rune hunter

Chapter 249 The Reality Under the Mask

Chapter 249 The Reality Under the Mask
After the sun went down, the city-state of Demient fell into a sea of ​​joy.Both civilians and nobles took to the streets on this night, singing and laughing heartily, celebrating the birth of the new lord.

The celebratory dinner in the castle was held as scheduled, and all the knights were allowed to take a day off. The even more exciting news is that they can drink as much wine in the castle tonight. This order was immediately accepted by all the knights unconditionally. and voted it the best decision of all time.

Adrian, who appeared as an ascetic monk, was kindly retained by Lucius. Although this guy was not very popular in terms of status or behavior, Lucius didn't mind showing the magnanimity that a lord should have.

As expected, his proposal was rejected by Adrian's righteous words, because both parties have their own ghosts in their hearts, so naturally they can't feel the sincerity of the other party. This kind of polite retention is just for outsiders to see It's just a fake.

After seeing off the guests, Lucius left the hall in the name of needing a rest, while Adrian slipped in without anyone noticing after walking around outside.

Also following behind him is Roger, who has been following him so far, and his cronies who are also struggling.Among all the onlookers and plot characters, he may be the only one who has not grasped enough clues and still does not know where the story line will eventually go.

El and Laurana did not have such concerns. They did not continue to follow in the footsteps of Lucius or Adrian, but after a full meal, they returned from the secret passage of the conference room to the place where the Seal of the Center of the Earth was hidden. underground cavity.No matter where the seal of the center of the earth is hidden, there is at least a [-]% chance that Lucius will come back and rearrange the scene.Adrian is going to inspect the castle tomorrow, and it is unreasonable for him to leave a pile of demon corpses here.

As for Blackbeard... because he doesn't know the next plot direction, it's hard for El to judge where this guy went, but he is already prepared. If that guy is not out of his mind, he probably won't come here again provocative.Of course, if he likes to die, El won't hold back anything this time.

The demonic corpses in the underground cavity are still not dealt with, without the suppression of the seal of the center of the earth, the law of chaos is seeping in from the void at a slow but firm speed, and even the evil forces in these corpses are still active.If left alone, it might not take long for these corpses to produce the most basic form of hell demons—painful worms. These worms will kill and devour each other, and the final winner will evolve into a lemure.

Want to clean up the corpses of these demons completely.It's not as simple a job as imagined, but Lucius doesn't seem to be in a hurry about it.He left all his knights in the castle to feast, and then returned to the underground cavity alone.The piles of demon corpses emitted a disgusting stench, mixed with the smell of sulfur, almost forming a natural poison gas trap.

When the battle just ended, the soldiers were all in a state of enthusiasm, and they had no other thoughts in their minds except killing, so they naturally didn't care about such trivial things as the smell around them.But now that he has regained his composure, it may not be so easy to accept this taste again.Lucius frowned when he walked 20 meters away, covered his nose and stopped.He took out a handkerchief from his chest and covered his mouth and nose, and said loudly to the empty underground cavity: "Damn it! Haven't you dealt with it yet?"

The mountain pile of demon corpses squirmed suddenly, and then an inconspicuous demon "corpse" crawled out of it.It tilted its broken neck, stared at Lucius coldly, then raised its hand to slowly straighten its own neck.It let out a long breath, and the demonic features on its body gradually disappeared, revealing a human body.The curved demonic horns on the forehead fell off with a snap, revealing a bald head with tattoos.

"I still need some time." The demon cultist looked at Lucius and said, both in tone and in what he said were exactly the same as when he dealt with the speaker of the parliament.

Kemal didn't run away, and he didn't die either, he just disguised himself as a demon and deceived everyone with his ability to feign death.I don't know if the speaker who escaped from birth will shed a tear for this self-sacrificing friend. He may not realize that the reason why he escaped this disaster is not because of his own shit luck, but A favor bestowed secretly by the enemy.

Of course, in exchange for his life, he will be the best scapegoat in the rest of his life.All the knights saw with their own eyes his collusion with the Demon Sect. From now on, all the sewage related to the Demon Sect can be poured on this gentleman's head.

The reason why Lucius was able to lead the army to arrive in time is also ready to be revealed, because he is the one who really stands on the same front as Kemal, or even more precisely, he himself is a deeply hidden demon cultist!

