, and then move on to the next step that we don't know yet."

"The third fact that can be deduced from this: In this illusion, we and Roger are both first-time experiencers, and only Blackbeard has the most experience. Only he is the most likely to solve the mystery left by Adrian problem, and only by following him can we gain enough benefits, and even snatch that blood-red artifact!"

Laurana raised three fingers one by one, and swayed them in front of El's eyes, almost poking them into his eyes.The little hands and feet left by the girl when expelling the curse were originally intended to hide aside and be a weasel, but I didn't expect that the whole plan was ruined by El's decisive escape, so naturally I won't have a good face.

"Your inference is correct, but I have a different idea!" El shook his head to let Laurana's finger pass, but the speed under his feet did not slow down at all.He jumped up the steps, listened carefully to the movement behind him, and found that the black beard was not chasing after him, so he was relieved in his heart, but when he turned around, he saw the piercing eyes of the young lady.

"Well, my opinion is a little different from yours. Although the phantom is weird, its real strength has not yet reached the level of invincibility. The real danger is the weapon in his hand. After all, this phantom does not have a soul. An intelligent creature with a very rigid way of dealing with problems, as long as you find out the rules, it is not difficult to defeat him... But I still think that Blackbeard will not be able to succeed this time."

Under the eyes of the eldest lady, El retreated quickly, and he had no choice but to explain his thoughts, but with his eloquence, it would take three times as much saliva to get Laurana's approval.

"You still remember, after I assassinated Lucius, he returned to the street not long after, and he was completely unaffected by the killing just now. At that time, the phantom had been chasing me, who was that? How did he resurrect him? And how did he erase the memories of all the onlookers?"

"At that time, I had a vague premonition. In fact, this problem can have a very simple explanation. You call this illusion space-time coordinates. I don't know the specific connotation of this word, but at least I can understand it—it It is a dead thing, something that is fixed here and will not develop and expand on its own. If you think of it as a stick, the distance from one end to the other is the distance from today to tomorrow."

"If I was holding this stick and found that there was rot in one place on it, the most direct way would be to cut off that part. So the Lucius we see may not be resurrected from the dead at all, but This illusion switched directly to the next point in time... There must have been specific changes around that time, but none of us noticed it."

Seeing that Laurana was so shocked that she couldn't speak, El felt as relieved as eating honey. He once dreamed that one day he would be able to completely convince the eldest lady in terms of IQ, but he never thought that this day would come. So fast.Happiness came so suddenly that he was a little ecstatic.

In fact, these problems are not unexpected to Laurana, but the two people look at the problem from different angles, and the conclusions they draw are naturally very different.Perhaps due to the nature of a businessman, Laurana always tries to get benefits from this expedition, while El is trying to find ways to escape at any time.In his own words, the hunter never fights on the battlefield set by the enemy.This is not his battlefield, so he naturally wants to stay far away.

Laurana came back to her senses, squinted her eyes and gave El a hard look. She wanted to say something, but seeing El's blissful expression, she finally just sighed and said: "I really didn't pay attention to this point. According to your judgment, wouldn't Blackbeard be able to steal money this time?"

"It's hard to say, but with his strength, even if he has mastered the most effective means, it will take a lot of time to kill that phantom. If he can kill with one blow, he doesn't have to think about us Two questions. I think there is at least an 10% possibility that by the time he kills that phantom, the time switch of this illusion has been completed." Thinking of this, El couldn't help showing a smirk on his face.In such a short period of time, he had run the tunnel for [-] minutes with Laurana in his arms, and returned to the conference hall.

"Next, we just need to verify this inference with our eyes." He put Laurana on the speaker's private velvet chair, listened again for a moment, and nodded with a smile.

Laurana patted her cheek, and the face that had lost its color immediately returned to a healthy luster.She coughed lightly, stood up and stretched out her right hand. El smiled and stepped forward to hold it. The two of them posed like a real noble couple, opened the door and walked out.

Outside the door is a sea of ​​celebration and joy.

Lucius' Knights had already entered the castle and officially took over the defense here, and the power of the council disappeared at this moment.The servants in the castle spontaneously divided into two groups, some of them quickly removed the decorations with the parliamentary mark, and the other group took out brand new curtains from the warehouse to decorate the castle colorfully.

Everyone's faces were filled with excited and happy smiles, as if this was the most memorable and grand festival in their lives.

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(End of this chapter)

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