rune hunter

Chapter 246 A Handsome Old Face

Chapter 246 A Handsome Old Face
The corrupt parliament has finally ended its rule over Demient, and the long-awaited lord is about to replace him, and the castle is filled with a joyous and festive atmosphere.The news spread that the lord announced the celebration dinner, and the servants in the castle acted spontaneously, moving all the food and wine that belonged to the council out of the warehouse. Many enthusiastic citizens also rushed over to help, bringing the food they made by themselves, The carnival banquet in the evening adds color.

El and Laurana found a lounge near the castle hall and sneaked in.This place was originally a place for noble guests to communicate in private, but now there is a young pair of idiots and girls pouring out their sorrows by the window sill.El didn't have time to pay attention to the whispering of the dog and man, and directly pulled them down and knocked them unconscious, then stripped off their clothes and put them on for himself and Laurana.

According to El's personal experience, as long as he doesn't directly kill people, or make actions that affect the development of the plot, it won't attract the attention of phantom.Although it is still unclear whether that phantom can escape Blackbeard's poisonous hands, but according to Laurana's inference, that thing must have the ability to regenerate, and it is best not to waste time on it before knowing the truth.

Of course, changing clothes is not to deceive people, because they are bystanders who do not belong to this world.What El really wants to hide is the onlookers like himself.No matter Roger or Blackbeard, in the current situation, they will only follow closely behind the clues of the plot, and they will naturally relax a lot of attention to other ordinary people.

He doesn't have to dress up perfectly, he just needs to make himself and Laurana look less conspicuous, at least to ensure the safety of the two of them.

Laurana has reservations about El's disguise. She is not opposed to the idea itself, but just reminds El from a rational point of view that everything in this illusion is illusory and cannot be brought into the real world, otherwise The robbers don't know how much money they have made... If they really put on the clothes of the nobles and the illusion ends suddenly, wouldn't they want to meet everyone with their buttocks naked?
Al carefully imagined that funny scene, and couldn't help but shed a drop of cold sweat.In the end he followed Laurana's advice, and the two of them dressed up hastily, painted their faces dark brown like ordinary citizens with some kind of alchemy residue, put on a hat to cover their heads and faces, and then peeked through the crack of the door The situation outside.

Laurana waited patiently for Lucius' arrival. If El's conjecture of the time jump was correct, Lucius would appear after a while.But they didn't see Lucius' next move at that time, and they didn't know how he would deal with the Seal of the Center of the Earth.No matter what conspiracy he is secretly planning, he will not try to hold the seal of the center of the earth in his arms like Blackbeard. The weight of that thing is not something ordinary people can bear.

Al stood beside Laurana, peeping through the crack of the door with her once, but his mind was no longer here.In fact, he made the decision to retreat back then, not just because of the problem he had guessed on a whim, but another important reason was that he heard whispers in his ear again.

"Take him! Take him! That is your treasure! It must not fall into the hands of others!"

"That's an artifact! It's an artifact that can tear apart space! Don't you want to pursue power?"

"Kill him! Kill Blackbeard! He's just an old bandit leader, and there are your soldiers outside!"

The moment the phantom appeared, El's ears were filled with crazy whispers, those whispers were fast and urgent, it sounded like not a single person, but a group of people clamoring in his ears.Under such harassment, El couldn't concentrate on dealing with Blackbeard at all, so he could only retreat temporarily.

But amid all the noise, El finally determined their target—not the Seal of the Center of the Earth, but the blood-red sharp blade in Phantom's hand.

Those whispers in the ear are quite deceptive. If you were an ordinary person, you might take him as your own voice from the beginning.But El has an innate resistance in this regard. First of all, he is an unbeliever. The only god he has come into contact with since he was a child is the god of agriculture, Xue Ensi. The gods, even his own priests may not have seen him show his divine grace.

Secondly, El's perception ability far exceeds his current overall strength, but even so, he didn't feel any abnormality, neither the perspective ability of the eye of true sight nor the telepathy of little Lanjia can't explain it The source of this whisper.And there is no abnormality, it is precisely the biggest abnormality, which also shows that these voices come from a field that he still cannot understand.

