rune hunter

Chapter 248 A Man of High Virtue

Chapter 248 A Man of High Virtue
Adrian stood among the crowd, looked straight into Lucius' eyes, and said with a serious face: "The son of Caseros, the future lord of Demyonte, Lord Lucius! I saw the coming here disaster, so I came here to warn you!"

There was silence in the hall, and everyone's faces were filled with bewilderment and shock, including Lucius.At this time, he really wanted to pretend to be angry, and scolded: "Where did you come from? Get out of here!", but he couldn't do that now.

The temple built by the Darkmoon Church in Dimient can be said to be the only religious building in this area, even within a radius of several hundred kilometers.Although things like collecting beliefs are only dispensable tasks for the Darkmoon Church, they are the only spiritual support for local residents.

In major life events such as birth and baptism, weddings and funerals, and ancestor worship, both nobles and commoners hope to be blessed and recognized by the clergy.With no choice, they could only settle for the next best thing and pin their hopes on the ascetic monks of the Darkmoon Church.However, from an objective point of view, the integrity and self-discipline that these ascetic monks believed in also earned them sufficient trust.

Lucius grew up in Dimient, and he was very aware of the prestige of the ascetic monks of the Dark Moon Church in Dimient.You can say that these guys are eccentric, but you can't rush to criticize his moral character.In the eyes of ordinary people, a person without material pursuits must be a pure sage.

Even though his words are ferocious and hideous, but he is not greedy for money, does not love beauty, does not fight for power, and even eats only on the standard line of survival, such a guy who is more stubborn than a stone, naturally will not treat anyone People are a threat.

Now that Lucius has just regained the ruling power, it is a great time for the whole city to celebrate. If it were someone else running over and talking nonsense, he would have been thrown out by the guards, or even after listening to the nonsense he made up, at least I also want to ask the last question why, this is all human nature.But if it comes from an ascetic monk, no one dares to listen to him as a deaf ear.

Since Adrian has chosen the belief of Dark Moon, of course it is impossible for him to be as eloquent as before, but there is no problem in theory for him to say this now.There is a change in the seal of the center of the earth, and the law of chaos has penetrated into the mortal world. This level of change can be called a major disaster for the entire world.Although it doesn't seem to have any obvious impact now, if you don't deal with it seriously, it will easily develop into an unmanageable situation if you are not careful.

The onlookers from 1000 years later know that this city will cease to exist after tonight, and even the surrounding territories will become barren.

Therefore, although he hated this guy who suddenly appeared to disrupt the situation, Lucius couldn't reprimand him casually.After all, he has just seized the ruling power, and his personal prestige in the city-state of Dimiant is far from enough to be able to compete with the Dark Moon Church.Now he must remain cautious in his words and deeds in this position, otherwise he may be seized by the remnants of the parliament to splash sewage, and maybe even make a comeback.

"Where did you come from? Get out of here!"

Hearing a shout in his ear suddenly, Lucius jerked violently, only to realize that he didn't speak his mind when he came back to his senses.

Now that he is the lord of a party with more than [-] people, there is no need to do many things by himself.Those grassroots councilors who have come here have already perfected their talents in observing words and emotions.One of the fat old guys noticed something wrong with Lucius' face, and immediately thought he had figured out what the lord was thinking.

Regardless of whether the so-called disaster in the mouth of this ascetic monk is true or not, it is too inappropriate to say it on this memorable day today.This embarrasses the face of the lord, and the embarrassment of the lord is naturally the shame of these servants who are dogs.

This kind of opportunity to be courteous is rare, so he jumped out decisively and yelled brazenly, turning everyone's attention to himself.

Lucius secretly praised in his heart, although most of these sloppy councilors are scumbags, they can still play an important role at certain critical moments.Just like now, with this guy jumping out as a buffer, he doesn't have to confront this inexplicable ascetic monk head-on.

"It's okay, let this Mr. Ascetic finish the sentence." Lucius smiled and patted the shoulder of the old congressman, and said in a calm voice: "Everyone, we have killed the evil dragon and expelled the evil dragon. Corrupt and cowardly parliament, we can have everything today, not relying on the shade of our ancestors to sit back and enjoy the success, but relying on the rewards of going through hardships with our own hands. Now it is just a new challenge. Don’t you have the courage to face it? right?"