"I'm sorry, but we really don't have time this time." Lucius said with a sullen face, "The old men from the Dark Moon Church came to the door. These guys usually don't care about the world, but I didn't expect the dog's nose to be so sensitive." , discovered the problem of the seal of the center of the earth so quickly."

"This is not surprising. The purpose of the Dark Moon Church to build a temple here is to protect the seal of the center of the earth. Otherwise, Dimient's background is not enough to attract the attention of the gods. At the beginning of our plan, we have already considered Seeing their existence." Kemal nodded, and there was no surprise on his face.He looked back at the corpses piled up beside him, and said with some embarrassment: "Sacrifice is not a problem, the problem is that we must have enough time to control the power of the demon, otherwise it will be just a simple disaster."

"There is no time, I can only delay that ascetic monk until tomorrow morning." Lucius smiled bitterly: "He kept yelling in front of so many people that he saw the disaster in the future, and in my current capacity It's impossible to stop."

"The Dark Moon Church has never had the ability to prophesy, and we have not revealed any flaws. How did he find out the problem?" Kemal heard Lucius' complaints, did not waste time to shirk responsibility, but put points on his face The color of vigilance.He rolled his eyes, and said with some uncertainty: "Could it be that the Dark Moon Church still hides unknown powerhouses? The laws of chaos that have infiltrated at present are not enough to pose a threat. Except for us professionals, even ordinary people It is impossible for even the strong silver man to feel the problem across the earth, and only those monsters who cross the limit of the mortal world can have such a keen perception..."

"I really appreciate your praise, but if you want to use an adjective like monster, it's a bit too much."

A voice suddenly sounded from the secret passage behind Lucius, and the two of them shook their bodies in fright, and subconsciously clenched the weapons in their hands and looked over there.Only hearing the applause of "pa, pa, pa" sounded in the darkness, Adrian walked out of the secret passage clapping his hands, with an elegant smile on his face.

"If I have to use one sentence to describe me, I think the word 'full of justice' is more appropriate. That's right, I'm just a passerby full of justice."

"You're not an ascetic monk!" Lucius gripped the hilt of his sword tightly and asked in a deep voice, "Who are you?"

"Actually, it's true to say that. I was not a believer in the Dark Moon this morning...but I would like to ask you the same question, my lord." Adrian flicked the horn on his lips Beard, looked at Lucius with an unrestrained smile, and said in his mouth: "You are already the undisputed lord of the Demient city-state, and this land and the people on it are already your private property. You are already He has absolute prestige, is the lord whom the hearts of the people aspire to, and has the unswerving loyalty of knights... Then, why do you still use the power of demons?"

Adrian's doubts are also the doubts of the onlookers. Even El and Laurana have never been able to figure out what Lucius and the Demon Cult are secretly planning to make peace with.It would not be surprising if he wanted to use the power of the devil when he was fighting openly and secretly with the parliament before, but now he is the winner with everything. Do you want to do your best to contribute to the demons of hell?
Looking at his clear eyes, it doesn't look like he has been manipulated, and he is not a brainless person, so what is the purpose of his current behavior is worth studying.

Hearing Adrian's words pointing out the plan in his heart, Lucius laughed, and no longer concealed his strength. He stretched out an arm, opened his palm upward, and the raging fire suddenly descended from the void, gathering It burned in the palm of his hand, illuminating the entire huge underground space.

"A passer-by with a sense of justice? Haha! If you are really just a passer-by, what right do you have to say such things in front of me?" Lucius tore off the masquerade of righteousness on his face, and his handsome face burst into flames. It became distorted under the reflection.

"You said that I already have everything? Not even the gods can own everything, let alone me, a mere local lord? Do you think I'm an ignorant country scum? In the eyes of the kingdoms, it is just an uncivilized wild land, and even the gods are unwilling to take a second look?"

The flame drew a brilliant trace in the darkness, Lucius stared at Adrian and said with a sneer: "And a self-righteous bastard like you can stand by and make sarcastic remarks, why should I be satisfied with the one that belongs to me?" Some property?"

Make up yesterday's chapter, and update today's chapter later!
(End of this chapter)

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