El really wanted to tell Laurana the secret about Whispering, and asked her to help him research the secret.But he didn't know if he was affected by this mysterious force, but he found that he couldn't speak.But all related topics, even issues related to the blood-red sharp blade, cannot be discussed.

There seems to be a voice in my heart saying, this is your own secret, why should you share it with others?
El doesn't know whether this mentality comes from the mysterious influence of the outside world, or a true portrayal of his own heart, but it is certain that it will not help solve the current problem.Everything in this illusion is full of weirdness, making it difficult for him to distinguish between reality and illusion. In other words, this is a battlefield he is not familiar with.

Even if there are great benefits, El is unwilling to fight here. He desperately hopes that this illusion will end as soon as possible.

"He appeared!" Laurana whispered suddenly, and El quickly looked closely, only to find that Lucius walked in from outside the hall.Surrounded by his own knights, he looked plump and looked like he had been killed twice.As the hero everyone expected, Lucius caused quite a stir when he appeared. Everyone put down their work and surrounded him, scrambling to see the true face of the hero.

If the time jump theory guessed by El is true, it means that the seal of the center of the earth is still in his hands, and the two birds with one stone planned by Blackbeard may have come to naught.However, this is only a conjecture, and I am afraid that no conclusion can be easily drawn without sufficient evidence to support it.

"Roger is here too..." Laurana added.

Al followed her gaze, subconsciously squinting.In fact, the two of them hid in the rest room not to avoid Blackbeard, because both sides already knew each other's existence, and they also made it clear that they were hostile. Dress yourself up as a total drama character.

The target they really want to observe is Roger, who has not yet appeared.According to Laurana's deduction, this illusion should actually have two story lines. Roger must be on the first story line, which is Adrian's side, and the place where they and Blackbeard are located is Lucius' second. story line.If nothing else, these two storylines will soon converge, and now happens to be a very suitable opportunity.

With the mind of sitting on the mountain and watching the tigers fight, El very much hoped that Roger and Blackbeard could fight each other, but at this time, there is another person who needs attention-that is Adrian, the thief king.

El and Laurana don't know what Adrian looks like, but it's not difficult to find this person, because he must be the target of Roger.

Several of his subordinates came in with Roger, and El had some impressions of these robbers, because they could be regarded as the most powerful bosses around Roger besides Xi Ya, even though they were They experienced tough battles in the second layer of ruins, but these people were very careful to preserve their strength, and they didn't toss themselves to death like Qian Ya.From this point of view, it can also be proved that none of them are the kind of reckless people.

But... At that time, there were 17 robbers who followed Roger into the secret path, but now only these few strongest cronies are left around him. Where are the others?
This question flashed through Al's mind, and he quickly forgot it because he saw a figure who seemed to be Adrian.

It was a middle-aged man walking beside Roger. He was wearing a simple black tight-fitting monk's suit. He followed behind the enthusiastic citizens and walked into the castle hall with his head down and expressionless expression.Although El had never seen this person's face, he was very familiar with the style of the monk's uniform.

There is only one kind of person in the world who specially tightens the loose monastic uniform into a close-fitting style. Others think that their nerves are not normal, but for them, the clothes are just props to cover the body. Shapes are meaningless.

They are the ascetic monks of the Darkmoon Church.

Adrian's treasure is hidden in the Church of the Darkmoon.

If it is only this connection, it is not enough to deduce the exact identity of this person, but Laurana said quietly on the crack of the door: "This guy is very handsome..."

El has always held deep malice towards those men who rely on their faces for food. He curled his lips and habitually touched the dragon tooth bow behind him.If it were a secluded corner, he might be itching to shoot this guy with an arrow.

Do true ascetics of the Darkmoon Church care about their appearance?El has reservations about this. Apart from the ascetic monk in front of him, he has not seen any more examples.There is an impression of that Miss Shirley in my memory, but compared to her appearance, the murderous side is more impressive.

But this guy in front of him, his old face full of middle-aged melancholy and sensual charm, must be the result of careful maintenance.Compared with other evidences, this face is the only one that can match the suave legend of the Thief King.

Too handsome to be beaten.

 This week is due to various reasons, the update is unstable, and the toothpaste is also very distressed. This chapter should have been posted yesterday. If I can finish another chapter at night, I will make it up in time. I hope readers will understand

(End of this chapter)

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