The guard knights around shouted in unison, and put the weapons in their hands on the ground heavily, feeling the whole ground tremble.

"What a dazzling slut..." El and Adrian cursed at the same time in their hearts.

Seeing that Lucius regained control of the scene with just a few words, Adrian cleared his throat calmly and said loudly: "My lord, I am the new high priest of the Dark Moon Temple. When the former high priest handed over, he suddenly received a sign from the gods. The power that has guarded this land since ancient times was destroyed, and a terrible disaster is quietly hitting this city-state. And the source of this disaster is Under our feet, in this castle!"

"So that's it!" Lucius put away the smile on his face, and said seriously: "We just entered this castle today, and it has been controlled by the parliament before that, if there is any evil hidden in this castle If it is a thing, it must be a good thing they did!"

The former members of the parliament surrounding Lucius immediately shook their heads, expressing their ignorance of the matter, and at the same time expressing extreme indignation at their own ignorance, and then severely criticized the speaker of the parliament who concealed the truth.This group of people tossed about for a long time, but the real party calmed down and didn't speak for a long time.

Lucius looked at the ascetic monk in front of him meaningfully, thinking about countermeasures in his heart.The appearance of this uninvited guest affected his entire plan, making him not know how to proceed to the next step for a while.The ascetic monks of the Dark Moon Temple have always followed the law of avoiding the world, unless they are invited, they will never take the initiative to do things.But the guy in front of him completely changed his impression of ascetic monks.

Lucius didn't doubt Adrian's identity, because most people can't imitate the detached temperament of the ascetic monk. The question he considered was why the Dark Moon Church had always insisted on neutrality, so why would it suddenly stand up to disrupt the situation at this time.He is not a stupid person. After comparing his actions with the purpose of the Dark Moon Temple, he quickly found an answer that was close to the truth.

What the Darkmoon Church believes in are not tangible gods, but Darkmoon Babylon itself.And the seal of the center of the earth comes from the dark moon, which is equivalent to the sacred object of the dark moon church.As long as these things are connected in series, the purpose of the Dark Moon Church building a temple here will be readily apparent—they are actually protecting their own sacred objects.Lucius didn't know that the two sides still had this connection before, so he didn't take this unexpected factor into consideration.

Facing Lucius' meaningful gaze, Adrian's face remained unchanged, his eyes were as clear as a child who didn't know much about the world, and there was no hypocrisy at all.While Lucius was watching him, he was also watching Lucius' reaction.Because of the old guy's disruption just now, Lucius had a buffer to think about and didn't show any signs, but he intuitively felt that this man must not have told the truth.

Although both of them are film kings, when it comes to the ability to talk nonsense, Adrian is the king of thieves, while Lucius is just a wild lord in the aristocratic circle, and the level gap between the two is very obvious.Even if it's just a change in voice or eyes, Adrian can keenly detect the inner fluctuations of the other party.

These rambling congressmen really don't know anything, they are just expressing their loyalty with meaningless nonsense.But the new lord, Lord Lucius, must know something inside, but it is not enough to judge how much he is involved in this moment.

Thinking of this, Adrian decided to try again to see what cards this lord had.So he stepped forward and said loudly: "Everyone, please be quiet! Now is not the time for you to pursue responsibility! I hope that the lord will allow me to thoroughly investigate this castle and find the source of the disaster!"

"Of course there is no problem, you can get unimpeded access." Lucius laughed, suddenly as if remembering something, the smile on his face stagnated, then smiled wryly, and said to Adrian: "But I'm afraid there will be some trouble today , My knight and I came back from slaying the dragon. We are exhausted and have not rested until now. If that unknown disaster is really as terrible as you said, I think you must need the help of these boys. If you don’t If you mind, I hope to let them have a good meal and sleep, and then you can get a group of lively fighters!"

"One night...?" Adrian paid attention to Lucius' eyes calmly, hesitated for a moment, then nodded softly: "I will follow your wishes, my lord."

 Thank you for your support, toothpaste will work hard, please ask for a recommendation ticket by the way

(End of this chapter)

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